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A Deployed Application Web Application

Closed May 14, 2023 100% complete

Assignment: We will develop a simple web application that includes developing an Ap-
plication Programming Interface (API). Each team member will consume an API call result and also create an API function.
The API we will develop should be useful for our own team project. It should be well-documented and meaningful
for our course project. Follow these cri…

Assignment: We will develop a simple web application that includes developing an Ap-
plication Programming Interface (API). Each team member will consume an API call result and also create an API function.
The API we will develop should be useful for our own team project. It should be well-documented and meaningful
for our course project. Follow these criteria:

  1. Assure that each member creates their development environment, including locally deploying
    your application via docker (item 7).
  2. Push all work related to the assignment under a folder created in your repository (GitHub)
    called practice-app.
  3. You must use the API function that provides a JSON response. Once you fetch (GET) the
    response, you will process the JSON content. (Note that some APIs use POST to acquire
    data, follow their documentation.). The more you use the functionalities of the API the better
    you will master their use.
  4. Create a RESTful API which utilizes the APIs of you choose (in item 3). Your API must,
    support the GET and POST methods.
  5. Provide a basic application with a front-end that an end-user can use. A simple user interface
    is suffcient, however you may choose to develop some skills to make a more sophisticated
  6. Test your API using a tool like Postman (
  7. Dockerize your application .
  8. Create an Amazon AWS EC2 instance ( and deploy your
    application to your server using the docker image. Update your GitHub wiki page to
    document the application including the deployed URL. Perform user acceptance
  9. Each member of the team must:
  • contribute to the code base by providing at least one functionality
  • write unit tests for their code
  • request for code review
  • review the code of other team members
  • create pull requests that implies code review.
  • Update your GitHub wiki page with a description of the API and the functionality
    you introduced. You may use API documentation services which format your API very
    nicely, such as Swagger (

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