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Frontend Mentor - Equalizer landing page solution

This is a solution to the Equalizer landing page challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects. In this case, I've been provided with a Figma design file in aiding the building of this project.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for interactive elements


equalizer project screenshot


My process

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • Vue 3 - JS library
  • Vite - Vite Frontend Tooling
  • SCSS - For styling

What I learned

Mobile-first workflow

It seems obvious now, but I didn't actually understand mobile-first. In the past, I always put mobile styling first with larger device media queries after, but I was still building the desktop layout first. This project's design made this workflow very difficult. However, as I continue to learn, I've found that building from the mobile design first made the larger devices easier to adjust.

Building a Site From a Design File

My first project with Frontend Mentors, I was setting the size and positions of elements of the site using the pixels given in the Figma file as absolutes. This project is more complicated, and so that strategy quickly came apart. After some research, I have now a better idea on what info to glean from a design file and write the code that keeps to the spirit, as close as possible, to the spirit of the design.

Continued development

I plan on sharpening my skills with CSS and Sass as I continue to build sites through Frontend Mentor and their design files.

Useful resources

  • Kevin Powell's YouTube Channel - I appreciate Kevin's teaching style and focus in his videos. I watched several of his videos as I was building this project and picked up these hot tips, among others:

    • how to build from mobile-first design
    • using min-height instead of height CSS attribute, if a height needs to be set at all, to prevent overflow
    • tips on building a site from a design file
    • the differences and importance in ch, em, and rem and to generally avoid setting px for lengths
  • Figma File to Code. The Designer to Developer Handoff w/ Frontend Mentor Founder HTML+CSS Tutorial - An amazing first part video series that helped me mentally wrap my mind around on how to approach this project and how to roughly plan the code structure before even opening the text editor. Unfortunately, the second and third parts are behind paywalls.



I look forward to any feedback and encouragement that I might recive from the Frontend Mentor community.


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