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GraphMemory - GraphRAG Database



This project provides an embedded graph database implementation with vector similarity search (VSS) using DuckDB. It includes a Python class GraphMemory for managing nodes and edges.

Each node has a unique ID, a JSON properties field (any arbitrary dictionary), a node type (ex: Person, Organization, etc.), and a vector of floating point values.

Each edge has a unique ID, a source node ID, a target node ID, a relationship type (ex: served_under, worked_with, etc.), and a weight.

This database can be used for any graph-based RAG application or knowledge graph application.

Vector embeddings can be created using sentence-transformers or other API based models.


pip install graphmemory


GraphMemory Class

The GraphMemory class provides methods to manage nodes and edges, perform bulk inserts, create indexes, and find nearest neighbors using vector similarity search.

Auto Generated UUID

IDs for nodes and edges are auto generated UUIDs.

Support for Cypher Queries

The GraphMemory class supports Cypher queries via the cypher method.

Example: MATCH (n:Person {name: 'George Washington', age: 57}) RETURN n

Example Usage

from graphmemory import GraphMemory, Node, Edge

import json
from openai import OpenAI
import os

client = OpenAI(api_key=os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"])

# Sample unstructured text
gw_text = "George Washington was the first President of the United States and served from 1789 to 1797."
tj_text = "Thomas Jefferson was the first Secretary of State of the United States and served from 1790 to 1793."
ah_text = "Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury of the United States and served from 1789 to 1795."

# Extract structured data from unstructured text
def extract_attributes(text):
    return json.loads(
            {"role": "system", "content": "Extract structured data from this text using the following attributes: \
             name, title, country, term_start, term_end"},
            {"role": "user", "content": text}

# Calculate embedding for a given input
def calculate_embedding(input_json):
    return client.embeddings.create(

gw_embedding = calculate_embedding(gw_text)
tj_embedding = calculate_embedding(tj_text)
ah_embedding = calculate_embedding(ah_text)

# Initialize the database from disk (make sure to set vector_length correctly)
graph_db = GraphMemory(database='graph.db', vector_length=len(gw_embedding))

# Extract structured data from unstructured text
gw_attributes = extract_attributes(gw_text)
tj_attributes = extract_attributes(tj_text)
ah_attributes = extract_attributes(ah_text)


# Output Example:
# {
#   'person': 'George Washington',
#   'title': 'President',
#   'country': 'United States',
#   'term_start': '1789',
#   'term_end': '1797'
# }
# {
#   'person': 'Thomas Jefferson',
#   'title': 'Secretary of State',
#   'country': 'United States',
#   'term_start': 1790,
#   'term_end': 1793
# }
# {
#   'person': 'Alexander Hamilton',
#   'title': 'Secretary of the Treasury',
#   'country': 'United States',
#   'term_start': 1789,
#   'term_end': 1795
# }

# Create nodes with UUIDs
gw_node = Node(properties=gw_attributes, vector=gw_embedding)
tj_node = Node(properties=tj_attributes, vector=tj_embedding)
ah_node = Node(properties=ah_attributes, vector=ah_embedding)

gw_node_id = graph_db.insert_node(gw_node)
if gw_node_id is None:
    raise ValueError("Failed to insert George Washington node")

tj_node_id = graph_db.insert_node(tj_node)
if tj_node_id is None:
    raise ValueError("Failed to insert Thomas Jefferson node")

ah_node_id = graph_db.insert_node(ah_node)
if ah_node_id is None:
    raise ValueError("Failed to insert Alexander Hamilton node")

# Insert edges
edge1 = Edge(source_id=gw_node_id, target_id=tj_node_id, relation="served_under", weight=0.5)
edge2 = Edge(source_id=gw_node_id, target_id=ah_node_id, relation="served_under", weight=0.5)

# Print edges

# Find connected nodes
connected_nodes = graph_db.connected_nodes(gw_node_id)
for node in connected_nodes:
    print("Connected Node Data:",

# Find nearest nodes by vector embedding
nearest_nodes = graph_db.nearest_nodes(calculate_embedding("George Washington"), limit=1)
print("Nearest Node Data:", nearest_nodes[0]
print("Nearest Node Distance:", nearest_nodes[0].distance)

# Get node/s by attribute (Who was the Secretary of State?)
nodes = graph_db.nodes_by_attribute("title", "Secretary of State")
if nodes:
    print("Node by attribute:", nodes[0].properties)
    print("No nodes found with the attribute 'title' = 'Secretary of State'")

# What is the title of the people who served under George Washington?
for node in connected_nodes:
    print(f"{'name')} - {'title')}")

# Fetch a node by UUID
fetched_node = graph_db.get_node(gw_node_id)

# Delete an edge by source / target node id
graph_db.delete_edge(edge1.source_id, edge1.target_id)

GraphMemory Class Methods

The GraphMemory class provides the following public methods for interacting with the graph database:

  1. __init__(self, database=None, vector_length=3)

    • Initializes the database connection and sets up the database vector length.
  2. set_vector_length(self, vector_length)

    • Sets the length of the vectors for the nodes in the database.
  3. insert_node(self, node: Node) -> uuid.UUID

    • Inserts a node into the database and returns the node ID.
  4. insert_edge(self, edge: Edge)

    • Inserts an edge between two nodes in the database.
  5. bulk_insert_nodes(self, nodes: List[Node]) -> List[Node]

    • Performs a bulk insert of multiple nodes into the database.
  6. bulk_insert_edges(self, edges: List[Edge])

    • Performs a bulk insert of multiple edges into the database.
  7. delete_node(self, node_id: uuid.UUID)

    • Deletes a node and its associated edges from the database.
  8. delete_edge(self, source_id: uuid.UUID, target_id: uuid.UUID)

    • Deletes an edge from the database.
  9. create_index(self)

    • Creates an index on the node vectors to improve search performance.
  10. nearest_nodes(self, vector: List[float], limit: int) -> List[NearestNode]

    • Finds and returns the nearest neighbor nodes based on vector similarity.
  11. connected_nodes(self, node_id: uuid.UUID) -> List[Node]

    • Retrieves all nodes directly connected to the specified node.
  12. nodes_to_json(self)

    • Returns a JSON representation of all nodes in the database.
  13. edges_to_json(self)

    • Returns a JSON representation of all edges in the database.
  14. get_node(self, node_id: uuid.UUID) -> Node

    • Retrieves a specific node by its ID.
  15. nodes_by_attribute(self, attribute, value) -> List[Node]

    • Retrieves nodes that match a specific attribute and value.
  16. get_nodes_vector(self, node_id: uuid.UUID) -> List[float]

    • Retrieves the vector of a specific node by its ID.
  17. print_json(self)

    • Prints the JSON representation of all nodes and edges in the database.
  18. cypher(self, cypher_query)

    • Executes a Cypher query and returns the results.

These methods facilitate the management and querying of the graph database, allowing for efficient data handling and retrieval.


Unit tests are provided in tests/

Running Tests

To run the unit tests, use the following command:

python -m unittest discover -s tests


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.


GraphRAG database - hybrid graph / vector db







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