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boy86001 edited this page Jul 23, 2024 · 5 revisions

本免责声明适用于 GitHub 上的 “SmartProxy-Tools” 项目(以下简称“该项目”),项目链接为:

This disclaimer applies to the "SmartProxy-Tools" project on GitHub (hereinafter referred to as "the project"). The project link is:

用途 / Purpose


The project is designed and developed solely for learning, research, and security testing purposes. It aims to provide security researchers, academics, and technology enthusiasts with a tool to understand and practice network communication technologies.

合法性 / Legality


Users must comply with local laws and regulations when downloading and using the project. Users are responsible for ensuring that their actions comply with the laws, regulations, and other applicable provisions of their respective regions.

免责 / Disclaimer


As the author of the project (hereinafter referred to as "the author"), I explicitly state that the project should only be used for legal, ethical, and educational purposes.


The author does not encourage, support, or promote any form of illegal use of the project. If the project is found to be used for illegal or unethical activities, the author will strongly condemn such behavior.


The author is not responsible for any illegal activities conducted by any person or group using the project. Users assume full responsibility for any consequences resulting from their use of the project.


The author is not liable for any direct or indirect damages that may arise from the use of the project.


By using the project, users indicate their understanding and acceptance of all the terms of this disclaimer. If users do not agree with these terms, they should immediately cease using the project.

作者保留随时更新本免责声明的权利,且不另行通知。最新版本的免责声明将会在该项目的 GitHub 页面上发布。

The author reserves the right to update this disclaimer at any time without prior notice. The latest version of the disclaimer will be posted on the project's GitHub page.
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