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Player Stats

Brad Harding edited this page Jun 9, 2024 · 37 revisions

Comprehensive stats about your performance in the current map may be displayed by entering the playerstats CCMD in the console. These stats are as follows:

Map explored explored%
Maps finished finished of started (percent%)
Games saved saves total
Games loaded loads total
Favorite skill level

     I’m too young to die
or Hey, not too rough
or Hurt me plenty
or Ultra-violence
or Nightmare!
     I’m too young to die
or Hey, not too rough
or Hurt me plenty
or Ultra-violence
or Nightmare!
Monsters you killed killed of total (percent%) total
      Zombiemen killed of total (percent%) total
      Shotgun guys killed of total (percent%) total
      Imps killed of total (percent%) total
      Pinky demons killed of total (percent%) total
      Spectres killed of total (percent%) total
      [Chaingunners] [killed of total (percent%)] [total]
      Lost souls killed of total (percent%) total
      Cacodemons killed of total (percent%) total
      Hell knights killed of total (percent%) total
      [Pain elementals] [killed of total (percent%)] [total]
      [Mancubi] [killed of total (percent%)] [total]
      Barons of hell killed of total (percent%) total
      [Arachnotrons] [killed of total (percent%)] [total]
      [Revenants] [killed of total (percent%)] [total]
      [Arch-viles] [killed of total (percent%)] [total]
      [Cyberdemons] [killed of total (percent%)] [total]
      [Spider masterminds] [killed of total (percent%)] [total]
Monsters killed while infighting killed total
Monsters gibbed gibbed total
Monsters respawned respawned total
Monsters resurrected resurrected total
Monsters telefragged telefragged total
Barrels exploded barrels of total (percent%) total
Items picked up items of total (percent%) total
      Ammo ammo total
            Bullets bullets total
            Shells shells total
            Rockets rockets total
            [Cells] [cells] [total]
      Armor armor total
      Health health total
      Keycards and skull keys keys total
      Power-ups powerups total
Secrets found secrets of total (percent%) total
Time played

or Over total hours!
Damage inflicted damage total
Damage received damage total
Deaths deaths total
Suicides suicides total
Cheats entered cheats total
Shots successful/fired successful of fired (percent%) successful of fired (percent%)
      Fists successful of fired (percent%) successful of fired (percent%)
      Chainsaw successful of fired (percent%) successful of fired (percent%)
      Pistol successful of fired (percent%) successful of fired (percent%)
      Shotgun successful of fired (percent%) successful of fired (percent%)
      [Super shotgun] [successful of fired (percent%)] [successful of fired (percent%)]
      Chaingun successful of fired (percent%) successful of fired (percent%)
      Rocket launcher successful of fired (percent%) successful of fired (percent%)
      [Plasma rifle] [successful of fired (percent%)] [successful of fired (percent%)]
      [BFG-9000] [successful of fired (percent%)] [successful of fired (percent%)]
Favorite weapon

or Chainsaw
or Pistol
or Shotgun
or Super shotgun
or Chaingun
or Rocket launcher
or Plasma rifle
or BFG-9000
or Chainsaw
or Pistol
or Shotgun
or Super shotgun
or Chaingun
or Rocket launcher
or Plasma rifle
or BFG-9000
Distance traveled distance feet/miles1 total feet/miles1
Automap opened opened total

1These units may be changed to meters/kilometers by changing the units CVAR from imperial to metric.

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