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1. Requirements and Installation

Jeff Bowman edited this page May 22, 2021 · 16 revisions

Complete instructions for installing paprica on OSX can be found here. Linux users should have little difficulty following those instructions with some common-sense modifications. There is also a script in the repository that will, in theory, install paprica and all its dependencies. However, I recommend that you use this script as a guide and not simply execute it.

Paprica requires a bash equipped, Linux-like operating environment with at least 8 Gb RAM. It was developed on Ubuntu. I do not regularly test it on OSX, but I hear that it works fine. Paprica will also work in Windows 10 via the Windows Subsystem for Linux and is regularly tested in that environment.

The script relies on several open-source tools to function. All of these tools are mainstream and useful on their own if you’re working with 16S rRNA gene data. Required tools for that should be located in your path are:

  • Python 3.6 or higher, callable as Python3
  • The following Python modules: pandas, joblib, Biopython, numpy, termcolor
  • Infernal, (including the easel/miniapps subdirectory*)
  • gappa
  • Seqmagik
  • epa-ng

In addition this software is recommended for viewing the trees produced by pplacer: Archaeopteryx (optional but highly recommended, it will allow you to view the phyloxml “fat” trees produced by gappa in the script).

If you want to build the database from scratch you need all of the dependencies for plus:

  1. RAxML (paprica will assume the combiled binary is standard-RAxML/raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-AVX2)
  2. RAxML-ng (yes, right now you need both RAxML-ng and RAxML, we're working in it...)
  3. Pathway-Tools
  4. The Python module ete3

Last, if you use the or extensions for metagenomic or metatranscriptomic analysis you will need:

  2. BWA

*Easel is included as part of the Infernal package. You simply need to make sure that infernal/easel/miniapps is included in your path. For OSX users easel might be in a slightly different location, refer to this tutorial.