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This is a custom built Rails API that uses Postgrestsql, the database consists of restaurants in the Portland area, each listing has the name, phone number, address, link to their menu, link to make a reservation, and a link to their website. You can make calls to it with the website link below:

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Project created on 7/17/20

Capstone Project

PDX Date Night API

By Tyler Bowerman


This application is a tool for couples to help with the date night restaurant quandries.


Behavior Description ROute input Output Ex.
1.get /restaurants localhost:3000/restaurants returns a list of all restaurants
2. POST /restaurants localhost:3000/restaurants creates a new restaurant
4. Update /restaurants localhost:3000/restauraunt/restaurant_id updates a restaurant by id number.
5. Delete /restaurants localhost:3000/restaurants deletes a restaurant by id number

Setup/Installation Requirements

1* Clone repository from Github:

  • In the Terminal type : $ git clone []

  • Navigate to folder by typing $ cd DateNightApi in terminal.

  • Open the file up in the code editior of choice

  • Install all missing dependencies and Gems, then type bundle install.

  • You will need to run bundle install after each new Gem added to project.

  • Make sure to check which Ruby version you are running by typing $ ruby -v. This app uses ruby 2.6.5

  • Make sure to check what Postgres version by typing postgres --version in terminal. This app uses pg 0.18', '< 2.0'

  • To start the database in the background run postgres in the terminal.

  • In a seperate terminal type psql, to start SQL.

  • To run a test using Rspec, type rpsec in the terminal while in the root page of the project.

  • DATABASE INSTRUCTIONS - from the root directory of this project, run these commands to start new database:

  •     `rake db:create`
  •     `rake db:migrate`
  •    `rake db:test:prepare`
  • To view project in browser type in terminal, rails s.

  • Navigate to localhost:3000

  • You can make requests to this api by using this url

Known Bugs

No known bugs at this time in production. However in testing I am unable to get a integration test for creating a review to pass.

Capstone proposal

Name of Student: Tyler Bowerman

Name of Project: Restaurant roulette (working title)

Project's Purpose or Goal: (What will it do for users?) help to make date nights easier for couples in PDX. App will output a random restaurant when button clicked. Will be able to view all restaurants in the database, search by type and show restaurants by different scopes.

List the absolute minimum features the project requires to meet this purpose or goal:

Have a landing page that has a button to produce a random restaurant Search function to find restaurants in database by category, price, and name second page that will list out all restaurants in database What tools, frameworks, libraries, APIs, modules and/or other resources (whatever is specific to your track, and your language) will you use to create this MVP? List them all here. Be specific.

Custom built api for restaurant database. Ruby on Rails If you finish developing the minimum viable product (MVP) with time to spare, what will you work on next? Describe these features here: Be specific.

Incorcoporate the use of React.js Add google maps for each restaurant listing Add links for a reservation to each listing What additional tools, frameworks, libraries, APIs, or other resources will these additional features require?

Google maps API React.js Add links to database for reservations Is there anything else you'd like your instructor to know?

I will be building out two projects, a custom API for all the restaurants to be used in another app that will display the restaurants and hopefully google maps.

Support and contact details

Have a bug or an issue with this application? Open a new issue here on

Technologies Used

  • Ruby

  • Rails

  • ActiveRecord

  • Git

  • GitHub

  • Rspec

  • Pry

  • postgres

  • Api's


This software is licensed under the MIT license

Copyright (c) 2020 Tyler Bowerman


This is a custom built Rails API that uses Postgrestsql, the database consists of restaurants in the Portland area, each listing has the name, phone number, address, link to their menu, link to make a reservation, and a link to their website. You can make calls to it with the website link below:




