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danneg edited this page Nov 20, 2020 · 5 revisions

The Boxalino API response is of type JSON. With the use of a hydrator the JSON response is transformed into a ResponseDefinitionInterface object.

With the use of an AccessorHandlerInterface it iterates recursively through all the levels of the response and applies the configured accessor types for models (as seen in accessor.xml )

At the moment of release, there are the following response accessors used for the Layout Blocks:

  1. bx-sort : transforms the response sorting
  2. bx-pagination : model for the response pagination
  3. bx-hit : model for the returned item/entity product/blog match (the properties are read as they exist)
  4. bx-acQuery : the model for autocomplete suggestion
  5. bx-facet : a facet model; it recursively generates the list of values/facetValue elements;
  6. facetValue : the model for the facet option ;
  7. blocks : the block definition
  8. bx-facets : the facets collection interface that processes the facets as a collection
  9. bx-hits : definition to manage the a collection (products/blogs/etc) 10.bx-acQueries : definition to manage the list of autocomplete textual suggestions

Within the repository are available abstract context definition and listing elements that can be integrated in client project if they fit their strategy.