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brad507 committed Jun 14, 2016
0 parents commit 534f130
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Showing 3 changed files with 201 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# Ignore output of scraper
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions README.textile
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
A difficult parsing of the two tables from the PDFs for each well
198 changes: 198 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
Parses the pdf binaries which have been downloaded by [[frac_focus_wells]]
and attempts to extract the lists of chemicals in the fracking fluid
and their quantities
This is way hard because of the irregularities in the pdfs and the lack of
the vertical lines put out by our pdf to xml interpreter
import scraperwiki
import lxml.etree
import base64
import datetime
import re

# quick run through collection for now (should be done with a join for missing)
def Main():
while True:
sql = "wellpdf.API, pdfb64 from wellpdf left join wellinfo on wellinfo.API=wellpdf.API where wellinfo.API is null limit 10"
for rec in
ParsePdf(rec["API"], base64.decodestring(rec["pdfb64"]))

def ParsePdf(API, pdfbin):
if API in ["30-045-35063", "30-039-30985","42-255-31884","42-255-31861","42-123-32398"]:
print "skipping", API
print API
pdfxml = scraperwiki.pdftoxml(pdfbin)
root = lxml.etree.fromstring(pdfxml)
#print pdfxml

# put all the pages together
rowtops = { }
for page in root:
pagenumber = int(page.attrib.get("number"))
for text in page:
if text.tag != "text":
top, left, width, height, font = [ int(text.attrib.get(k)) for k in ["top", "left", "width", "height", "font"] ]
ptop = (pagenumber, top)
if ptop not in rowtops:
rowtops[ptop] = [ ]
rowtops[ptop].append((left, left+width, font, "".join(text.itertext()).strip()))

# slice out the rows and headings of the two tables
rowtopi = rowtops.items()

idisc, icomp, iend = -1, -1, -1
i = 0
while i < len(rowtopi):
if i+1 < len(rowtopi) and rowtopi[i+1][0][0] == rowtopi[i][0][0] and rowtopi[i+1][0][1] - rowtopi[i][0][1] <= 2:
#print "joining\n\n", rowtopi[i], "\n\n", rowtopi[i+1]
del rowtopi[i+1]

ktop, row = rowtopi[i]
if row[0][3] == 'Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Product Component Information Disclosure':
idisc = i
if re.match('Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Composition', row[0][3]):
icomp = i
if row[0][3] == '* Total Water Volume sources may include fresh water, produced water, and/or recycled water':
iend = i
i += 1

if -1 in [idisc, icomp, iend]:
print "table ends missing API", API, [idisc, icomp, iend]
for row in rowtopi:
print row
assert False

# extract the info table
# some are bad
data = { }
for ktop, row in rowtopi[idisc+1:icomp]:
assert row[0][1] in [292,293,314,313,306,305,304,309,317,316,324,303,308,307,389,388], row
if len(row) == 2:
assert row[1][1] in [460,461,726,513,483,474,475,476,477,486,481,482,747,493,494,468,473,472,457,456,801,837,736,568,569,664,665,585], row
val = row[1][3]
assert len(row) == 1
val = ""
data[row[0][3].strip(":")] = val

assert data.keys() == ['True Vertical Depth (TVD)', 'Long/Lat Projection', 'Production Type', 'Longitude', 'County', 'API Number', 'State', 'Fracture Date', 'Total Water Volume (gal)*', 'Latitude', 'Operator Name', 'Well Name and Number'], data.keys()

lAPI = data.pop("API Number")
assert lAPI.replace("-", "") == API.replace("-", ""), (API, lAPI)
data["API"] = API
data["Longitude"] = float(data.pop('Longitude'))
data["Latitud"] = float(data.pop('Latitude'))
data["water_gal"] = int(data.pop('Total Water Volume (gal)*').replace(",", ""))
data["Operator"] = data.pop('Operator Name')
data["Datum"] = data.pop('Long/Lat Projection')
data["Well Type"] = data.pop('Production Type')
mdate = re.match("(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d\d\d\d)", data["Fracture Date"])
assert mdate, data
data["Fracture Date"] =, int(, int(
data["Well Name and Number"] = data.pop("Well Name and Number")
sdepth = data.pop('True Vertical Depth (TVD)').replace(",", "")
if sdepth and API not in ["30-039-30942"]:
# not an int
data["depth"] = int(sdepth)

# extract the composition table
# collapse the headings section
headings = [ [h[0], h[1], h[3]] for h in rowtopi[icomp+1][1] ]
for ktop, row in rowtopi[icomp+2:icomp+6]:
for el in row:
for heading in headings:
if el[0] < heading[1] and el[1] > heading[0]:
heading[2] = "%s\n%s" % (heading[2], el[3])
assert False, (el, headings)
lheadings = [ h[2] for h in headings ]
#print lheadings
assert lheadings == ['Trade Name', 'Supplier', 'Purpose', 'Ingredients', 'Chemical Abstract\nService Number\n(CAS #)', 'Maximum\nIngredient\nConcentration\nin Additive\n(% by mass)**', 'Maximum\nIngredient\nConcentration\nin HF Fluid\n(% by mass)**', 'Comments'], lheadings
headings[4][2] = "CAS"
headings[5][2] = "MaxConc_in_additive"
headings[6][2] = "MaxConc_in_fluid"

headings[3][0] -= 74 # [345, 414, 'Purpose'], [550, 643, 'Ingredients'], [736, 888, 'CAS']
headings[3][1] += 70 # needs to expand the width of this cell enough to capture the contents
headings[2][0] -= 64 # [345, 414, 'Purpose'], [550, 643, 'Ingredients'], [736, 888, 'CAS']
headings[2][1] += 30 # needs to expand the width of this cell enough to capture the contents
headings[1][0] -= 4
headings[0][0] -= 40

# match up the headings to the data in the columns
ldata = [ ]
for ktop, row in rowtopi[icomp+6:iend]:
#print ktop, row

cdata = { }
for el in row:
for heading in headings:
if el[0] < heading[1] and el[1] > heading[0]:
cdata[heading[2]] = el[3]
assert False, (el, headings)
#print cdata

if not cdata.get('MaxConc_in_fluid') and not cdata.get('MaxConc_in_additive'):
for kc in ["Trade Name", "Supplier", "Purpose", "Ingredients"]:
if cdata.get(kc):
ldata[-1][kc] = "%s %s" % (ldata[-1][kc], cdata[kc])

cdata["API"] = API

if not cdata.get("Trade Name"):
assert not cdata.get("Supplier") and not cdata.get("Purpose"), cdata
cdata["Trade Name"] = ldata[-1]["Trade Name"]
cdata["Supplier"] = ldata[-1]["Supplier"]
cdata["Purpose"] = ldata[-1]["Purpose"]

if cdata.get("CAS") == "n/a":

if cdata.get('MaxConc_in_fluid'):
assert cdata['MaxConc_in_fluid'][-1] == "%", cdata
cdata['MaxConc_in_fluid'] = float(cdata['MaxConc_in_fluid'][:-1])

if cdata.get('MaxConc_in_additive') == "Trade Secret":
elif cdata.get('MaxConc_in_additive'):
mconc = re.match("(?:([\d\.]+)\s*-\s*)?(<\s*)?([\d\.]+)%?$", cdata['MaxConc_in_additive'])
if mconc:
cdata['MinConc_in_additive'] = float(
cdata['MinConc_in_additive'] = 0.0
cdata['MaxConc_in_additive'] = float(
assert cdata['MaxConc_in_additive'] == "-", cdata

# fix missing columns
if "Ingredients" not in cdata:
if cdata.get("Trade Name") == "Fresh Water":
cdata["Ingredients"] = cdata["Trade Name"]
elif cdata.get("Supplier") == "Halliburton":
cdata["Ingredients"] = "blank"

assert "Trade Name" in cdata and "Ingredients" in cdata, cdata
ldata.append(cdata)["API", "Trade Name", "Ingredients"], ldata, "fluidcomp", verbose=0)["API"], data, "wellinfo", verbose=0) # this table is used to determin that it is done


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