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Lightweight data provenance tracking. More comprehensive/involved approaches include recordr, rProvenance, and RDataTracker.

Currently this works as follows:

  • Each object to be tracked has an attribute "provenance" attached to it once via createProvenance. This attribute essentially holds the provenance lookup name, and is a combination of the object's name and date/time.
  • The lookup name is used to pull out an element from a .provenance_list list, currently stored by default in the global environment. For example if object x gets assigned a "provenance" attribute of "x_12345", then .provenance_list[["x_12345"]] holds the provenance record.
  • This record is a data frame with timestamp, caller, message, and digest (MD5) of x at that point in time. updateProvenance only changes this, not the original object x, so avoiding (I hope) expensive copies.
  • The disadantage of this approach is that if x is deleted, its record just hangs around; and if y <- x then y and x will share the same record. Ugh, hadn't thought about this last case.
  • Finally, note that this is opt-in provenance tracking. That is, we have to update the record for x manually each time a change is made. This is by design (lightweight...) but worth considering.
> library(dataprov)
> x <- 1
> x <- createProvenance(x)
Creating provenance list
> updateProvenance(x, "created x and its provenance record")
> x <- x + 1
> updateProvenance(x, "added 1")
> provenance(x)
            timestamp caller                        message   digest
1 2015-08-21 14:26:14   <NA> created x and its provenanc... 5fd7a492
2 2015-08-21 14:26:27   <NA>                        added 1 d934fb15
> listProvenances()
  Object         Creation Entries
1      x 1440181552.45085       2

Data provenance broadly refers to a description of the origins of a piece of data and the process by which it arrived in a database or analysis (see e.g. This package implements a simple system for tracking operations performed on any R object. It's not automatic though--you have to call updateProvenance() each time you want to put a new entry into the provenance.

The provenance is stored as an object attribute (currently a data frame, but don't depend on this--use the accessor functions below!). Available functions include:


  • createProvenance(x, env = .GlobalEnv) - attach a "provenance" attribute to x, create the provenance_list if necessary, and create an empty provenance record. Necessary before any of the functions below can be called.
  • updateProvenance(x, message, caller = NULL, env = .GlobalEnv) - add a provenance entry
  • provenance(x, n = NULL, env = .GlobalEnv) - gets the entire data frame, with attribute "dataprov". If n is supplied, return a list corresponding to the nth entry
  • print.dataprov() - summarize a data provenance - abbreviating all fields (digest, message, etc) for easy reading
  • listProvenances(env = .GlobalEnv) - summary list of current provenances records


  • dataprov() - object creation
  • replaceProvenance(x, p) - replace entire provenance of x with p


  • mergeProvenance(a, b) - merge provenance of b into that of a. Ugh. Useful?
  • Could offer an option to save x each time the provenance is updated? Not a version 1.0 feature I don't think
  • provenance(x) <- p - replaces entire provenance of x with p (must be data.frame with correct fields)


Easy data provenance tracking






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