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Ledger - Auth

Auth service for the Ledger project. Handles user login and registration.


Copy config.example.yml to config.yml and fill in the appropriate values.

Creating Queries

The sqlc library is used to generate Go functions based on provided queries.

Queries are placed in the sql/query folder and generate code is in the internal/db package.

To add a new query, add the query to the sql/query folder. Then run the sqlc compile command to verify syntax. Finally, sqlc generate will generate the Go code.


Tests are located in the tests package. These are integration tests that require a database connection.

There are two options to run tests:

Running in local environment:

go test ./...

Running with docker-compose:

make test

Database Migrations

Install the migrate CLI.

Running Migrations

Make sure the connection is setup in Makefile.

Migrate up:

make migrate

Migrate down:

make migrate-down

Creating Migrations

migrate create -ext sql -dir sql/migrations -seq <migration name>

Vault PKI

The following command is an example of how to create a Vault PKI role with proper restrictions:

write intermediateca/roles/ledger-auth allow_localhost=false allowed_domains=ledger-auth,ledger-auth.ledger-auth allow_bare_domains=true enforce_hostnames=false key_type=ec key_bits=256


Authentication service for the Ledger project. Handles user login, registration, and sessions.






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