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aims to deobfuscate and decomplexify projects written in "modern" c++; c0x11 has been standard for a while

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C++ Code Standards

Object Lifetime

Use smart pointers

  • Don't manage memory, manage objects: objects manage resources
  • Only use memory allocation when you are implementing hardware
  • Use the most appropriate smart pointer type: unique if you will need only one reference; shared if you will share it

Don't allocate memory using global functions

  • Use new instead of alloc and dealloc

Encapsulate resources

  • Use smart pointer instance members
  • Use initialization lists, allocate resources in constructors
  • Release resources in destructors

Use copy and move for smart pointers

Use stack based scope / lifetime before heap

  • Declare variables and members at the top of the scope in which they are used
  • Data member lifetime is virtually overhead free (no, there is no garbage collector)
  • Maintainability and simplification (stack) valued over tiny performance gain (heap); also helps eliminate memory leaks

Copy constructors should be avoided

Type definitions

Don't use multiple inheritance

  • Confusing; rarely useful

Delegate "chain" constructors

Don't hide types with variable names

  • C++ allows you to replace a type name with a variable name.. Don't.

Names of types, variables, methods, and data members should be meaningful

  • Only widely used abbreviations
  • Underscores should only appear in constants

Use pimpl for dependencies (pointer to implementation)

Namespace your things

  • Don't mess with global namespace... no one else does, why should you

Method declaration should not be included in class definitions

Use strongly-typed enums

  • enum class vs enum; eliminates potential collisions


Use range-based for statement

  • Use std::begin and std::end for types that don't already have these
  • Iterator should be marked as constant, especially (and you really shouldn't do this) if you are not replacing a reference in your loop

Use appropriate std containers

  • For example: array for fixed size collection; vector, list, map, etc for dynamic
  • Use list for quick insert / removal
  • Use vector if you need random access
  • Use map for lookups
  • Don't be afraid to use smart pointer types as element type

Use map for associative collections

  • Do not use pointers or complex types for keys
  • Use make_pair for constructing pairs

Algorithms / Logic

Use std algorithms library

  • When a standard algorithm implementation exists for given logic, it should be used instead of writing said logic

Data Members and variables

Use auto for locally scoped variables

  • Reduces redundancy and increases readability

Use complex argument types over argument lists

Use nullptr

  • Don't initialize things to 0


Minimize use of operating system objects

  • Use atomic types and flags over mutex; use std:mutex over platform specific

Use threading efficiently

  • Spawn threads only when they will / can be used: default thread implementation does not consider resources

Do not use volatile keyword for non-atomic access to variables

  • Operations on volatile variables are not atomic and do not define behavior useful for threading
  • Use atomic types and mutex

Assertions and Exceptions

Use type traits

  • Compile time type queries
  • Static assertions

Throw and handle exceptions for error condition


aims to deobfuscate and decomplexify projects written in "modern" c++; c0x11 has been standard for a while






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