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System Manual

yagmurse edited this page Jan 7, 2022 · 2 revisions

Android Application

  • Install the latest version of Android Studio and SDK tools.
  • Pull the repository.
  • Checkout branch android-main.
  • Set-up AVD Manager with Pixel 2 API 30.

  • Run the application in the emulator.

Frontend Application

  • System requirement: Linux, Windows or Macos operating system and a browser
  • Pull the repository.
  • İnstall Node.js.
  • Checkout branch frontend-main.
  • Open the terminal and change the current directory as code->frontend.
  • On the terminal run "npm install"
  • On the terminal run "npm install react-router-dom@5.2.0"
  • On the terminal run "npm install jwt-decode"
  • On the terminal run "npm install axios --save"
  • On the terminal run "npm install --save react-google-map"
  • On the terminal run "npm i react-comments-section"
  • On the terminal run "install react-google-autocomplete"
  • Run the application with the command "npm start"
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