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Use Cases

Şeyma Ertem edited this page Mar 29, 2016 · 8 revisions

Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram

Use Cases

###Use Case 1 ### Name: Sign up

Actor: Guest

Goal : Signing up to the system


  • Guest must have an email address.
  • Guest must choose a unique username.
  • Guest must write their real name.
  • Guest must set a password.
  • Password must consists of at least 9 characters.
  • Password must be consist at least one number, one upper case letter.
  • Password must be verified by typing it again.
  • Guest must choose a country and a city.
  • Guest must choose an age.
  • Guest must enter a valid phone number.


  • Guest enters a username, password, email, country, city, phone number, age.
  • Guest verifies the verification message on their phone or mailbox.

Post Conditions:

  • Guest becomes a user.
  • User can log in by email and password.
  • User can log in by phone number and password.

###Use Case 2### Name: Log in

Actor: User

Goal: Logging into the system

Preconditions :

  • User must enter a valid phone number or email.
  • User must enter the matching password of the email or the phone number.


  • User enters their phone number or email or username with the matching password.
  • System checks whether the given information exists in the system.

Post Conditions :

  • If the given information does not exist in the system, the system asks to log in again.

Use Case 3

Name: Search

Actor: User

Goal: Search topics by the given keyword


  • User must enter at least 3 characters.
  • The given keyword must have at least 2 subsequent characters that are not white space.


  • System must search the topics by an algorithm which brings the recommended and related topics to the top.

Post Condition :

  • System must show a message about the details of search.
  • System must ask for a proper keyword when the given keyword is not a valid one.

Use Case 4

Name: Deactivating a Profile

Actor: User

Goal: Deactivating a profile


  • User must enter the password.
  • User must enter the same password again.
  • User must enter the code that is sent by the system through phone or email.

Steps :

  • The system will send a verification message through phone and email.
  • The user's profile will be deactivated.

Post Condition :

  • The profile gets deactivated.
  • The profile will not be deactivated if the verification code is not entered, or if the passwords are not matching, or if the password is wrong.

Use Case 5

Name: Rate

Actor: Registered User(Student or Teacher)

Goal: Rating a topic teacher or a question.


  • User must be logged in.
  • User must be browsing the page on which question/topic is posted.


  • User assigns an integer between 1 and 5(both inclusive) as a feedback for the contribution that the object of rating makes to the community.

Post Conditions:

  • System will display the updated average rating of the object(topic, question or teacher).
  • User will be forbidden to rate the same object once again unless he/she cancels his/her previous rating.

Use Case 6

Name: Create Topic

Actor: Teacher

Goal: Creating a topic


  • Teacher must be logged in.


  • Teacher types the topic name(a.k.a topic's title).
  • Teacher writes an introduction for the topic.
  • Teacher uploads the content of his/her choice(Choices are images, text or video).
  • Teacher puts on some tags that he/she thinks are suitable for the topic he/she intends to create.
  • Teacher may make a quiz about the topic.

Post Conditions:

  • Registered users can display the topic.
  • Registered users can comment on the topic.
  • Registered users can report the topic.
  • Registered users can search the story with topics title and the tags.
  • The teacher who created the topic may add or erase content from the topic.
  • Registered users can ask questions and post messages on the discussion page of the topic.
  • Registered users may take on quizzes(if there are any) and see how well they scored.

Team Members:

Project Materials:

  • [Themes & Features](Themes & Features)
  • [User Stories](User Stories)
  • Personas
  • [Domain Analysis](Domain Analysis)
  • Requirements
  • [Project Plan](Project Plan)
  • [Communication Plan](Communication Plan)
  • RAM
  • [Use Cases](Use Cases)
  • [Class Diagram](Class Diagram)
  • [Activity Diagram](Activity Diagram)
  • [Sequence Diagram](Sequence Diagram)
  • Mockups
  • [Peer Reviews](Peer Reviews)
  • [Test Cases](Test Cases)
  • [Web Application](Web Application)


  • [Teamwork and Communication](Teamwork and Communication)
  • [Software Development Life Cycle](Software Development Life Cycle)
  • [Five Dysfunctions of a Team](Five Dysfunctions of a Team)
  • [Scrum in 10 Minutes](Video Documentation 2)

GitHub Tutorials:

  • [Issue System](Issue System)
  • [Versioning System](Versioning System)


Customer Meetings:

  • [Meeting 1 on 25.03.2016](Customer Meeting 1 on 25.03.2016)
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