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Github Workflows

Wiki Warden edited this page May 30, 2021 · 1 revision

Github Workflows

To ensure quality, this repo is equipped with a variety of workflows. Because this repository combines the frontend, as well as the backend, there are testing and linting workflows, which will be the same for both subdirectories.


These workflows will run a matrix test on the node versions 12.x and 14.x, as well as the latests versions of macOS, Windows and Ubuntu. The workflows will checkout the repository, and run npm ci, as well as npm test in the client/server directory.


  • frontendTesting.yml (Frontend testing)
  • backendTesting.yml (Backend testing)

Runs on:

  • pushes to the DEV branch
  • PRs to the DEV branch
  • on workflow dispatch event (manual trigger)


The workflows will checkout the repository, initialize node on version 14, and run npm ci, as well as npm run lint in the client/server directory.


  • linterFrontend.yml (Lint Frontend Code Base)
  • linterServer.yml (Lint Server Code Base)

Runs on:

  • all pushes except to the main branch
  • all PRs except to the main branch

Code Documentation

The workflows will checkout the repository, navigate to the client directory, which contains the required command for documentation generation and will generate this by calling cd ./client/ && npm install --save-dev better-docs jsdoc && npm run docs. The resulting directory of /documentationWebsite will be deployed to Github Pages by an external Github action.


  • publishDocumentation.yml (Publish Documentation to GitHub pages)

Runs on:

  • pushes to the main branch

Repository Wiki Sync

The workflows will checkout the repository, and will use an external Github Action to deploy the /wiki directory to the repositories wiki. For this fictional data (username: Wiki Warden) is used for the commit.


  • wikiPageSync.yml (Wiki Update)

Runs on:

  • pushes to the DEV branch

Code Deployment

The workflows will checkout the repository and navigate to the client directory. There it will build the frontend, which results in a directory called build, which will then be moved to the top-level of the repository. Additionally the client directory is deleted and all content from the server directory is moved to the toplevel of the repository. From there on an external Github Action is used to authenticate to the Heroku CLI with the HEROKU_API_KEY and HEROKU_EMAIL secrets set in the repository secrets. The Heroku application name is set to ark-automate by default in the workflow. Finally, the deployment is being completed by commiting the changes and pushing to the heroku remote.


  • herokuDeploy.yml (Heroku Deployment)

Runs on:

  • pushes to the main branch
  • on workflow dispatch event (manual trigger)