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Communication Plan

Onur Kılıçoğlu edited this page May 4, 2020 · 3 revisions

Customer Communication Plan

Where Who Why When
Piazza Everybody Regular Communication Channel Always
Email Communicator Formal Communication Channel Always



It is the main communication channel with the customer. Customer can reach the team via the piazza website of CMPE352.


Official email account for any contact :

It will be used as official inquires are needed.

Team Communication Plan

Where Who Why When
BM Lounge/Zoom Everybody Weekly meetings Wednesdays 19.00-21.00
WhatsApp Everybody Emergency Communication Channel Always
Slack Everybody Regular Communication Channel Always
GitHub Everybody Public Discussion, Issues and Project Details Always
Zoom Whoever Needs Small group meetings about the weekly tasks When needed


Weekly Meetings

Weekly meetings will be hold to decide on the main action items and to discuss about the progress of the project.


Zoom is used as the new platform to host out weekly meetings and small group meetings since the meetings cannot be done in person due to covid-19.


Since everybody in the team uses WhatsApp, it will be used as the emergency communication channel.


Slack will be used as the regular communication channel to discuss issues and share ideas about the project.


GitHub will be used as the main tool for tracking the project.

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