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MicroPython Package Validation

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Validate and create MicroPython package JSON file


MicroPython Package Validation for mip package.json files

📚 The latest documentation is available at MicroPython Package Validation ReadTheDocs 📚


Install required tools

Python3 must be installed on your system. Check the current Python version with the following command

python --version
python3 --version

Depending on which command Python 3.x.y (with x.y as some numbers) is returned, use that command to proceed.

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt


pip install setup2upypackage



Validate package JSON file

The following command will exit with a non-zero code in case of a difference between the generated (based on and existing package (package.json) content.

upy-package \
    --setup_file tests/data/ \
    --package_changelog_file tests/data/ \
    --package_file tests/data/package.json \

Validate package JSON file from changelog

In case the package version is defined by a changelog and the version entry of the file is filled on demand by e.g. changelog2version, the semantic version changelog can be specified explicitly to use its latest entry for the version value.

upy-package \
    --setup_file tests/data/ \
    --package_changelog_file tests/data/ \
    --package_file tests/data/package.json \


To not take the version or the dependencies specified in the package.json file during a validation run, use the --ignore-version or --ignore-deps argument. Additionally added and files in package.json can be ignored using --ignore-boot-main during a validation run.


Create package JSON file

The following command creates a package.json file in the same directory as the specified file. The content of the package.json file is additionally printed to stdout (--print) with an indentation of 4 (due to the --pretty option)

upy-package \
    --setup_file tests/data/ \
    --create \
    --print \
Create specific package JSON file

A specific package JSON file can be specified with the --package_file parameter. The file has to exist before running the command.

upy-package \
    --setup_file tests/data/ \
    --package_file tests/data/custom-package.json \
    --create \
    --print \

Create package JSON file from changelog

In case the package version is defined by a changelog and the version entry of the file is filled on demand by e.g. changelog2version, the semantic version changelog can be specified explicitly to use its latest entry for the version value.

upy-package \
    --setup_file tests/data/ \
    --package_changelog_file tests/data/ \
    --create \
    --print \



Run the unittests locally with the following command after installing this package in a virtual environment

# run all tests
nose2 --config tests/unittest.cfg

# run only one specific tests
nose2 tests.test_setup2upypackage.TestSetup2uPyPackage.test_package_version

Generate the coverage files with

coverage html

The coverage report is placed at reports/coverage/html/index.html

Precommit hooks

This repo is equipped with a .pre-commit-hooks.yaml file to be usable in other repos.

In order to run this repo's pre commit hooks, perform the following steps

pip install pre-commit
# for older systems without colored output support, last supported version is
# 1.18.3 (7c3404ef1f7593094c854f99bcd3b3eec75fbb2f, 1.19.0 broke it)
# test it with:
# from os import openpty
# r,w = openpty()

pre-commit run --all-files


Based on the PyPa sample project.