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Briskheat Serial Communication Analysis A tool for connecting to the Centipede Briskheat tool for measuring temperatures through RS-232 port. Files in use in latest version are and


If you just want it to run, just run, which will prompt you to answer some questions. After finished, will output will prompt for a password, and will then proceed to run the whole program. No further interaction needed!


Briskheat-Serial requires the libraries:

  • time
  • re
  • datetime
  • mysql.connector
  • pyserial

The latter two not being apart of the python standard library

This is the bread and butter of the program. It connects to the Briskheat and handles the connection and parsing. To run the serial_reader, first initialize class Briskheat and then run the command save_dump() on the new object. To debug and have further communication/control of the Briskheat, run ez_terminal() on the object.

Initializing Briskheat

Initialization requires several parameters

  • tool : name of tool this briskheat is monitoring for identification purposes. Keep in mind that changing this only results in a name change and will not physically change the tool that the briskheat is monitoring.
  • path : port to open,
  • poll_interval_x10 : interval to poll data: unit of time is ten seconds,
  • sql_interval_xpoll : interval to send information to datase: unit of time is 1 poll interval
  • status_dir : directory to write status and log messages to
  • host : host of sql databse
  • user : username for the sql server
  • pswd : password for the sql server
  • db : sql database name
  • t : table name to store the data in
  • lt: log table to store status and log messages



bh = Briskheat('HHT01', '/dev/ttyUSB0', 30, 20, 'status.CSV', 'sql_host', 'user1', 'hunter2', 'briskheat', 'Temp_HHT01', 'Status_HHT01')

will generate a Briskheat object called bh that

  • identified as reading from the tool HHT01 (which it hopefully actually is)
  • reads from the usb device mounted on '/dev/ttyUSB0'
  • have a poll interval of 30 x 10 seconds(5 min)
  • the interval of sending the stored up cache of data will be 20 x poll interval, so 20 x 5 min(1 hour)
  • store status and log messages in a file called 'status.CSV'
  • connect to a database using the
    • host with the name 'sql_host'
    • password 'hunter2'
    • database 'briskheat'
    • table for storing temperatures 'Temp_HHT01'
    • table for storing status and log messages 'Status_HHT01'

How it Works

Briskheat uses pyserial to connect to the serial port, connecting using parameters as defined in open. It establishes to the briskheat using the default password 'briskheat' and uses methods to send and read from the briskheat. Briskheat also utilizes the program which, using the parameters given in initialization, generates a connection between the program and the sql database specified. The user should never have to work directly with

Starting the Recording Process

Using the command

To start the process of recording temperatures, run the command save_dump() on the object


Using the previous object created in the previous example, bh, running the following command will start the recording process: bh.save_dump()

Debugging and Further Control

Run ez_terminal on the object and in terminal, a mini-terminal will start with BH > . From here, more commands can be run. By pressing '?' and enter, further help and commands will show.

> Note with the current build, disabled zones will not send error messages as to not spam the status log with unimportant error messages and dilute the file. If needed to change, navigate to error check and delete code != '001'

The user should never have to directly interact with this file, but will need to set up the database and the tables serverside for the sql logging to properly work. The databases and tables can be at any location, but the specific columns of the table need to be set up in a specific way for


There should be two tables that each briskheat will connect to. The temperature table and the logging table.

Temperature Table

Each tool should have its own temperature table. It would be wise to have a common nomenclature between these tables, such as Briskheat_HHT01 for the tool HHT01. The temperature table should have a similar format to as the following:

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
ts datetime NO PRI NULL
z01 float(3,1) YES NULL
z02 float(3,1) YES NULL
z03 float(3,1) YES NULL
z04 float(3,1) YES NULL
z05 float(3,1) YES NULL
... ... ... ... ... ...

... and so on ...

The first line should be a timestamp and the primary key; the subsequent lines should be zone numbers. Make sure that when setting up the temperature table, there are as many zone columns as there are zones attached to the briskheat. To do this, use the briskheat object (which can be found in if setup earlier) and call the method sm() or use ez_terminal() and input sm and then enter. This will show the zones. Be careful because the zones may not be numbered sequentially, the briskheat allows for zone assignment, so there could be pseudorandom numbering.

A basic framework for setting up this table would be:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS briskheat_*tool* (
  z01 FLOAT(3,1), z02 FLOAT(3,1), z03 FLOAT(3,1), z04 FLOAT(3,1), z05 FLOAT(3,1),

Status Table

There should only be one status table for all of the tools, or maybe one per group of tools. The table should be setup up like so:

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
ID int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
ts datetime NO NULL
identifier varchar(32) YES NULL
StatusID varchar(16) YES NULL
zone int(4) YES NULL
msg varchar(256) YES NULL

This time the field names are important and should not be changed, if they must, then the field names in method write_log() in should be changed as well.

A basic framework for setting up this table would be:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS status_briskheat (
	StatusID VARCHAR(8),
	zone INT(4),
	msg VARCHAR(256)

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