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File metadata and controls

403 lines (297 loc) · 8.05 KB

Policier allows to validate the request via JWT.


To install the installation policy, you must use composer (PHP package manager) like this.

composer require bowphp/policier


You can look at all the configuration options here.

return [
   * Token expiration time
  "exp" => 3600,

   * The token can be used after this time
  "nbf" => 60,

   * The token was issued
  "iat" => 60,

   * Configure the transmitter
  "iss" => "localhost",

   * Configure the audience
  "aud" => "localhost",

   * Hash algorithm used
   * HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512,
  "alg" => "HS512",

   * Your Signature, this field is required for other types of hash except RSA
  'signkey' => null,

   * Signature using your RSA, this will load automatically if the hash key is RSA type
  "keychain" => [
     * Path to your private key
    "private" => null,

     * Path to your public key
    "public" => null


Policier is very easy to use and has a clear API. The configuration returns a singleton.

use Policier\Policier;

$configure = require "/path/to/config/file.php";

$policier = Policier::configure($configure);

You can also do like this:

use Policier\Policier;

$configure = require "/path/to/config/file.php";


$policier = Policier::getInstance();

After configuration, you can use the policier helper:

policier($action, ...$args);

The value of action must be one of encode, decode, parse, verify, validate.

Set or Get configuration

Set Configuration

You can update configuration base with setConfig method:

$policier->setConfig('exp', time() + 72000);

Get configuration

You can also get configuration with getConfig method:


Encode Token

Token encoding is very quickly:

$id = uniqid();

$claims = [
  "name" => "Franck",
  "nickname" => "papac",
  "logged" => true

$token = $policier->encode($id, $claims);

$token->expireIn(); // Expired In
$token->getToken(); // Token value

echo $token;
//=> eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiI6IjEifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJsb2NhbGhvc3QiLCJhdWQiOiJsb2NhbGhvc3QiLCJqdGkiOi.l7v0bS0rqnK1IeRGRBTFIH5s2TN9KtgD7BLivApq

$ token is an instance of Policier\Token and implements the __toString magic method. You can get the expiration time with expiredIn and getToken to take the value of the token.

Via helper:

policier('encode', $id, $claims);

Decode Token

Same thing for token decoding:

$result = $policier->decode($token);

echo $result['claims']['name'];
//=> Franck

Via helper:

policier('decode', $token);

Parse Token

$token = $policier->parse($token);

$token->hasHeader("old") // Check if the header exists
$token->getHeader("alg", $default = null); // Get a header
$token->getHeaders(); // Get all headers

$token->hasClaim("name") // Check if the claim exists
$token->getClaim("name", $default = null); // Get a claim
$token->getClaims(); // Get all the complaints

$token->isExpired(); // Check if the token has expired

echo $token->getClaim("name");
//=> Franck

Via helper:

policier('parse', $token);

Verify Token

Check if the token is valid with all JWT attributes.

$verified = $policier->verify($token);

if ($verified) {
  echo "Token est valide";
} else {
  echo "Token n'est pas valide";

Via helper:

policier('verify', $token);

Validate Token

Validate the token with claim information and exp information.

$claims = [
  "name" => "Franck",
  "nickname" => "papac",
  "logged" => true

$validated = $policier->validate($token, $claims);

if ($validated) {
  echo "Les informations sont valides";
} else {
  echo "Les informations ne sont pas valides";

Via helper:

$claims = [
  "name" => "Franck",
  "nickname" => "papac",
  "logged" => true

policier('validate', $token, $claims);

Bow Framework and Policier

If you're using Bow Framework, you can use the Policier\Bow\PolicierConfiguration::class and Policier\Bow\PolicierMiddleware::class middleware.

Connect the configuration on app\Kernel\Loader.php:

public function middlewares()
  return [
    'policier' => \Policier\Bow\PolicierMiddleware::class,

public function configurations()
  return [

Use the middleware:

$app->get('/api', function () {
  $token  = policier()->getToken();

The token was parsed in the instance of Police in a middleware process via the plug method. Before running the middleware, you can:

  • Get the token with getToken
  • Decode the token with getDecodeToken
  • Analyze the token with getParsedToken

Customization of Middleware

Note that you can create another middleware that will extend the default middleware to Policier\Bow\PolicierMiddleware::class. This gives you the ability to change error messages by overriding the getUnauthorizedMessage, getExpirateMessage, getExpirateCode, and getUnauthorizedCode methods.

php bow add:middleware CustomPolicierMiddleware

And then you can do this:

use Bow\Http\Request;
use Policier\Bow\PolicierMiddleware;

class CustomPolicierMiddleware extends PolicierMiddleware
   * Get the error message
   * @return array
  public function getInvalidMessage()
    return 'unauthorized';

   * Get the expiration message
   * @return array
  public function getExpirationMessage()
    return 'Token is expired';

Publish the middleware

To publish the custom middleware and overwrite the default one of Police is very simple, just add the middleware in the file app/Kernel.php with the key api.

public function middlewares()
  return [
    'policier' => \App\Middleware\CustomPolicierMiddleware::class,

Laravel and Policier

If you are using Laravel, you can load the service provider Policier\Laravel\PoliceServiceProvider::class and bind the middleware Policier\Laravel\PoliceMiddleware::class. The link can be made any name, here jwt.

Bind Service provider

"providers" => [

Bind Facade

"aliases" => [
  'Policier' => \Policier\Laravel\Policier::class,

Bind Middleware

protected $routeMiddleware = [
  'policier' => \Policier\Laravel\PolicierMiddleware::class,

Using the middleware

Route::get('/api', function () {
  $token = policier()->getToken();

You can also modify the error messages and http code of these messages by extending the middleware as we did with the Bow Framework.

php artisan make:middleware CustomPolicierMiddleware

You must publish the middleware in the app\Http\Kernel.php file.

Feel free to give your opinion on the quality of the documentation or suggest corrections.