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πŸ“ Archived - 🚧 V0-beta ♻️ a spy-history refactor

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Why ?

The purpose of this platform is to allow any player with an API key to see where the characters linked to the API key are in the history of Guild Wars 2.


A first project was born after a discussion with the LBM. This first project corresponded more to a beta. This one has more vocation to be a v1.


Know bug

Env file


# dev

# prod


REACT_APP_API_URL= the gw2 api url (

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

yarn test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

yarn build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!

See the section about deployment for more information.

API V2 GuildWars 2 documentation



The API follows the general pattern of enumerating possible values of the subsequent path segment, with the fully qualified path yielding a json object of the type being enumerated.

For example, /v2/colors will yield :

[1, 2, 3, ... ]

which can be used to create the fully qualified path of :


Key :

  • l : locale aware (via ?lang=<langId>)
  • d : currently disabled
  • a : requires authentication

The following paths are exposed by this API :

  • /v2/account [a]
  • /v2/account/achievements [a]
  • /v2/account/bank [a]
  • /v2/account/dailycrafting [a]
  • /v2/account/dungeons [a]
  • /v2/account/dyes [a]
  • /v2/account/finishers [a]
  • /v2/account/gliders [a]
  • /v2/account/home
  • /v2/account/home/cats [a]
  • /v2/account/home/nodes [a]
  • /v2/account/inventory [a]
  • /v2/account/luck [a]
  • /v2/account/mail [d,a]
  • /v2/account/mailcarriers [a]
  • /v2/account/mapchests [a]
  • /v2/account/masteries [a]
  • /v2/account/mastery/points [a]
  • /v2/account/materials [a]
  • /v2/account/minis [a]
  • /v2/account/mounts
  • /v2/account/mounts/skins [a]
  • /v2/account/mounts/types [a]
  • /v2/account/novelties [a]
  • /v2/account/outfits [a]
  • /v2/account/pvp/heroes [a]
  • /v2/account/raids [a]
  • /v2/account/recipes [a]
  • /v2/account/skins [a]
  • /v2/account/titles [a]
  • /v2/account/wallet [a]
  • /v2/account/worldbosses [a]
  • /v2/achievements [l]
  • /v2/achievements/categories [l]
  • /v2/achievements/daily
  • /v2/achievements/daily/tomorrow
  • /v2/achievements/groups [l]
  • /v2/adventures [l,d]
  • /v2/adventures/:id/leaderboards [d]
  • /v2/adventures/:id/leaderboards/:board/:region [d]
  • /v2/backstory/answers [l]
  • /v2/backstory/questions [l]
  • /v2/build
  • /v2/characters [a]
  • /v2/characters/:id/backstory [a]
  • /v2/characters/:id/core [a]
  • /v2/characters/:id/crafting [a]
  • /v2/characters/:id/dungeons [d,a]
  • /v2/characters/:id/equipment [a]
  • /v2/characters/:id/heropoints [a]
  • /v2/characters/:id/inventory [a]
  • /v2/characters/:id/quests [a]
  • /v2/characters/:id/recipes [a]
  • /v2/characters/:id/sab [a]
  • /v2/characters/:id/skills [a]
  • /v2/characters/:id/specializations [a]
  • /v2/characters/:id/training [a]
  • /v2/colors [l]
  • /v2/commerce/delivery [a]
  • /v2/commerce/exchange
  • /v2/commerce/listings
  • /v2/commerce/prices
  • /v2/commerce/transactions [a]
  • /v2/continents [l]
  • /v2/createsubtoken [a]
  • /v2/currencies [l]
  • /v2/dailycrafting
  • /v2/dungeons [l]
  • /v2/emblem
  • /v2/events [l,d]
  • /v2/events-state [d]
  • /v2/files
  • /v2/finishers [l]
  • /v2/gemstore/catalog [l,d]
  • /v2/gliders [l]
  • /v2/guild/:id [a]
  • /v2/guild/:id/log [a]
  • /v2/guild/:id/members [a]
  • /v2/guild/:id/ranks [a]
  • /v2/guild/:id/stash [a]
  • /v2/guild/:id/storage [a]
  • /v2/guild/:id/teams [a]
  • /v2/guild/:id/treasury [a]
  • /v2/guild/:id/upgrades [a]
  • /v2/guild/permissions [l]
  • /v2/guild/search
  • /v2/guild/upgrades [l]
  • /v2/home
  • /v2/home/cats
  • /v2/home/nodes
  • /v2/items [l]
  • /v2/itemstats [l]
  • /v2/legends
  • /v2/mailcarriers [l]
  • /v2/mapchests
  • /v2/maps [l]
  • /v2/masteries [l]
  • /v2/materials [l]
  • /v2/minis [l]
  • /v2/mounts
  • /v2/mounts/skins [l]
  • /v2/mounts/types [l]
  • /v2/novelties [l]
  • /v2/outfits [l]
  • /v2/pets [l]
  • /v2/professions [l]
  • /v2/pvp
  • /v2/pvp/amulets [l]
  • /v2/pvp/games [a]
  • /v2/pvp/heroes [l]
  • /v2/pvp/ranks [l]
  • /v2/pvp/rewardtracks [l,d]
  • /v2/pvp/runes [l,d]
  • /v2/pvp/seasons [l]
  • /v2/pvp/seasons/:id/leaderboards
  • /v2/pvp/seasons/:id/leaderboards/:board/:region
  • /v2/pvp/sigils [l,d]
  • /v2/pvp/standings [a]
  • /v2/pvp/stats [a]
  • /v2/quaggans
  • /v2/quests [l]
  • /v2/races [l]
  • /v2/raids [l]
  • /v2/recipes
  • /v2/recipes/search
  • /v2/skills [l]
  • /v2/skins [l]
  • /v2/specializations [l]
  • /v2/stories [l]
  • /v2/stories/seasons [l]
  • /v2/titles [l]
  • /v2/tokeninfo [a]
  • /v2/traits [l]
  • /v2/vendors [l,d]
  • /v2/worldbosses
  • /v2/worlds [l]
  • /v2/wvw/abilities [l]
  • /v2/wvw/matches
  • /v2/wvw/matches/overview
  • /v2/wvw/matches/scores
  • /v2/wvw/matches/stats
  • /v2/wvw/matches/stats/:id/guilds/:guild_id
  • /v2/wvw/matches/stats/:id/teams/:team/top/kdr
  • /v2/wvw/matches/stats/:id/teams/:team/top/kills
  • /v2/wvw/objectives [l]
  • /v2/wvw/ranks [l]
  • /v2/wvw/rewardtracks [l,d]
  • /v2/wvw/upgrades [l]


APIs which are locale aware accept the ?lang=<langId> option. For example :


Possible locale langId values include :

  • en
  • es
  • de
  • fr
  • zh

Bulk expansion

Many APIs offer bulk expansion. APIs that offer bulk expansion will provide a list of possible IDs when no parameters are provided. As set of ids can be then be resolved into objects via one of four methods. The simplest is by specifying multiple ids via query parameter, as in :


Individual ids may also be requested via

  • /v2/colors/1
  • /v2/colors?id=1

Some endpoints support returning all resources. To do this, one may also specify all to expand all ids. For example :


Not all APIs support the all keyword as it may be too expensive.

Another approach to bulk expansion is through pages. Use the ?page=<page#> parameter to specify the requeste page. Optionally, you can also provide a &page_size=<page size> value to adjust to your preferred page size.

Sample usage is:


Pay attention to response headers which provide additional metadata about the underlying collection, pagination info, and links.


APIs which require authentication need to be passed an API key belonging to the account to be accessed. The API key must have the appropriate permissions associated with it (/v2/tokeninfo can be used to inspect key permissions). Keys can be generated on the ArenaNet account site.

Keys can be passed either via query parameter or HTTP header. Our servers do not support preflighted CORS requests, so if your application is running in the user's browser you'll need to user the query parameter.

To pass via query parameter, include ?access_token=<API key> in your request.

To pass via HTTP header, include Authorization: Bearer <API key>.

Path generation function

πŸš€ this function generates the paths that connect the different blocks of the story

πŸ“ src/function/sharedFunction.ts

 * generate the arrow for the map
 * @Param {HTMLElement} idFrom arrow start
 * @Param {HTMLElement} idTo arrow end
 * @Param {HTMLElement} idLine the arrow element (have any type because tslint...)
 * @Param {boolean} gORr if the quest is done or not
 * @Param {boolean} grey if the quest is blocked or not
 * @Return {void} return nothing update the DOM
function gArrow(idFrom: any, idTo: any, idLine: any, gORr: boolean, grey: boolean): void {...}

Data map

πŸ’‘ these 3 files allow you to set up the entire application tree in terms of data.

πŸ“ src/data

back stories

πŸš€ set each unauthorized id for each back story choice

πŸ“ src/data/backStories.tsx

πŸ’‘ why ?

The player's choices only impact certain parts of the quests and most seasons are unaffected by the choices. It is therefore simpler to say which one is forbidden than to list all the authorized quests.

quests list

🚨 Due to the explanation given below this file must be kept up to date at the same time as the latest Guild Wars 2 episode releases. If a better solution exists you can create an issue on this repo or a pr.

πŸš€ the display is generated automatically thanks to the table. They must be built according to the desired view

πŸ“ src/data/backStories.tsx

πŸ’‘ why ?

The guild wars 2 API does not allow to know with precision the order of the quests. In particular if a quest offers a choice between several quests at its end.

βš™ content

  • list of all quests id before 2 choices in the game
  • list of all quests id before 3 choices in the game
  • list of all quests id before 5 choices in the game
  • list of all quests for durmand
  • list of all quests for whisper
  • list of all quests for vigil
  • list of all quests in the game in the form {pid: 0, id: 77} where pid is a string or an array with the previous quest and id the current quest

link for external content

πŸš€ Allows to :

  • put a link to the site of the "Le Bus Magique" and a wiki, in English and / or French for the seasons
    'A515A1D3-4BD7-4594-AE30-2C5D05FF5960': {
      'fr': {
        'link': '',
        'wiki': '',
      'eng': {
        'link': '',
        'wiki': '',
  • put a link to the "magic bus" site, a video and a wiki, in English and / or French for episodes and quests
    '87': {
      'fr': {
        'link': '',
        'video': '',
        'wiki': '',
      'eng': {
        'link': '',
        'video': '',
        'wiki': '',

πŸ“ src/data/tutorials.tsx