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Adding GRPC Definitions (kubernetes#18)
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brahmaroutu committed Jul 23, 2020
1 parent 05245ea commit cbfd969
Showing 1 changed file with 352 additions and 0 deletions.
352 changes: 352 additions & 0 deletions keps/sig-storage/
Expand Up @@ -484,3 +484,355 @@ "${}" "${bucket.namespace}"

# GRPC Definitions
syntax = "proto3";
package cosi.v1;
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
option go_package = "";
extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions {
// cosi_secret should be used to designate messages containing sensitive data
// to provide protection against that data being logged or otherwise leaked.
bool cosi_secret = 1000;
message DriverInfoRequest {
// DataProtocol defines a set of constants used in Create and Grant requests.
enum DataProtocol {
GCS = 2;
S3 = 3;
// AccessMode defines a common set of permissions among object stores
enum AccessMode {
RO = 1;
WO = 2;
RW = 3;
// S3SignatureVersion defines the 2 supported versions of S3's authentication
enum S3SignatureVersion {
V2 = 1;
V4 = 2;
message DriverInfoResponse {
// DriverName
string DriverName = 1;
// SupportedProtocols
repeated DataProtocol SupportedProtocols = 2;
// NextId = 3;
message S3Context {
// returns the location where bucket will be created
string location = 1
message GCSContext {
// returns the location where bucket is created
string location = 1
// returns the project the bucket belongs to
string project = 2
message AzureContext {
message GenericContext {
// generic output content
map<string, string> bucket_data
message ProviderContext {
oneof {
message Bucket {
// Name is the name of the bucket
string name = 1
// provisioner used to create and other bucket operations
// ProjectName this bucket created under
ProviderContext provider_context = 2 //- { azure_context, gcs_context, s3_context, generic_context}
string provisioner = 3
// access mode
AccessMode access_mode = 4;
message CreateBucketRequest {
// bucket_name, This field is REQUIRED.
// Maintain Idempotency.
// In the case of error, the CO MUST handle the gRPC error codes
// per the recovery behavior defined in the "CreateBucket Errors"
// section below.
// BucketRequest:name
string bucket_name = 1;
// RequestProtocol, one of the predefined values
// Driver must check the protocol used to match
// BucketClass:supportedProtocols - {"azureblob", "gcs", "s3", ... } [3]
// BucketRequest:protocol - use this as request protocol but check
// if the protocol is in the BucketClass' suppportedProtocols
DataProtocol request_protocol = 2;
// DriverParameters, these are parameters that are extracted from
// BuckerRequest and BucketClass so that the call has context.
// For example GCS require projectName for CreateBucket to succeed.
// BucketClass:provisioner - identify the
// projectID if GCS
ProviderContext provider_context = 3 //- { azure_context, gcs_context, s3_context, generic_context}
map<string, string> driver_parameters = 4;
// AccessMode is requested as RO, RW, WO and depends on driver.
// If driver supports access mode if not ignores it
// BucketClass:accessMode - {"ro", "wo", "rw"} [4]
AccessMode access_mode = 5;
// Information required to make createBucket call. This field is REQUIRED
// A series of tokens, user name, etc based on protocol choice
// BucketRequest:secretName will provide necessary security token to
// connect to the provider API.
// Azure:
// message AuthenticationData {
// option (cosi_secret) = true;
// string StorageAccountName = 1;
// string AccountKey = 2;
// string SasToken = 3;
// }
// GCS:
// message AuthenticationData {
// option (cosi_secret) = true;
// string StorageAccountName = 1;
// string PrivateKeyName = 2;
// string PrivateKey = 3;
// }
// S3:
// message AuthenticationData {
// option (cosi_secret) = true;
// string AccessKeyId = 1;
// string SecretKey = 2;
// string StsToken = 3;
// string UserName = 4;
// }
map<string, string> secrets = 6;
CREATE_INVALID_ARGUMENT : validation of the input argument fails
CREATE_INVALID_PROTOCOL : driver does not support the protocol
CREATE_ALREADY_EXISTS : resource already exists
CREATE_INVALID_CREDENTIALS : resource creation failed due to invalid credentials
CREATE_INTERNAL_ERROR : Failed to execute the requested call
message CreateBucketResponse {
// Bucket returned
Bucket bucket
message DeleteBucketRequest {
// The name of the bucket to be deleted.
// This field is REQUIRED.
string bucket_name = 1;
// RequestProtocol, one of the predefined values
// Driver must check the protocol used to match
// BucketClass:supportedProtocols - {"azureblob", "gcs", "s3", ... } [3]
// BucketRequest:protocol - use this as request protocol but check
// if the protocol is in the BucketClass' suppportedProtocols
DataProtocol request_protocol = 2;
// DriverParameters, these are parameters that are extracted from
// BuckerRequest and BucketClass so that the call has context.
// For example GCS require projectName for CreateBucket to succeed.
// BucketClass:provisioner - identify the
// projectID if GCS
ProviderContext provider_context = 3 - { azure_context, gcs_context, s3_context, generic_context}
map<string, string> driver_parameters = 4; //provider_context
// Secrets required by driver to complete bucket deletion request.
// This field is OPTIONAL. Refer to the `Secrets Requirements`
// section on how to use this field.
// Azure:
// message AuthenticationData {
// option (cosi_secret) = true;
// string StorageAccountName = 1;
// string AccountKey = 2;
// string SasToken = 3;
// }
// GCS:
// message AuthenticationData {
// option (cosi_secret) = true;
// string StorageAccountName = 1;
// string PrivateKeyName = 2;
// string PrivateKey = 3;
// }
// S3:
// message AuthenticationData {
// option (cosi_secret) = true;
// string AccessKeyId = 1;
// string SecretKey = 2;
// string StsToken = 3;
// string UserName = 4;
// }
map<string, string> secrets = 5
message DeleteBucketResponse {
DELETE_BUCKET_DOESNOT_EXIST : Bucket specified does not exist
DELETE_DELETE_INPROGRESS : Delete bucket is in progress
DELETE_INVALID_CREDENTIALS : resource deletion failed due to invalid credentials
DELETE_INTERNAL_ERROR : Failed to execute the requested call
DELETE_INVALID_ARGUMENT : validation of the input argument fails
service CosiController {
rpc CreateBucket (CreateBucketRequest)
returns (CreateBucketResponse) {}
rpc DeleteBucket (DeleteBucketRequest)
returns (DeleteBucketResponse) {}
message S3Credentials {
string id = 1 // one of id, emailid, uri
string permission = 1
string owner
message GCSCredentials {
string entity = 1 //one ot userid, emailid, groupid, etc or 'allusers/allAuthenticatedUsers
string role = 2
string domain = 3
string project = 4
message AzureCredentials {
string id
string permission
message GenericCredentials {
// generic output content
map<string, string> credentials
message ProviderCredentials {
oneof {
message GrantBucketAccessRequest {
// The name of the bucket to be granted access.
// This field is REQUIRED.
string bucket_name = 1;
// RequestProtocol, one of the predefined values
// Driver must check the protocol used to match
// BucketClass:supportedProtocols - {"azureblob", "gcs", "s3", ... } [3]
// BucketRequest:protocol - use this as request protocol but check
// if the protocol is in the BucketClass' suppportedProtocols
DataProtocol request_protocol = 2;
// permission granted
map<string,string> permissions = 3
// provisioner used to create and other bucket operations
// ProjectName this bucket created under
ProviderContext provider_context = 4 - { azure_context, gcs_context, s3_context, generic_context}
map<string,string> secrets
message GrantBucketAccessResponse {
// No data returned by this call other than error or success code
repeated ProviderCredentials creds
GRANT_BUCKET_DOESNOT_EXIST : Bucket specified does not exist
GRANT_INVALID_CREDENTIALS : resource deletion failed due to invalid credentials
GRANT_INTERNAL_ERROR : Failed to execute the requested call
GRANT_INVALID_ARGUMENT : validation of the input argument fails
GRANT_INVALID_PRINCIPAL : Failed to grant, principal provided is invalid
message RevokeBucketAccessRequest {
// The name of the bucket to be granted access.
// This field is REQUIRED.
string bucket_name = 1;
// RequestProtocol, one of the predefined values
// Driver must check the protocol used to match
// BucketClass:supportedProtocols - {"azureblob", "gcs", "s3", ... } [3]
// BucketRequest:protocol - use this as request protocol but check
// if the protocol is in the BucketClass' suppportedProtocols
DataProtocol request_protocol = 2;
// the service_account from which permissions are revoked
ProviderCredentials service_account
// permission revoked
map<string,string> permissions = 3
// provisioner used to create and other bucket operations
// ProjectName this bucket created under
ProviderContext provider_context = 4 - { azure_context, gcs_context, s3_context, generic_context}
map<string,string> secrets
message RevokeBucketAccessResponse {
// No data returned by this call other than error or success code
repeated ProviderCredentials creds
REVOKE_BUCKET_DOESNOT_EXIST : Bucket specified does not exist
REVOKE_INVALID_CREDENTIALS : resource deletion failed due to invalid credentials
REVOKE_INTERNAL_ERROR : Failed to execute the requested call
REVOKE_INVALID_ARGUMENT : validation of the input argument fails
REVOKE_INVALID_PRINCIPAL : Failed to grant, principal provided is invalid
service CosiController {
rpc GrantBucketAccess (GrantBucketAccessRequest) returns (GrantBucketAccessResponse);
rpc RevokeBucketAccess (RevokeBucketAccessRequest) returns (RevokeBucketAccessResponse);

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