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The Ridiculously Simple Configuration System

Why Is This Here?

I was recently asked what my motivations were for posting such a trivial codebase. Well, first, I use it...but more importantly, I use it as a seed for lots of other projects, including at the office. I got tired of building a basic database-enabled http server over and over again so I decided to just publish the base essence with a liberal license so I can use it as a starter whenever I need to start a similar project (which seems to be a lot). Now, back to discussing this repo in isolation!

RSCS is a configuration database that is ridiculously simple.

RSCS allows you to store text values for keys in a SQLite database. That is all it does. You will not find any of the features offered by more complex clustered configuration databases.

What's wrong with Consul and Vault?

Nothing! I've used them in the past. I simply find they are too much for my requirements and I don't want deal with complexity I will never use. RSCS is for people who want a single, simple, available local key/value store and nothing more...simple enough to extend for your legitimate needs without weighing you down with someone else's.

Why do you use SQLite instead of $X?

SQLite is a proven technology that provides that features needed by RSCS and none of the features that are not needed. SQLite provides a better, transactional equivalent of fopen, which is the level of simplicity and reliability suitable here. Furthermore, if you decide you don't like RSCS anymore, you can take your database file and use some other SQLite-supporting tool with it.

Are there a bunch of complicated tables?


That is it. If you want more, extend the codebase yourself.

How do you achieve clustering? Do you support the Raft protocol?

There is no clustering. If you want clustering, you can build it on top of RSCS because the codebase is intended to be very simple to read and understand in just a few hours.

Can I store passwords? How are they protected?

You can store whatever you want (within the limits of SQLite) and secure your data however you wish. If you want a value to be encrypted, encrypt it. If you don't want people snooping at the SQLite file, use user/group file permissioning to give you the level of security you need. If you want to support temporary passwords or some other nifty Vault feature, extend the code and manage the rows yourself.

What about binary data?

Encode it as text using base64 or another textual encoding.

How is output delivered?

JSON which is trivial: {"Value":"your value"}. Extend it if you want.

Okay, you use JSON to encapsulate values...but...

If you want to store your JSON in RSCS and not have to worry about escaping quotes, base64 encode it.

But if I base64 all my values, I have to do some work to decode them.

Yes. This is a minimal service. Extend it for your needs or write a library somewhere else that understands the shape of your values.

The default daemon is http! Yuck!

RSCS is intended to be run on your local machine and not accept external traffic. If you still believe you want the extra assurances of https, then go in to the rscs.go file and change it.

I don't want the daemon accepting external requests, or I do...or...

There is a --port argument that rscs accepts, but for interface binding, I recommend changing the source. Currently, the default is the empty interface which Go will default to the conservative choice of localhost.

You keep saying "change the code"...

Yes. The RSCS codebase is intended to be very simple and only provide the most basic features. You should read the code instead of relying on godoc. If you want something more complex, just take ownership of your fork and make changes to the source.

Since the RSCS codebase will always be kept minimal and nearly feature-free, it should be very easy to maintain a fork and merge periodically from this repository if you choose to do so, hopefully without merge conflicts.

I read the code...there's almost nothing there. What's the point?

The point is to provide the simplest tool that covers basic needs and gives you a clear path to extending it for your needs.

I tried compiling it and it didn't build! WTF!

You must use Go 1.8 or higher.

Why do you use a router like Chi if you want to keep things "ridiculously simple"?

Chi is a very simple router that allows our codebase to be much more compact and readable without imposing a complex framework model.

Okay, I get it, just show me how it is used.

get it:

$ go get

rscs is now in your $GOPATH/bin we'll assume that below...

create an empty db:

$ rscs --db=/tmp/test.sqlite3 --create-only

run the daemon:

$ rscs --db=/tmp/test.sqlite3

alternately, you can run with sqlite in-memory only, but changes will be lost on termination:

$ rscs --memory

you can also set the port with the --port flag.

now do some transactions:


$ curl http://localhost:8081/v1/status



create a new row:

curl -X POST -d '{"Value":"value1"}' http://localhost:8081/v1/kv/key1

read it:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8081/v1/kv/key1




curl -X PUT -d '{"Value":"value1-new"}' http://localhost:8081/v1/kv/key1

read it:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8081/v1/kv/key1




curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8081/v1/kv/key1

(and test)

curl -X GET http://localhost:8081/v1/kv/key1


no value found

stop the daemon:

Send any signal to the process that satisfies os.Interrupt (on Linux systems, SIGINT). The daemon uses the graceful stopping feature made available in Go 1.8 standard library.


The Ridiculously Simple Configuration System







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