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File metadata and controls

217 lines (111 loc) · 7.29 KB


folsom is an Erlang based metrics and event system. The metrics API's purpose is to collect realtime metrics from various systems via REST and Erlang API's. folsom is not a persistent store, it uses ETS and state to hold values in memory. Generally an external service should be used to consume folsom's data and calculations.

The basic idea is that you create a metric via either API and then alert the metric with new values as you receive them. A common metric to track would be HTTP response times. You can then retrieve information about these metrics, such as a histogram and the mean. The metric data is stored in memory in one of three kinds of samples, none (circular buffer), uniform and exponentially decaying. Additionally you can tag you metrics so you can query groups of them.

The other half of folsom is it's event system. This can be used to track events in a system. folsom allows you to create "event handlers" that you can think of them as capped-size ordered buckets of events. Each bucket can be assigned tags upon creation which can be used later to retrieve a group of handlers. Events within these bucks are assigned a time ordered key based on epoch (in microseconds), additionally events can be assigned tags on creation which can be used later to retrieve a group of events.

Lastly, folsom as both erlang and REST API's for Erlang VM statistics.

Building and running

You need a (preferably recent) version of Erlang installed but that should be it.

   ./rebar get-deps
   ./rebar compile
  • Note that ibrowse is only a dep for the test suite.

folsom can be run standalone or embedded in an Erlang application.

   $ erl -pa ebin deps/*/ebin

   > folsom:start(). % or start_link ...

_metrics API Usage

Here are some examples in both HTTP and Erlang.

Create a exdec metric named "a" with a sample size of 5 values, a tag "test" and an alpha of 1:

   > folsom_metrics_event:add_handler(a, exdec, 5, 1).

   $ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5565/_metrics -d '{"id": "a", "size": 5, "type": "exdec", "tags": ["test"], "alpha": 1}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Create a uniform metric named "b" with a sample size of 5 values:

   > folsom_metrics_event:add_handler(b, uniform, 5).

   $ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5565/_metrics -d '{"id": "b", "size": 5, "type": "uniform"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Create a metric without sampling named "c" with a sample size of 5 values:

   > folsom_metrics_event:add_handler(c, none, 5).

   $ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5565/_metrics -d '{"id": "c", "size": 5, "type": "none"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Query available metrics:

  > folsom_metrics_event:get_handlers().

  $ curl -X GET http://localhost:5565/_metrics

Query available event handlers with additional info:

  > folsom_metrics_event:get_handlers_info().

  $ curl http://localhost:5565/_metrics?info=true

Query a specific metric:

  > folsom_metrics_event:get_statistics(a).

  $ curl -X GET http://localhost:5565/_metrics/a

Query handlers that have a specific tag assigned:

  > folsom_metrics_event:get_tagged_handlers(test).

  $ curl http://localhost:5565/_metrics?tag=test

Query handlers that have a specific tag assigned and aggregate their samples and returns stats:

  > folsom_metrics_event:get_aggregated_statistics(test).

  $ curl http://localhost:5565/_metrics?tag=test&aggregate=true

Query handlers that have a specific tag assigned and aggregate their samples:

  > folsom_metrics_event:get_aggregated_values(test).

  $ curl http://localhost:5565/_metrics?tag=test&aggregate=true&raw=true

Query a specific metric for its raw sample:

  > folsom_metrics_event:get_values(a).

  $ curl http://localhost:5565/_metrics/a?raw=true

Query the covariance of two metrics:

  > folsom_statistics:get_covariance(b, a).

  > curl http://localhost:5565/_metrics/b?covariance=a

Notify a metric of an event:

  > folsom_metrics_event:notify({a, 1}).

  $ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5565/_metrics/a -d '{"value": 1}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Delete a metric:

   > folsom_metrics_event:delete_handler(a).

   $ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5565/_metrics/a

_events API Usage

Create a event handler named "d" with a max size of 5 and two tags:

   > folsom_events_event:add_handler(d, [test, blah], 5).

   $ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5565/_events -d '{"id": "d", "size": 5, "tags": ["test", "blah"]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Query available event handlers:

  > folsom_events_event:get_handlers().

  $ curl http://localhost:5565/_events

Query available event handlers with additional info:

  > folsom_events_event:get_handlers_info().

  $ curl http://localhost:5565/_events?info=true

Query handlers that have a specific tag assigned:

  > folsom_events_event:get_tagged_handlers(test).

  $ curl http://localhost:5565/_events?tag=test

Query a specific event handler for events:

  > folsom_events_event:get_events(d).

  $ curl http://localhost:5565/_events/d

Query a specific event handler for events with a limit:

  > folsom_events_event:get_events(d, 1).

  $ curl http://localhost:5565/_events/d?limit=1

Query a specific event_handler for events with a tag:

  > folsom_events_event:get_events(d, test).

  $ curl http://localhost:5565/_events/d?tag=test

Query a specific event_handler for events with a tag and limit results to 1 event:

  > folsom_events_event:get_events(d, test).

  $ curl http://localhost:5565/_events/d?tag=test&limit=1

Notify an event handler of an event:

  > folsom_events_event:notify({d, [test], "something"}).

  $ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5565/_events/d -d '{"event": "something", "tags": ["test", "blah"]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Delete a event handler:

   > folsom_events_event:delete_handler(d).

   $ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5565/_events/d

Erlang VM Metrics:

The result of erlang:memory/0:

   > folsom_vm_metrics:get_memory().

   $ curl http://localhost:5565/_memory

The result of erlang:system_info/1:

   > folsom_vm_metrics:get_system_info().

   $ curl http://localhost:5565/_system

The result of erlang:statistics/1:

   > folsom_vm_metrics:get_statistics().

   $ curl http://localhost:5565/_statistics

Sample Output

Stats for metric 'a':

  $ curl http://localhost:5565/_metrics/a


Events for event handler 'd':

   $ curl http://localhost:5565/_events/d


Erlang VM memory metrics:

   $ curl http://localhost:5565/_memory


To Do

  • Better statistical functions test coverage
  • Sampling functions test coverage
  • More production testing
  • ETS for metrics values?
  • API for counters?