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Why we must boycott that illegal software?




我们已经保存了备份了所有关注加星的名单。我们要求所有人立即取消加星,取消关注,否则将会被无情举报! 这是我们的最后通牒:我们要求所有人立即取消加星,取消关注,取消fork,pull request等一切于该项目的联系!!我们已经保存了所有证据备份了所有名单,对于拒不取消关注的,我们将毫不留情的举报,我们不仅将举报给网信办网警,还会把能查证到其公司或学校的用户举报给其公司或学校或其所在党支部!!其不诚信行为可能会影响其职业发展或被记入档案!!如果有人怀疑我们的举报能力,请推特搜索 jvbaoillegal 了解下我们的举报成果。
Pull Request的人:

向Github report abuse,向学习强国官方举报,向网信办举报

Using Fuck-XueXiQiangGuo is cheating behaviour. cheaters must be reported!

我们要向Github举报 report abuse,向学习强国官方举报,向网信办举报!!
The user is using Github to spread illegal hacking software at his repo

There is a great App called XueXiQiangGuo to learn knowledge and skills in China. Many companies/schools require their employees/students to use this tool to learn knowledge and earn credits. These requirements by these companies/schools are legal as their labor contacts which signed by these employees and these companies (or schools' regulations which have agreed by the students) allowed these companies/schools to do so.

This Fuck-XueXiQiangGuo ( software is a hacking software to hack the above mentioned XueXiQiangGuo App. This Fuck-XueXiQiangGuo software is designed for the employees/students to automatically get credits on the XueXiQiangGuo App without any effort of learning! This is a grave violation of fairness. It's very unfair for those who learn hard get real knowledge and get real credits. So we request to delete this software immediately and remove any folked source code.


We strongly condemn the injustice of Github officials!


强烈谴责Github官方的不公正行为!凭啥编程随想那种污蔑我国的反动言论不删,而我们说两句正义的话就被删号了(Your account has been flagged)??!

We strongly condemn the injustice of Github officials! Why users like programming thinking ( ) is spreading speeches against our Chinese country but not get flagged, instead why they even get supported by the Github officials ( )?? Why people lke us who has a sence of justice, and spreading speech supporting protecting our Chinese country, but get blocked by Github???!!!


We have to question: Why Github is biased against us? Is Github officially have an hostile attitude against our country?? Are they supported or brainwashed by those who are against our country??? Do they really respect Freedom of Speech???


who are we


了解一下我们最近对于学习强国违法刷分软件的举报! 我们正义人士行侠仗义,在我们举报之后,ArchLinux AUR库的该违法软件已经被下线:


Our recent achievements on reporting illegal speeches

该学生向学习强国违法作弊刷分软件提交Pull Request已被举报,举报成果该账户已封停!

最近程序员的意见领袖python头子吉多·范罗苏姆(Guido van Rossum)在996事件上吃饱了撑的对我们指指点点,居然呼吁要罢工要革命。我们注意到一个用户名叫”阿尔达坎ᡴᠣᠪᠠᠶᠠᠰᡳ (j3F4UR9VD3urlLy)”的推特用户,该用户不仅不去与这种论调抗辩,反而添油加醋给他们提供弹药,该用户给吉多·范罗苏姆的推文中造谣传播“深圳佳士罢工事件”的不实报道说我国政府没有保障工人利益,给我国政府泼脏水。然后该意见领袖吉多·范罗苏姆居然还听信他的言论,转发了他的推文!我们发现该用户发表过很多污蔑我国领导人的言论,举报给其东北林业大学经济管理学院林业经济管理专业之后,该账号已删除,python头子已删除相关推特但还没公开道歉。

最新举报成果:简书网站充斥各种违法翻墙教程内容,和传播违法聊天软件Telegram教程,现在终于因为违反《网络安全法》,已经被要求彻底整改!不信的看看截图,我们从今年1月份就开始举报了,现在终于要整改了,这就是我们持续不断向网信办 举报的成果!!正义终于得到伸张。


GFW-is-Great! Why must we have GFW (Great Fire Wall) in China?

Why must we have GFW (Great Fire Wall) in China? Why do we have to block Google outside? Why do we have to ban illegal VPN services?!





Some people always have questions like these: Why must we Chinese have a GFW firewall?

Why is Google blocked in our country?

Why do we severely punish those who sell or use illegal VPNs?

Now it’s the time. Let us tell you why our country must have GFW, why we must block Google, why we have to crack down on illegal VPN!


There is always a view in the Western dominated cyberspace that internet should be free (information freedom) and there shouldn’t be any walls. They think that our Chinese government is evil to build the GFW. They assume our government is a tyrannical dictator and the GFW is used to fool the people and monitoring the people like the 1984. So they always shake us, they want us to overthrow the government, and they want us to cross the GFW to read what they want to say.

实在是看不惯这些智障言论了!让我们来告诉你为什么我们国家要有GFW(Great FIre Wall)防火墙,为什么我们要屏蔽谷歌,为什么我们要打击违法VPN!



Let us tell you why our country has a GFW (Great Fire Wall) firewall, why do we want to block Google, why do we want to crack down on illegal VPNs!


The reason is simple. Some people use websites outside our country to spread reactionary speeches and pornography contents. These people created websites such as the Boxun (博讯), the Epoch Times (大纪元) and T66Y (草榴). They also use Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube to spread such contents. However, according to our laws, spreading these contents must be blocked.


Stupid speech 1. Some people may argue that these contents should not be blocked. They say that these contents are not blocked in the West. They may also pop up with some online surveys saying that some Chinese netizens like these contents.


This kind of speech is obviously wrong. We Chinese have to listen to our people not listen to the West! Also, we can’t just listen to the Internet users of our people, we have to listen to the majority of our people. Online surveys are meaningless, ask our people from door to door to see whether they like those contents or not!!


Stupid speech 2. Some people want to provoke dissension, that the blockade of these websites is the Chinese government wants to maintain its own rule (not for the Chinese people’s interest).

这种人只会轻信境外反动媒体,丝毫看不到我国政府和我党带领人民闹革命站起来了,带领我们拥有核武器成为世界大国,还带领1.2亿人脱贫致富!在当前特朗普打贸易战的当下,美国想要撸走我们的利益,显然是我国政府在维护我们国家的利益!! 但是谷歌却不尊重我们不认同我国的法律,谷歌不管这些内容不删除这些内容!那么该咋办??除了封锁他们还有啥办法??

These stupid people only read the Western reactionary media. They did not see that it is our Communist Party and the Chinese government who have led the Chinese people to take the revolution in the 1930s and stand up. It is just under our Chinese government’s correct leadership, we had possessed the nuclear weapons. It is our Chinese government who had led 120 million people to get rid of poverty and become rich! At this moment when Donald Trump is fighting trade war with us, the United States wants to take away our money. Obviously, it is our government who is protecting the interests of our people!!

So clearly, blocking those reactionary speeches and pornography contents is the interest of the majority of the Chinese people. And our government is representing us doing the right thing.

But those Western companies don’t understand. They don’t block those illegal contents even after we request them to do. For example, the evil Google does not respect us and does not agree with our laws. Google does not delete those contents! They call it by a good name “freedom of speech” but they are actually help spreading those illegal contents. So what can we do?? Other than blocking them, is there any other way??


Stupid speech 3. Some Chinese netizens are brainwashed, they think that Google is to maintain freedom of speech. They even took out the Chinese Constitution and said that blocking it violated Article 35 of the Constitution. “Citizens of the People’s Republic of China have the freedom to speak, publish, assemble, associate, march, and demonstrate

这种人并没有学透宪法,他们忽略了我国宪法第五十一条:中华人民共和国公民在行使自由和权利的时候,不得损害国家的、社会的、集体的利益和其他公民的合法的自由和权利。 事实就是这种反动言论有可能造成社会动荡,危害我国的安全稳定,影响了我国人民生存和发展的权力和自由! 所以我们当然要封锁他们,但是有些人利用违法VPN偷偷访问那些网站,该怎么办??当然就要举报那些违法VPN!!

Such stupid people did not learn all the Constitution. They have neglected Article 51 of our Constitution: “Citizens of the People’s Republic of China must not harm the national, social, and collective interests and the legitimate freedoms of other citizens when exercising their freedom and rights.”The fact is that such reactionary speeches may cause social unrest, endanger China’s security and stability, and affect the right our people’s survival and development!

So of course, we have to block those illegal contents, but there are still some people use illegal VPNs to secretly visit those websites. what should we do?? Of course, we must crack down those illegal VPNs!!


Stupid speech 4. Some people do not understand China’s policies, thinking that it is a foolish policy to blocking all VPNs.


Stupid speech 4. Some people do not understand China’s policies, thinking that it is a foolish policy to blocking all VPNs. These stupid people are ignorant of our policy, and they do not know the “Notice on Clearing and Regulating the Internet Access Service Market”(《关于清理规范互联网网络接入服务市场的通知》) issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China (MIIT). The MIIT has already said that “Some foreign trade enterprises and multinational enterprises need to use VPNs for reasons such as office use. They can apply for legally qualified VPNs. What we are going to strike is those illegal VPNs, not the legitimate VPNs.”


With this knowledge, we can easily deal with some stupid provocative questions raised by some brainwashed Chinese netizens, such as:


Stupid speech 5. “Why do editors of the People’s Daily and the Global Times can push on Twitter, but I can’t get on?”

我国人民日报、环球时报是合法访问境外网站的,就是靠有资质的VPN懂了吗??! 作为个人,如果你在正规单位,比如人民日报、环球时报、还有各大科研院所,互联网企业等,你可以问你的领导要!如果他们不懂,就引导他们去工信部和各地通信管理局去申请合法资质! 如果你的领导不给你合法VPN,就说明你的工作没必要访问境外网站懂了吗?

The editors of the People’s Daily and the Global Times are legally visiting overseas websites because they use qualified VPNs! If you don’t have a qualified VPN, you can’t! As an individual, if you are in a enterprise that require such services like the People’s Daily, Global Times, Internet companies, and major research institutes, etc., you can ask your manger to apply for qualified VPN! If your leader does not give you a legitimate VPN, it means that your work does not need to visit the such overseas websites.

所以还有人有疑问吗?大家应该都认同了吧,我们就是要打击那些违法VPN!那些没有资质的VPN, SS, V2RAY, VPS之类的都该被举报!举报给我国的网信办网警!!

Who are we? We jvbao group (jvbao举报) is a group of advocators that calls for reporting illegal VPNs to internet police!!

So is there anyone still having questions? Everyone should agree, we must crack down on those illegal VPN! Those unqualified VPNs, SS, V2RAY, VPS and the like should be reported!

欢迎大家了解加入我们举报违法翻墙的举报大军!推特或medium搜索jvbaoillegal 了解最新举报动态!!如有意向可以赞助我们!!赞助到比特币账号:1FMb7HRMug6eYJeXX7XyYHYZDtiUGbd2bL Everyone is welcome to join us and report those illegal contents and VPNs! Search jvbaoillegal on or to learn more about us! If you are interested, you can sponsor us!! Bitcoin account: 1FMb7HRMug6eYJeXX7XyYHYZDtiUGbd2bL








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