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Joel Håkansson edited this page Oct 24, 2018 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the Brailleapps wiki!

See the sidebar for a complete list of topics covered. Note that this is a software development oriented wiki. For user documentation, see the documentation supplied with the application.


Our objectives are:

  • to provide open-source braille solutions written in Java
  • to define shareable braille components and to provide proof-of-concept implementations for those components
  • to implement functionality needed by our community

What's new?

You can use Github search to find the most recently updated pages.

Having problems?

If you have found a problem in one of the applications, feel free to report it in the common issue tracker. Or, if you know which component the error is in, you can use the issue tracker of the corresponding project.

Want to help out?

If you are interested in braille software development we encourage you to get involved with the Brailleapps projects.

Especially, if you are behind other braille software efforts, we would like to invite you in talks on how to further evolve our respective implementations for mutual benefit. We feel that it would greatly benefit the braille community in the long run if we can define and agree on some braille software components and/or system files and formats to be shared between implementations. Doing so would, over time, provide better Braille quality and software experience to our users and also the freedom to migrate between implementations as needed (for example, due to technology shifts in an organization).

Something on your mind?

Ask us on Gitter.

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