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Braintree iOS SDK Release Notes


  • BraintreeThreeDSecure
    • Add error code and error message for exceededTimeoutLimit
  • Prevent duplicate outbound v1/configuration requests

6.23.0 (2024-07-15)

  • BraintreeShopperInsights (BETA)
    • Add error when using an invalid authorization type
  • BraintreeCore
    • Update URLOpener.openURL(_:completionHandler:) protocol method to fix method signature change in Xcode 16 beta 3 (fixes #1359)
  • BraintreeThreeDSecure
    • Fix bug to conditionally unwrap customFields - this caused an error when this value was not set on BTThreeDSecureRequest

6.22.0 (2024-07-02)

  • BraintreeThreeDSecure
    • Add customFields param to BTThreeDSecureRequest
  • BraintreeCore
    • For analytics, only call fetchOrReturnRemoteConfig() when batch uploading, not on each analytic event enqueue
    • For analytics, add additional metrics on networking timing
    • Fix bug causing random crashes in BTAnalyticsService
  • BraintreePayPalNativeCheckout (DEPRECATED)
    • Note: This module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of the SDK
    • Add deprecated warning message to all public classes and methods

6.21.0 (2024-06-12)

  • BraintreePayPal
    • Add PayPal App Switch vault flow (BETA)
      • Add BTPayPalVaultRequest(userAuthenticationEmail:enablePayPalAppSwitch:offerCredit:)
      • Add BTPayPalClient(apiClient:universalLink:)
      • Send link_type and paypal_installed in event_params when available to PayPal's analytics service (FPTI)
      • Note: This feature is currently in beta and may change or be removed in future releases.

6.20.0 (2024-06-06)

  • Re-use existing URLSession instance for v1/configuration and subsequent BT GW API calls
  • BraintreeShopperInsights (BETA)
    • Add PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file
    • Add BTShopperInsightsClient.getRecommendedPaymentMethods() for returning recommendations based on the buyer
  • BraintreePayPal
    • Add BTPayPalCheckoutRequest.userAuthenticationEmail optional property

6.19.0 (2024-05-30)

  • BraintreeCore
    • Batch analytics events to FPTI
    • Send start_time, end_time, and endpoint to FPTI for tracking API request latency
    • Send isVaultRequest to FPTI for tracking in Venmo and PayPal flows
  • BraintreePayPalMessaging (BETA)
    • Add BTPayPalMessagingRequest, BTPayPalMessagingColor, BTPayPalMessagingLogoType, BTPayPalMessagingOfferType, BTPayPalMessagingPageType, BTPayPalMessagingTextAlignment, and BTPayPalMessagingDelegate
    • Add BTPayPalMessagingView to display PayPal messages to promote offers such as Pay Later and PayPal Credit to customers.
    • To get started create a BTPayPalMessagingView and call start(_:) with a BTPayPalMessagingRequest

6.18.2 (2024-05-15)

  • BraintreePayPal
    • Send start_time, end_time, and endpoint to FPTI for tracking API request latency

5.26.0 (2024-05-07)

  • Updated expiring pinned vendor SSL certificates

6.18.1 (2024-05-06)

  • Remove throttle delay in accessing configuration, added in v5.9.0
    • Move from URLCache to NSCache for configuration caching

6.18.0 (2024-04-25)

  • BraintreePayPalNativeCheckout
    • Bump PayPalCheckout to version 1.3.0 with code signing & a privacy manifest file.

5.25.0 (2024-04-10)

  • Require Xcode 15.0+ and Swift 5.9+ (per Apple App Store requirements)
  • Meets Apple's new Privacy Update requirements
  • BraintreePayPalDataCollector
    • Update PPRiskMagnes to version 5.5.0 with privacy manifest changes and code-signing
    • This version of the PPRiskMagnes framework is dynamic
  • BraintreeThreeDSecure
    • Bump CardinalMobile SDK to version 2.2.5-9 with code signing and a privacy manifest file.

6.17.0 (2024-04-10)

  • Require Xcode 15.0+ and Swift 5.9+ (per App Store requirements)
  • Updated expiring pinned vendor SSL certificates
  • BraintreeThreeDSecure
    • Bump CardinalMobile SDK to version 2.2.5-9 with code signing and a privacy manifest file.
  • BraintreeDataCollector
    • Bump to PPRiskMagnes version 5.5.0 with fix for Xcode 15.3 Swift Pacakge Manager validation bug (fixes #1229))

6.16.0 (2024-03-19)

  • Add BTPayPalVaultRequest.userAuthenticationEmail optional property

6.15.0 (2024-03-18)

6.14.0 (2024-03-13)

  • BraintreeDataCollector
    • Bump to PPRiskMagnes v5.5.0 with code signing & a privacy manifest file

6.13.0 (2024-03-12)

  • BraintreeVenmo
    • Add isFinalAmount to BTVenmoRequest
    • Add BTVenmoRequest.fallbackToWeb
      • If set to true customers will fallback to a web based Venmo flow if the Venmo app is not installed
      • This method uses Universal Links instead of URL Schemes
  • BraintreeCore
    • Send paypal_context_id in event_params to PayPal's analytics service (FPTI) when available
    • Send link_type in event_params to PayPal's analytics service (FPTI)
    • Fix bug where FPTI analytic events were being sent multiple times

6.12.0 (2024-01-18)

  • BraintreePayPal
    • Add imageURL, upcCode, and upcType to BTPayPalLineItem

6.11.0 (2023-12-20)

  • Update all SDK errors to be public and Equatable (fixes #1152 and #1080)
  • BraintreeThreeDSecure
    • Fix bug where BTThreeDSecureClient.initializeChallenge() callback wasn't properly invoked (fixes #1154)

6.10.0 (2023-11-17)

  • BraintreePayPalNativeCheckout
    • Update PayPalCheckout from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0.
    • Add userAuthenticationEmail to BTPayPalNativeCheckoutRequest
  • BraintreeDataCollector
    • Update previously incorrect version of PPRiskMagnes with 5.4.1 for Carthage users

5.24.1 (2023-11-17)

  • BraintreePayPalDataCollector
    • Update previously incorrect version of PPRiskMagnes 5.4.1 with staging removed
    • This version of the PPRiskMagnes framework is dynamic

6.9.0 (2023-11-16)

  • BraintreeThreeDSecure
    • Add cardAddChallengeRequested, uiType, and renderTypes to BTThreeDSecureRequest
    • Deprecate BTThreeDSecureRequest.cardAddChallenge
    • Fix bug where defaults for BTThreeDSecureRequest.accountType, BTThreeDSecureRequest.requestedExemptionType, and BTThreeDSecureRequest.dfReferenceID were improperly returning an error if not passed into the request
  • BraintreeCard
    • Deprecate unused BTCardRequest class

5.24.0 (2023-10-30)

  • BraintreePayPalDataCollector
    • Update PPRiskMagnes with 5.4.1 - staging removed (fixes #1107)
    • This version of the PPRiskMagnes framework is static

6.8.0 (2023-10-24)

  • BraintreeDataCollector
    • Update PPRiskMagnes with 5.4.1 - staging removed (fixes #1107)

6.7.0 (2023-10-09)

  • BraintreeCore
    • Fix bug where type was always returned as Unknown in fetchPaymentMethodNonces (fixes #1099)
    • Analytics
      • Send tenant_name in event_params to PayPal's analytics service (FPTI)
      • Update component from btmobilesdk to braintreeclientsdk for PayPal's analytics service (FPTI)
      • Send correlation_id, when possible, in PayPal analytic events

6.6.0 (2023-08-22)

  • BraintreePayPalNativeCheckout
    • Update PayPalCheckout from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0.

5.23.0 (2023-08-18)

  • BraintreeVenmo
    • Allow merchants to collect enriched customer data if enabled in the Braintree Control Panel
    • Add the following properties to BTVenmoRequest
      • collectCustomerBillingAddress
      • collectCustomerShippingAddress
      • totalAmount
      • subTotalAmount
      • discountAmount
      • taxAmount
      • shippingAmount
      • lineItems

6.5.0 (2023-08-10)

  • BraintreeVenmo
    • Add additional error parsing for Venmo errors
    • Throw cancelation specific error for BTVenmoClient.tokenize() (fixes #1085)
      • The callback style version of this function previously returned (nil, nil) for the cancel scenario, but will now return (nil, error) instead.
  • BraintreeCore
    • Send live instead of production for the merchant_sdk_env tag to PayPal's analytics service (FPTI)

6.4.0 (2023-07-18)

  • Expose reference documentation for BTAppContextSwitcher.handleOpen(_:) and BTAppContextSwitcher.handleOpenURL(context:)
  • Fixed a bug to return firstName, lastName, email, and payerID on BTPayPalNativeCheckoutAccountNonce when available.
  • BraintreeVenmo
    • Fix bug where tokenizations failed when sending an empty dictionary for transactionDetails in the CreateVenmoPaymentContext call (fixes #1074)

6.3.0 (2023-07-10)

  • BraintreePayPalNativeCheckout (General Availability release)
    • Update PayPalCheckout from 0.110.0 to 1.0.0. This is our newly released General Availability version
      • Note: This module will now be subject to semantic versioning

6.2.0 (2023-06-27)

  • BraintreePayPalNativeCheckout (BETA)
    • Fix bug where setting userAction does not update button as expected
  • BraintreeSEPADirectDebit
    • Add BTSEPADirectDebitRequest.locale
  • BraintreePayPal
    • Fix bug where BTPayPalAccountNonce values were not being returned as expected (fixes #1063)

6.1.0 (2023-06-22)

  • BraintreeVenmo
    • Allow merchants to collect enriched customer data if enabled in the Braintree Control Panel
    • Add the following properties to BTVenmoRequest
      • collectCustomerBillingAddress
      • collectCustomerShippingAddress
      • totalAmount
      • subTotalAmount
      • discountAmount
      • taxAmount
      • shippingAmount
      • lineItems

6.0.0 (2023-06-20)

Note: Includes all changes in 6.0.0-beta4, 6.0.0-beta3, 6.0.0-beta2, and 6.0.0-beta1

5.22.0 (2023-06-08)

  • Require Xcode 14.1 (per App Store requirements)
  • Deprecate 3DS v1. Any attempt to use 3DS v1 will now throw an error. See Migrating to 3D Secure 2 for more information.
  • Carthage .frameworks are no longer supported in Xcode 14.1, please replace all Frameworks with XCFrameworks and use --use-xcframeworks for all Carthage steps

6.0.0-beta4 (2023-06-01)

  • Move from Braintree to PayPal analytics service
  • Make BTConfiguration extensions internal
  • Breaking Changes
    • Require Xcode 14.3+ and Swift 5.8+
    • Rename BraintreePaymentFlow module to BraintreeLocalPayment
    • BraintreeThreeDSecure
      • Add BTThreeDSecureClient
        • Remove BTPaymentFlowClient+ThreeDSecure extension
        • Move BTPaymentFlowClient+ThreeDSecure and BTThreeDSecureRequest methods to BTThreeDSecureClient
        • Remove BTThreeDSecureError.cannotCastRequest case
      • Remove dependency on BraintreePaymentFlow module
    • BraintreeLocalPayment (formerly named BraintreePaymentFlow)
      • Rename BTPaymentFlowClient to BTLocalPaymentClient
      • Move BTLocalPaymentRequest methods to BTLocalPaymentClient

6.0.0-beta3 (2023-04-18)

  • Remove iosBaseSDK, iosDeploymentTarget, iosIdentifierForVendor, deviceAppGeneratedPersistentUuid, and deviceScreenOrientation from BTAnalyticsMetadata
  • Fixes error @objcMembers attribute used without importing module 'Foundation' in Xcode 14.3+
  • Add async/await support back to all public Swift methods
  • Convert BraintreeVenmo module to Swift
  • Convert BraintreeCard module to Swift
  • Convert BraintreeThreeDSecure module to Swift
  • Convert BraintreePaymentFlow module to Swift
  • Breaking Changes
    • BraintreePaymentFlow
      • Replaced SFSafariViewController with ASWebAuthenticationSession
      • Removed BTViewControllerPresentingDelegate protocol and correlating methods
      • Rename BTLocalPaymentRequest.shippingAddressRequired to isShippingAddressRequired
    • BraintreeApplePay
      • Rename BTApplePayClient.tokenizeApplePay(_:completion:) to BTApplePayClient.tokenize(_:completion:)
      • Rename BTApplePayClient.paymentRequest() to BTApplePayClient.makePaymentRequest()
      • Make BTApplePayCardNonce initializer internal
    • BraintreeDataCollector
      • Update PPRiskMagnes to static XCFramework
    • BraintreeVenmo
      • Rename BTVenmoAccountNonce.externalId to BTVenmoAccountNonce.externalID
      • Renamed BTVenmoClient.tokenizeVenmoAccount(with:completion:) to BTVenmoClient.tokenize(_:completion:)
      • Renamed BTVenmoClient.isiOSAppAvailableForAppSwitch() to BTVenmoClient.isVenmoAppInstalled()
    • BraintreeAmericanExpress
      • Rename BTAmericanExpressClient.getRewardsBalance(forNonce:currencyIsoCode:completion:) to BTAmericanExpressClient.getRewardsBalance(forNonce:currencyISOCode:completion:)
    • BraintreeSEPADirectDebit
      • Rename BTSEPADirectDebitClient.tokenize(request:completion:) to BTSEPADirectDebitClient.tokenize(_:completion:)
    • BraintreeCard
      • Make BTAuthenticationInsight initializer internal
      • Rename BTCardClient.tokenizeCard(_:completion) to BTCardClient.tokenize(_:completion:)
    • BraintreeThreeDSecure
      • 3D Secure version 1 is no longer supported
        • Removed the following: BTThreeDSecureV1UICustomization class, BTThreeDSecureRequest.v1UICustomization property, and BTThreeDSecureVersion enum
          • All 3D Secure requests will use version 2
        • Rename BTThreeDSecureV2ButtonType enum cases to: .verify, .continue, .next, .cancel, and .resend

5.21.0 (2023-03-14)

  • Add missed deprecation warnings to BTCardRequest Union Pay properties
  • Update Cardinal SDK to version 2.2.5-6
  • BraintreePayPalNativeCheckout (BETA)
    • Expose payerID property on BTPayPalNativeCheckoutAccountNonce publicly
    • Expose all properties on BTPayPalNativeCheckoutAccountNonce to Objective-C

5.20.1 (2023-01-31)

  • BraintreePayPalNativeCheckout (BETA)
    • Fix bug where some request dictionaries were being constructed incorrectly
    • Fix bug where passing BTPayPalNativeVaultRequest.shippingAddressOverride as nil was incorrectly throwing an error

6.0.0-beta2 (2023-01-30)

  • Convert BraintreePayPal module to Swift
  • Breaking Changes
    • BraintreePayPal
      • Rename BTPayPalRequest.riskCorrelationId to BTPayPalRequest.riskCorrelationID
      • Removed BTPayPalRequest.activeWindow property
        • The window will be set to the first window or a new ASPresentationAnchor if the first window is nil
      • Update BTPayPalRequestLandingPageType enum default case to .none
        • Update enum values
          • .none = 0
          • .login = 1
          • .billing = 2
      • BTPayPalRequestUserAction
        • Update enum cases to .none and .payNow
        • Update enum values
          • .none = 0
          • .payNow = 1
      • Update BTPayPalRequestIntent enum values
        • .authorize = 0
        • .sale = 1
        • .order = 2
      • Update BTPayPalLineItemKind enum values
        • .debit = 0
        • .credit = 1
      • Create BTPayPalLocaleCode enum
      • BTPayPalRequest.localeCode now uses the BTPayPalLocaleCode enum instead of a String
      • Renamed and replaced BTPayPalClient.tokenizePayPalAccount with two methods called tokenize() taking in requests of either BTPayPalCheckoutRequest or BTPayPalVaultRequest
      • Make BTPayPalNonce initializer internal
    • BraintreePayPalNativeCheckout (BETA)
      • Renamed and replaced BTPayPalNativeCheckoutClient.tokenizePayPalAccount with two methods called tokenize() taking in requests of either BTPayPalNativeCheckoutRequest or BTPayPalNativeVaultRequest
      • BTPayPalNativeCheckoutRequest now takes in an intent of type BTPayPalRequestIntent instead of BTPayPalNativeRequestIntent
      • BTPayPalNativeCheckoutRequest.localeCode now uses the BTPayPalLocaleCode enum instead of a String value
    • BraintreeUnionPay
      • Remove BraintreeUnionPay module
        • UnionPay cards can now be processed as regular cards (through the BraintreeCard module) due to their partnership with Discover
    • BraintreeCore
      • Remove BTPreferredPaymentMethods and BTPreferredPaymentMethodResult
    • BraintreeSEPADirectDebit
      • The tokenize method no longer takes in a context parameter
      • Merchants no longer need to conform to the ASWebAuthenticationPresentationContextProviding protocol

5.20.0 (2023-01-24)

  • BraintreeThreeDSecure
    • Add requestedExemptionType to BTThreeDSecureRequest

5.19.0 (2022-12-19)

  • BraintreePayPalNativeCheckout (BETA)
    • Update NativeCheckout version from 0.108.0 to 0.110.0
    • Fix issue with multiple clientIDs causing incorrect web fallback

6.0.0-beta1 (2022-12-13)

  • Convert BraintreeCore module to Swift
  • Convert BraintreeAmericanExpress module to Swift
  • Convert BraintreeDataCollector module to Swift
  • Removed PayPalDataCollector module in favor of single BraintreeDataCollector
  • Kount is no longer supported through the SDK
  • Breaking Changes
    • Bump minimum supported deployment target to iOS 14+
    • Require Carthage 0.38.0+ and xcframeworks via carthage update --use-xcframeworks
    • Require Xcode 14
      • Bump Swift Tools Version to 5.7 for CocoaPods & SPM
    • BraintreeCore
      • Renamed BTAppContextSwitchDriver protocol to `BTAppContextSwitchClient
      • BTViewControllerPresentingDelegate protocol now takes in the client parameter instead of driver
      • Renamed BTClientMetadataSourceType to BTClientMetadataSource
      • Renamed BTClientMetadataIntegrationType to BTClientMetadataIntegration
      • Removed static wrapper methods from BTAppContextSwitcher
      • Replaced BTLogger with BTLogLevel and BTLogLevelDescription
      • Renamed BTCardNetworkUKMaestro to BTCardNetworkUkMaestro in BTCardNetwork enum
    • BraintreeVenmo
      • Renamed BTVenmoDriver to BTVenmoClient
      • Remove .unspecified case from BTVenmoPaymentMethodUsage enum
      • Require paymentMethodUsage param in BTVenmoRequest initializer
      • Move category extension of BTConfiguration into BraintreeCore
    • BraintreePayPal
      • Renamed BTPayPalDriver to BTPayPalClient
      • Remove BTPayPalDriver.requestOneTimePayment in favor of BTPayPalClient.tokenizePayPalAccount
      • Remove BTPayPalDriver.requestBillingAgreement in favor of BTPayPalClient.tokenizePayPalAccount
      • Move category extension of BTConfiguration into BraintreeCore
    • BraintreeAmericanExpress
      • Make BTAmericanExpressRewardsBalance initializer private
    • BraintreePaymentFlow
      • Renamed BTPaymentFlowDriver to BTPaymentFlowClient
      • Renamed BTPaymentFlowDriverDelegate protocol to BTPaymentFlowClientDelegate
      • handleRequest in delegate protocol now takes in paymentClientDelegate parameter instead of paymentDriverDelegate
      • Move category extension of BTConfiguration into BraintreeCore
    • PayPalDataCollector
      • Removed PayPalDataCollector module in favor of single BraintreeDataCollector
    • BraintreeDataCollector
      • Kount is no longer supported through the SDK
      • Combine PayPalDataCollector and BraintreeDataCollector into one module to create single entrypoint for data collection
      • Merchants should use the new collectDeviceData function for data collection which will now return a completion with either device data or an error
    • BraintreeApplePay
      • Move category extension of BTConfiguration into BraintreeCore
    • BraintreeUnionPay
      • Move category extension of BTConfiguration into BraintreeCore
    • BraintreeThreeDSecure
      • Move category extension of BTConfiguration into BraintreeCore

5.18.0 (2022-12-13)

  • Deprecate Kount Custom integrations
  • Deprecate the BraintreeUnionPay module and containing classes
    • UnionPay cards can now be processed as regular cards (through the BraintreeCard module) due to their partnership with Discover

5.17.0 (2022-12-05)

  • BraintreePayPalNativeCheckout (BETA)
    • Fix CocoaPods bug emitting "Cannot find interface declaration" error (CocoaPods issue #11672)
    • Rename riskCorrelationId to riskCorrelationID
    • Rename nativeRequest to request internally in tokenizePayPalAccount
    • tokenizePayPalAccount now takes in a request of type BTPayPalNativeRequest instead of a nativeRequest of type BTPayPalRequest

5.16.0 (2022-10-27)

  • BraintreePayPalDataCollector
    • Update PPRiskMagnes with a version of 5.4.0 with ENABLE_BITCODE removed
      • The App Store no longer accepts bitcode submissions from Xcode 14
      • This version of PPRiskMagnes drops support for Xcode 12 and requires Swift 5.5+
      • This version of the PPRiskMagnes framework is dynamic. This reverts a breaking change that was introduced in minor version 5.8.0 (See GitHub issue #920).

5.15.0 (2022-10-26)

  • BraintreePayPalNativeCheckout (BETA)
    • Fix merchant_account_id and correlation_id keys to be nested at the top level of the internal create order request
    • Update Package.swift to fetch PayPalCheckout binary dependency directly instead of hosting copy in braintree_ios repo
  • BraintreePayPal
    • Resolve depreciation warning with UIApplication.sharedApplication for iOS 15+ targets (fixes #884)

5.14.0 (2022-10-05)

  • Remove ENABLE_BITCODE from framework target build settings
    • The App Store no longer accepts bitcode submissions from Xcode 14
  • BraintreePayPalNativeCheckout (BETA)
    • Update NativeCheckout version from 0.106.0 to 0.108.0
    • Fixes an issue where merchants with multiple client IDs would fallback to web on subsequent checkout sessions
    • Remove exit survey when canceling Native Checkout flow
  • BraintreeSEPADirectDebit
    • Resolve Invalid Bundle error when uploading to the App Store

5.13.0 (2022-09-16)

  • BraintreePayPalNativeCheckout (BETA)
    • Fix CocoaPods integrations to pin exact PayPalCheckout version
    • Update NativeCheckout version from 0.100.0 to 0.106.0
    • This version update allows US based customers with a confirmed phone number to log into their PayPal account using a one time passcode sent via SMS without needing to authenticate through a webview.
    • Update Package.swift to use local PayPalCheckout dependency instead of fetching remotely.
      • Fixes a bug where all Braintree merchants using SPM (including those not using the BraintreePayPalNativeCheckout module), would get PayPalCheckout in their projects.

5.12.0 (2022-09-07)

  • Adds support for Xcode 14 and iOS 16
  • BraintreeSEPADirectDebit
    • Update BTSEPADirectDebitNonce to pull in ibanLastFour and customerID as expected
    • Remove unused presentationContextProvider (fixes #854)

5.11.0 (2022-07-20)

  • BraintreeSEPADirectDebit
    • Add support for SEPA Direct Debit for approved merchants through the Braintree SDK
    • SEPA Direct Debit is only available to select merchants, please contact your Customer Support Manager or Sales to start processing SEPA bank payments
    • Merchants should use the BTSepaDirectDebitClient.tokenize method while passing in the BTSEPADirectDebitRequest and context while conforming to ASWebAuthenticationPresentationContextProviding
  • BraintreePayPalNativeCheckout (BETA)
    • This module can handle the same flows as the existing BraintreePayPal module, but will present the end user with an in-context checkout flow using native UI components.
    • To get started, create a BTPayPalNativeCheckoutClient, and call tokenizePayPalAccount with either a BTPayPalNativeCheckoutRequest (for one time payment transactions), or a BTPayPalNativeVaultRequest (for vaulted flows)

5.10.0 (2022-06-06)

  • Fix potential crash when http request fails with no error but empty data (thanks @cltnschlosser)
  • Update Cardinal SDK to version 2.2.5-3

5.9.0 (2022-04-14)

  • Venmo
    • Reduce network connection lost error frequency on older iOS and Venmo app versions
  • PPDataCollector
    • Allow passing isSandbox bool for data collection in clientMetadataID and collectPayPalDeviceData functions

5.8.0 (2022-03-24)

  • PPRiskMagnes
    • Update PPRiskMagnes to 5.4.0
    • This version of PPRiskMagnes replaces the dynamic framework/xcframework with a static framework/xcframework

5.7.0 (2022-03-02)

  • Fix configuration caching

5.6.3 (2022-02-09)

  • Swift Package Manager
    • Add explicit package dependancies for BraintreeDataCollector, BraintreeThreeDSecure, and PayPalDataCollector (fixes #735)

5.6.2 (2022-02-01)

  • Update import statement of header file from kDataCollector to KDataCollector

5.6.1 (2022-01-14)

  • Fix error construction for duplicate card error

5.6.0 (2022-01-13)

  • Card Tokenization
    • Remove expiration date duplication in card tokenization (fixes #772)
    • Add BTCardClientErrorTypeCardAlreadyExists to BTCardClientErrorType
  • 3DS
    • Add nil checks for 3DS handlers (fixes #769)

5.5.0 (2021-11-01)

  • Add displayName to BTLocalPaymentRequest
  • Add riskCorrelationId to BTPayPalRequest
  • Update CardinalMobile frameworks
    • Update CardinalMobile.xcframework to 2.2.5-2
      • Adds arm64 simulator / Apple Silicon support (discussed in #564)
      • Fixes 3DS (iOS 15 translucent toolbar issue)[#748]
    • Update CardinalMobile.framework to 2.2.5-1
    • Note:
      • This release allows all SPM, CocoaPods, and Carthage users using --use-xcframeworks to get Apple Silicon support and the iOS 15 3DS toolbar fix.
      • Carthage users not using --use-xcframeworks will not get these updates until a later version.
      • See PR #750 for more details.

5.4.4 (2021-10-05)

  • Re-organize /Frameworks binaries into nested /FatFrameworks and /XCFrameworks directories.
    • Provides fix for this CocoaPods issue & allows proper usage of PPRiskMagnes.xcframework by PayPalDataCollector subspec.
  • Swift Package Manager
    • Update Package.swift to include PPRiskMagnes as explicit target for library products that require PayPalDataCollector
    • Note: No longer requires manual inclusion of PayPalDataCollector in order to use BraintreeThreeDSecure, BraintreePayPal, and BraintreePaymentFlow

4.38.0 (2021-08-24)

  • Add offerPayLater to BTPayPalRequest

5.4.3 (2021-07-22)

  • Swift Package Manager
    • Adds NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE annotations to methods unavailable for use in app extensions. Fixes (Drop-In issue #343)[braintree/braintree-ios-drop-in#343] for Xcode 13-beta3.
  • ThreeDSecure
    • Add cardAddChallenge to BTThreeDSecureRequest

5.4.2 (2021-06-24)

  • Swift Package Manager
    • Remove product libraries for KountDataCollector, PPRiskMagnes, and CardinalMobile (requires Xcode 12.5+)
      • Notes:
        • This was a workaround for an Xcode bug discussed in #576. The bug resolved in Xcode 12.5.
        • You can remove the KountDataCollector, PPRiskMagnes, and CardinalMobile explicit dependencies.
        • You can also remove any run-script phase or post-action previously required for using these frameworks.
    • Xcode 13 Beta
      • Remove invalid file path exclusions from Package.swift (thanks @JonathanDowning)

5.4.1 (2021-06-22)

  • Re-add BraintreeCore dependency to PayPalDataCollector for Swift Package Manager archive issue workaround (fixes #679)

5.4.0 (2021-06-07)

  • Venmo
    • Add paymentMethodUsage to BTVenmoRequest
    • Add displayName to BTVenmoRequest
  • Update PPRiskMagnes to 5.2.0
  • Carthage

5.3.2 (2021-05-25)

  • Fix Braintree-Swift.h imports for React Native projects using CocoaPods (fixes #671)
  • Fix BTJSON compatability for Swift

5.3.1 (2021-05-11)

  • Update Kount SDK to v4.1.5
  • Fix bug where userAction on BTPayPalCheckoutRequest was ignored

4.37.1 (2021-04-06)

  • Update PPRiskMagnesOC to 4.0.12 (resolves potential duplicate symbols errors)

5.3.0 (2021-03-23)

  • Add CardinalMobile.xcframework version 2.2.5-1
  • Update Kount SDK to v4.1.4

NOTE: For Swift Package Manager integrations using BraintreeThreeDSecure, manually including CardinalMobile.framework is no longer required. You should delete it from your project and add CardinalMobile via SPM. If you added the run script to remove simulator architectures from CardinalMobile.framework, you should remove this as well. See the Swift Package Manager guide for more information.

5.2.0 (2021-03-15)

  • Fix potential crash if legacyCode param missing from GraphQL error response
  • PayPal
    • Add offerCredit to BTPayPalVaultRequest

5.1.0 (2021-03-08)

  • Local Payment Methods
    • Add bic (Bank Identification Code) to BTLocalPaymentRequest
  • Apple Pay
    • Add support for PKPaymentNetworkElo to Apple Pay configuration

5.0.1 (2021-03-01)

  • SPM
    • Remove KountDataCollector binary dependency from BraintreeDataCollector target (fixes #624)
    • Remove PPRiskMagnes binary dependency from PayPalDataCollector target (fixes #624)
  • Carthage
    • Fix timeout when building from source using --no-use-binaries or --use-xcframeworks flags

5.0.0 (2021-02-11)

  • Breaking Changes
    • Make shippingMethod property on BTThreeDSecureRequest an enum instead of a string
    • Remove BTTokenizationService
    • Make BTPaymentMethodNonceParser private
    • Remove BTAppSwitchDelegate
    • Rename BTAppSwitch to BTAppContextSwitcher
      • Rename handleAppSwitchReturnURL() to handleReturnURL()
      • Rename canHandleAppSwitchReturnURL() to canHandleReturnURL()
      • Remove unregisterAppSwitchHandler()
    • Rename properties to use ID instead of Id:
      • BTAmericanExpressRewardsBalance.requestID
      • BTCard.merchantAccountID
      • BTThreeDSecureInfo.acsTransactionID
      • BTThreeDSecureInfo.dsTransactionID
      • BTThreeDSecureInfo.threeDSecureAuthenticationID
      • BTThreeDSecureInfo.threeDSecureServerTransactionID
      • BTBinData.productID
      • BTClientMetadata.sessionID
      • BTConfiguration+DataCollector.kountMerchantID
      • BTDataCollector.fraudMerchantID
      • BTPayPalAccountNonce.clientMetadataID
      • BTPayPalAccountNonce.payerID
      • BTPayPalRequest.merchantAccountID
      • BTLocalPaymentRequest.merchantAccountID
      • BTLocalPaymentResult.clientMetadataID
      • BTLocalPaymentResult.payerID
      • BTThreeDSecureAdditionalInformation.accountID
      • BTThreeDSecureLookup.transactionID
    • Rename methods to use ID instead of Id:
      • BTLocalPaymentRequest.localPaymentStarted(request:paymentID:start:)
      • BTVenmoDriver.authorizeAccount(profileID:vault:completion:)
    • Remove initWithNumber and initWithParameters initializers from BTCard
    • Replace BTVenmoDriver.authorizeAccount methods with BTVenmoDriver.tokenizeVenmoAccount
    • PayPal
      • Update BTPayPalDriver.requestOneTimePayment to expect a BTPayPalCheckoutRequest and deprecate method
      • Update BTPayPalDriver.requestBillingAgreement to expect a BTPayPalVaultRequest and deprecate method
      • Remove offerCredit from BTPayPalRequest (offerPayLater should be used instead)
    • BraintreeDataCollector
      • Remove BTDataCollectorDelegate
      • Remove BTDataCollector.collectCardFraudData()
      • Remove BTDataCollectorKountErrorDomain
  • Add environment to BTConfiguration
  • Add BTVenmoRequest
  • Update Kount SDK to v4.1.3 (includes arm64 simulator architecture for Apple silicon)
  • PayPal
    • Fix memory leak in BTPayPalDriver
    • Add BTPayPalCheckoutRequest
    • Add BTPayPalVaultRequest
    • Add tokenizePayPalAccount method to BTPayPalDriver
    • Add offerPayLater and requestBillingAgreement to BTPayPalCheckoutRequest
  • Update CardinalMobile.framework to v2.2.5

Note: Includes all changes in 5.0.0-beta2 and 5.0.0-beta1

5.0.0-beta2 (2021-01-20)

  • Add SPM support for BraintreeDataCollector and BraintreeThreeDSecure
  • Add SPM libraries for KountDataCollector and PPRiskMagnes to workaround Xcode bug (addresses #576)
  • Bump Kount to v4.0.4.3 pre-release (provides an xcframework for SPM)
  • Bump PPRiskMagnes to v5.10.0 (resolves #564)
  • Fix Xcode 12.3 issue with building PPRiskMagnes.framework for iOS + iOS Simulator
  • Add accountType to BTThreeDSecureRequest
  • Breaking Changes
    • Remove type and nonce params on BTApplePayCardNone initializer
    • Replace uiCustomization with v2UICustomization on BTThreeDSecureRequest
    • Introduce new classes for 3DS2 UI customization:
      • BTThreeDSecureV2UICustomization
      • BTThreeDSecureV2ButtonCustomization
      • BTThreeDSecureV2LabelCustomization
      • BTThreeDSecureV2TextBoxCustomization
      • BTThreeDSecureV2ToolbarCustomization
    • Default versionRequested on BTThreeDSecureRequest to 3DS2 instead of 3DS1

4.37.0 (2021-01-20)

  • Add paymentTypeCountryCode to BTLocalPaymentRequest

5.0.0-beta1 (2020-12-01)

  • Add support for Swift Package Manager (resolves #462)
  • Bump Kount to v4.0.4.2 (supports iOS 9.3+)
  • Replace deprecated SecTrustEvaluate with SecTrustEvaluateWithError (fixes #536)
  • Only check if the Venmo app is installed if the BraintreeVenmo module is being used (resolves #231)
  • Breaking Changes
    • Bump minimum supported deployment target to iOS 12
    • Remove deprecated BraintreeUI module
    • Remove all deprecated methods and properties
    • Core
      • Remove the localizedDescription property on BTPaymentMethodNonce
      • Update all methods on BTAppSwitchDelegate to be optional
      • Remove options and sourceApplication params on BTAppSwitch methods
    • PaymentFlow
      • Update dismiss button style from done to cancel for SFSafariViewControllers presented via the BTPaymentFlowDriver. This update applies to both the 3D Secure and Local Payments payment flows.
      • Remove the localizedDescription property on BTLocalPaymentResult
      • Remove unused BTPaymentFlowDriverErrorTypeInvalidRequestURL option from BTPaymentFlowDriverErrorDomain
    • PayPal
      • Remove PayPalOneTouch and PayPalUtils modules
      • Remove authorizeAccountWithCompletion and authorizeAccountWithAdditionalScopes methods from BTPayPalDriver
      • Remove requestOneTimePayment and requestBillingAgreement overloads with custom handler parameters from BTPayPalDriver
      • Remove viewControllerPresentingDelegate property from BTPayPalDriver
      • Remove use of SFSafariViewController from PayPal flow
      • Replace deprecated SFAuthenticationSession with ASWebAuthenticationSession in PayPal flow
      • Update requestBillingAgreement and requestOneTimePayment completion blocks to return an error when user cancels the PayPal flow
      • Remove custom URL scheme requirement for PayPal flow
      • Update BTPayPalDriverErrorType enum
        • Remove BTPayPalDriverErrorTypeIntegrationReturnURLScheme
        • Remove BTPayPalDriverErrorTypeAppSwitchFailed
        • Remove BTPayPalDriverErrorTypeInvalidConfiguration
    • ThreeDSecure
      • Remove deprecated Braintree3DSecure module
      • Restructure BTThreeDSecureResult and BTThreeDSecureLookup
      • Create a stand-alone 3DS module
    • PayPalDataCollector
      • Add PPRiskMagnes.framework and PPRiskMagnes.xcframework v5.0.1 (requires Swift 5.1+)
      • Remove collectPayPalDeviceInfoWithClientMetadataID method on PayPalDataCollector.h

4.36.1 (2020-11-10)

  • Update CardinalMobile.framework to v2.2.4-1
  • Exclude arm64 simulator architectures via Podspec (fixes Drop-In #233)

4.36.0 (2020-10-07)

  • Add cardholderName to BTCardNonce
  • Add support for PKPaymentNetworkMaestro to Apple Pay configuration

4.35.0 (2020-08-10)

  • Update CardinalMobile.framework to v2.2.3-1
  • Add expirationMonth and expirationYear to BTCardNonce
  • Update PPDataCollector

4.34.0 (2020-06-09)

  • Add environment property to BTPayPalUAT

4.33.0 (2020-04-16)

  • Add support for iOS 13 SceneDelegate to BTAppSwitch
  • Add lastFour property to BTCardNonce
  • Make BTURLUtils.h public
  • Add support for authorizing the Braintree SDK with a PayPalUAT (universal access token)
  • Remove AddressBook.framework from Podspec (thanks @ignotusverum)
  • Add threeDSecureAuthenticationId to BTThreeDSecureInfo

4.32.1 (2020-02-21)

  • Fix crash when ThreeDSecureRequest amount field is set to NaN (resolves #507)
  • Update CardinalMobile.framework to v2.2.2-1 for Carthage users

4.32.0 (2020-02-18)

  • Update CardinalMobile.framework to v2.2.2-1
  • Update PPDataCollector

4.31.0 (2020-01-15)

  • Add support for basic UI customization of 3DS1 flows. See BTThreeDSecureV1UICustomization.

4.30.2 (2019-11-15)

  • Updated CardinalMobile.framework to v2.2.1-2

4.30.1 (2019-11-04)

  • Updated CardinalMobile.framework to v2.2.1

4.30.0 (2019-10-01)

  • Fix nullability annotations on BTPostalAddress fields (resolves #472)
  • Add ability to request AuthenticationInsight when tokenizing a credit card, which can be used to make a decision about whether to perform 3D Secure verification
  • Set error message on BTThreeDSecureInfo when 3D Secure 2.0 challenge fails

4.29.0 (2019-09-19)

  • Fix issue when returning from the Venmo app on iOS13
  • Fix crash and return error when threeDSecureRequest.amount is nil and 3DS v1 is requested

4.28.0 (2019-09-05)

  • Add ability to customize UI for 3D Secure challenge views
  • Add authentication and lookup transaction status information to BTThreeDSecureInfo

4.27.1 (2019-08-29)

  • Fix url parsing bug (thanks @pedrocid)

4.27.0 (2019-08-15)

  • Remove unneeded pre-processor directives
  • Added new fields to BTThreeDSecureInfo

4.26.3 (2019-07-31)

  • Fixed issue with Carthage binary spec for CardinalMobile

4.26.2 (2019-07-31)

  • Add support for CardinalMobile binary only framework when using Carthage

4.26.1 (2019-07-26)

  • Update CardinalMobile to v2.1.4-2
    • Fix issue distributing to App Store

4.26.0 (2019-07-26)

  • Send analytics timestamps in milliseconds
  • Fix crash on apps with deployment targets without minor version (thanks @squall09s)
  • Add additional fields to BTThreeDSecureInfo

4.25.1 (2019-07-15)

  • Correct importing of BTConfiguration+ThreeDSecure (thanks @ejensen)
  • Add missing header documentation for BTThreeDSecureLookup

4.25.0 (2019-07-12)

  • Update CardinalMobile to v2.1.4
    • Remove use of advertisingIdentifier

4.24.0 (2019-07-09)

  • Add 3DS 2 Support
  • Update 3DS redirect to newest version
  • Update platform to iOS 8.0 in podspec
  • Remove location data from analytics collection

4.23.2 (2019-06-20)

  • Fix issue that caused a crash when 3DS auth response is invalid

4.23.1 (2019-06-17)

  • Update analytics parameters
  • Update local payment endpoint

4.23.0 (2019-03-07)

  • Add Hiper and Hipercard support

4.22.0 (2019-01-30)

  • Add support for BTPayPalLineItem
  • Fix build issue for Demo app

4.21.0 (2018-12-12)

  • Fix occasional crash in libPPRiskComponent.a

4.20.2 (2018-11-16)

  • Fix minimum iOS version in libPPRiskComponent.a

4.20.1 (2018-11-14)

  • Update libPPRiskComponent.a to latest version

4.20.0 (2018-10-30)

  • Luhn validate UnionPay cards
    • Luhn-invalid UnionPay cards were previously rejected server side rather than client side
  • Fix retain cycle when ovewriting an NSURLSession
  • Update PayPalDataCollector to include latest libPPRiskComponent.a

4.19.0 (2018-09-13)

  • Update properties on BTLocalPaymentRequest

4.18.0 (2018-08-31)

  • Add optional merchantAccountId to BTPayPalRequest
  • Add openVenmoAppPageInAppStore to BTVenmoDriver
  • Add BTLocalPayment to BTPaymentFlow
    • Replaces the BTIdeal integration

4.17.0 (2018-07-17)

  • Update GraphQL URLs

4.16.0 (2018-06-15)

  • Add shippingAddressEditable flag to BTPayPalRequest

4.15.2 (2018-06-13)

  • Fix issue where address override was not set for PayPal billing agreements

4.15.1 (2018-06-07)

  • Use angled brackets for BraintreeVenmo header imports (thanks @vicpenap)

4.15.0 (2018-04-30)

  • 3D Secure
    • Add support for American Express SafeKey params

4.14.0 (2018-04-03)

  • Ensure animations are consistent for PayPal SFSafariViewController flow (thanks @nudge)
  • Update header documentation
  • Add BTAppSwitchDelegate events appContextWillSwitch and appContextDidReturn
    • Addresses the issue that notifications were inconsistent across app switches #383

4.13.0 (2018-03-20)

  • Update PayPalDataCollector to include latest libPPRiskComponent.a

4.12.0 (2018-03-06)

  • Add support for Venmo profiles
  • Fix demo app issue with CocoaPods

4.11.0 (2018-02-05)

  • Fix code for implicit retain self warning (thanks @keith)

4.10.1 (2018-02-01)

  • Add BTThreeDSecureInfo to BTCardNonce
  • Use angled brackets for BraintreePayPal header imports (thanks @nudge)

4.10.0 (2017-12-08)

  • Add iDEAL support
  • Add new 3D Secure integration with browser support
  • Fix issue where ApplePay nonces were not having their default property set (Thanks @rksaraf)

4.9.6 (2017-11-13)

  • Fix issue where Venmo attempted to vault when using a Tokenization Key

4.9.5 (2017-11-03)

  • Fix a timeout issue on configuration fetch
  • Static analysis fixes
  • Add BraintreeAmericanExpress module and getRewardsBalance method

4.9.4 (2017-10-02)

  • Fix Xcode9 compatibility issues with iOS 7.0

4.9.3 (2017-09-28)

  • Update Xcode 9 code for availability checking
  • Fix analytics thread issue

4.9.2 (2017-09-25)

  • Fix Xcode9 build warnings
  • Add additional billing address params to card builder
    • Country Code Alpha 3
    • Country Code Numeric
    • Company
    • Extended Address

4.9.1 (2017-09-20)

  • Update libPPRiskComponent to latest version

4.9.0 (2017-09-13)

  • Add support for SFAuthenticationSession for PayPal payments

4.8.7 (2017-08-30)

  • Add firstName and lastName to BTCard

4.8.6 (2017-08-17)

  • Add additional bin data to card based payment methods

4.8.5 (2017-07-21)

  • Fix bug that caused a crash on iOS11 (Beta 3) when using a Tokenization Key in production (Thanks @peterstuart)

4.8.4 (2017-06-26)

  • Update to Kount 3.2
  • Update Demo to support Xcode9 (Beta 1) and iOS11
  • Update README

4.8.3 (2017-05-30)

  • Fix Pay with Venmo bug

4.8.2 (2017-05-11)

  • Add PayPal Credit support to PayPal Billing Agreements flow
  • Add V3 Client Token support
  • Enable client side vaulting of Venmo nonces
  • Fix potential memory leak issue #312
  • Fix bug causing random crashes in 3DS flow #329

4.8.1 (2017-04-07)

  • Optimize BTAPIClient:initWithAuthorization: when using a client token
  • Fix invalid documentation tags

4.8.0 (2017-03-30)

  • Enable PayPal Credit
  • Add support for displayName and landing_page_type PayPal options
  • Fix issue with 3DS error callbacks #318
  • Resolve build error in Xcode 8.3

4.7.5 (2017-02-22)

  • Fix issue where PayPal correlation_id was not set correctly
  • Add support for custom PayPal authentication handler
  • Update docs to specify Xcode 8+ requirement
  • Fix header import in BTAnalyticsMetadata.m
  • Additional tuning for Travis CI

4.7.4 (2017-01-13)

  • Update UnitTests to Swift 3
  • Update PayPal header docs
  • Update CocoaDocs and remove styling

4.7.3 (2016-11-18)

  • Allow BraintreeCore to be compatible with App Extensions
  • Fix BraintreePayPal use of queryItems for iOS 7 compatibility
  • Present SFSafariViewControllers from the top UIViewController via Drop-in to avoid blank SFSafariViewController
    • Set BTPaymentRequest presentViewControllersFromTop to YES to opt in to this behavior
  • Fix @param warning for incorrect argument name
  • Fix CocoaDocs and add styling

4.7.2 (2016-11-08)

  • Update Apple-Pay
    • Fix issue when using BTConfiguration:applePaySupportedNetworks with Discover enabled on devices <iOS 9
    • Add BTApplePayClient:paymentRequest: - creates a PKPaymentRequest with values from your Braintree Apple Pay configuration
  • Update documentation and README

4.7.1 (2016-10-18)

  • Update to Kount 3.1
  • Update libPPRiskComponent to latest version
  • Refactored with links instead of text
  • Re-add new Drop-In demo from BraintreeDropIn
  • Fix fbinfer warnings

4.7.0 (2016-09-23)

  • Move BraintreeDropIn and BraintreeUIKit to a new separate repository to allow cleaner separation and iteration for newer versions of Drop-In.
    • Please see the new repository for updated integration instructions if you were using the Beta Drop-In Update.
    • If you were using Drop-In from BraintreeUI, you do not have to update. However, you may want to check out the new Drop-In for an updated experience.
  • Fix issue with DataCollector setting the merchant ID automatically to configure Kount

4.6.1 (2016-09-15)

  • Fix conflicting private API name Fixes #265
  • Fix deprecation warnings for Xcode 8 Fixes #267
  • Fix target membership for static library Fixes #264
  • Improve Maestro card number recognition

4.6.0 (2016-09-09)

  • Fix nullability annotations for Xcode 8 Fixes #260
  • Add userAction property to BTPayPalRequest
  • (BETA) Updates to BraintreeDropIn

4.5.0 (2016-08-05)

  • Update DataCollector API
    • Add initializer and new data collection methods that take a completion block
      • New data collection methods use Braintree gateway configuration to configure Kount
    • Previous API for BTDataCollector has been deprecated
  • Remove Venmo user whitelist – all Venmo users may now make merchant purchases using Venmo.

4.4.1 (2016-07-22)

  • Update and fix issues in BraintreeDropIn based on feedback
  • Make more headers public in BraintreeUIKit
  • Fix BraintreeUIKit module name for Cocoapods
  • Add support for 3D Secure to BraintreeDropIn (see Drop-In docs)
  • Update the Drop-In docs
  • Add features to support vaulting Venmo when using Drop-In (coming soon)

4.4.0 (2016-07-14)

  • (BETA) Release of new BraintreeDropIn and BraintreeUIKit frameworks
    • BraintreeDropIn bundles our new UI components and Braintree API's for a whole new Drop-In experience
    • UI components, helpers, vector art and localizations are now public and fully accessible via BraintreeUIKit
    • Learn more about our Drop-In Update
    • Note that our legacy Drop-In (BraintreeUI) has not changed
  • (BETA) Various updates to the UnionPay component
  • Improve error messages when Braintree gateway returns 422 validation errors

4.3.2 (2016-06-09)

  • Update Pay with Venmo to use merchant ID and environment from configuration
  • PayPal Checkout supports an intent option, which can be authorize or sale
    • See BTPayPalRequest's intent property
  • Provide better NSError descriptions when Braintree services return a 4xx or 5xx HTTP error

4.3.1 (2016-05-25)

  • Add public method to fetch a customer's vaulted payment method nonces
  • Drop-in bug fixes
    • Do not show mobile phone number field
    • Fix issue where American Express display text is truncated
  • Merge #241 - Add missing source files to Braintree static library target. (Thanks @AlexDenisov!)

4.3.0 (2016-05-03)

  • Add support for UnionPay cards
  • Drop-in displays vaulted payment methods by default first
    • Payment method nonces have an isDefault property
  • Add BTHTTPErrorCodeRateLimitError to indicate when Braintree is rate-limiting your app's API requests
  • Update support for static library integrations
  • Use in-memory NSURLCache for configuration caching
  • Analytics events are batched together for better performance
  • Update theme of card form child components when using custom theme
  • PayPalOneTouch is less chatty when logging to console
  • Add
  • Update PayPalDataCollector to include latest libPPRiskComponent.a
  • Remove unused targets and schemes: Demo-StaticLibrary, UnitTests-CocoaPods, and UnitTests-StaticLibrary

4.2.3 (2016-02-22)

  • Remove assertion from PayPal One Touch Core when reading from Keychain fails
  • Remove NSLog() from PayPal One Touch Core
  • Fix nullability annotation in PPFPTITracker.h to squelch error in Xcode 7.3 Beta

4.2.2 (2016-02-11)

  • Fix crash that occurs when downgrading Braintree from 4.2.x to previous versions

4.2.1 (2016-02-05)

  • Fix deprecation warning/error in PayPal One Touch for apps that target >= iOS 9.0

4.2.0 (2016-02-04)

  • Open source PayPal One Touch library
    • Source code for PayPal One Touch library is now included in Braintree iOS SDK repository
    • Added CocoaPods subspecs for PayPalOneTouch and PayPalDataCollector
  • Improve BTPaymentButton
    • Payment button displays payment options based on configuration
    • Shows loading activity indicator when fetching configuration
    • Updated style for PayPal button when PayPal is the only available payment option
    • Can manually configure available payment options via enabledPaymentOptions property
  • Added setCardNumber: and setCardExpirationMonth:year: to BTDropInViewController
    • Drop-in card form can be prepopulated, e.g. by
  • Deprecate BTDataCollector payPalClientMetadataID and collectPayPalClientMetadataId
    • Use PPDataCollector collectPayPalDeviceData when you only need to collect PayPal device data
  • Add Travis CI to run tests

4.1.3 (2016-01-08)

  • Prevent crash when BTPayPalDriver instantiates SFSafariViewController with an invalid URL, and return an error instead
  • Update BTTokenizationService allTypes property to be NSArray <NSString *>

4.1.2 (2015-12-09)

  • Workaround for Swift compiler bug that causes BTJSON to conflict with Alamofire (see Issue #195)
    • For the merchant apps that read their configuration directly from BTJSON via Objective-C, you may need to switch from dot syntax to square brackets to call BTJSON methods
  • Ignore UIAlertView deprecation warning in BTDropInErrorAlert

4.1.1 (2015-12-08)

  • Bug fix for Drop-in view controller showing empty BTPaymentButton
  • Update Kount to 2.6.2

4.1.0 (2015-12-07)

  • Limited release of Pay With Venmo
  • Fix for Carthage integrations: remove reference to Braintree developer team from Xcode framework targets
  • Streamlined vector graphics for JCB logo to reduce build time of BraintreeUI

4.0.2 (2015-11-30)

  • If the Client Token has a Customer ID, Drop-in will automatically fetch the customer's vaulted payment methods.
    • A bug in 4.0.0-4.0.1 prevented Drop-in from fetching payment methods even if a Customer ID is provided in the Client Token; apps needed to call fetchPaymentMethodsOnCompletion before presenting Drop-in.
    • You can still call fetchPaymentMethodsOnCompletion to pre-fetch payment methods, so that Drop-in doesn't need to show its own loading activity indicator.
  • Prevent calling requestsDismissalOfViewController on iOS 8 when there is nothing to dismiss. (Merge #199 - thanks, @Reflejo!)
  • Drop-in Add Payment Method fixes
    • Show/hide CVV and postal code fields without flicker
    • Use Save bar button item in upper right to add additional payment methods
  • BTPayPalDriver will not call BTAppSwitchDelegate callback methods when SFSafariViewController is presented (Issue #188)

4.0.1 (2015-11-17)

  • Drop-in fixes
    • Fixed a bug that prevented cards from being vaulted.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented card types from being parsed.
    • Updated Demo to use paymentRequest and always call completionBlock.
  • Resolved an analyzer warning in BTAPIClient.m.

4.0.0 (2015-11-09)

  • Remodel the iOS SDK into frameworks with smaller filesize and greater flexibility.
  • The public API has changed significantly in this release. For details, see the v4 Migration Guide and the public header files.
  • APIs have been refactored to use completion blocks instead of delegate methods.
  • BTPaymentProvider has been removed. Instead, use payment option frameworks. For example, import BraintreeApplePay and use BTApplePayClient.
  • Added support for Tokenization Keys in addition to Client Tokens.
  • All methods and properties have been updated with nullability annotations.
  • Added support for Carthage in addition to CocoaPods.
  • PayPal One Touch is greatly improved in this release. It's slimmer and provides a better user experience, with browser switch on iOS 8 and SFSafariViewController on iOS 9.
  • Added support for PayPal billing agreements (the New Vault Flow) and one-time payments.
  • Drop-in is now part of the new BraintreeUI framework. BraintreeUI has been refactored for greater flexibility; it will automatically exclude any payment options that are not included in your build (as determined by CocoaPods subspecs or Carthage frameworks).
  • Venmo One Touch has been excluded from this version. To join the beta for Pay with Venmo, contact Braintree Support.
  • BTData has been renamed to BTDataCollector.
  • BTPaymentMethod has been renamed to BTPaymentMethodNonce.

As always, feel free to open an Issue with any questions or suggestions that you have.

3.9.7 (2015-12-21)

  • Ignore UIAlertView deprecation warning in BTDropInErrorAlert

3.9.6 (2015-10-08)

  • Update Kount DeviceCollectorSDK to v2.6.2 to fix #175 (thanks, @keith)

3.9.5 (2015-10-05)

  • Add runtime checks before using new features in Apple Pay iOS 9
    • Bug in 3.9.4 caused shippingContact, billingContact, and paymentMethod to be used on < iOS 9 devices, which causes unrecognized selector crashes

3.9.4 (2015-09-25)

  • 🚨 This version requires Xcode 7 and iOS SDK 9.0+
  • Update and Braintree Demo app for iOS 9 and Xcode 7
  • Update PayPal mSDK to 2.12.1 with bitcode
  • Update Kount library with bitcode support
  • Update Apple Pay support for iOS 9. BTApplePayPaymentMethod changes:
    • Deprecate ABRecordRef properties: billingAddress and shippingAddress
    • Add PKContact properties: billingContact and shippingContact

3.9.2-pre6 (2015-08-28)

  • PayPal
    • Fix canOpenUrl warnings in iOS9
  • Added PayerId and ClientMetadataId to BTPayPalPaymentMethod

3.9.2-pre5 (2015-08-19)

  • PayPal
    • Fix Billing Agreements support
    • Update PayPal One Touch Core

3.9.2-pre4 (2015-08-04)

  • PayPal
    • Update support for PayPal Checkout
    • Add support for PayPal Billing Agreement authorization
    • Update PayPal One Touch Core

4.0.0-pre2 (2015-06-23)

  • PayPal
    • For single payments, BTPayPalPaymentMethod now provides firstName, lastName, phone, billingAddress, and shippingAddress properties.
    • For future payments, add support for additional scopes.
    • Add demo for PayPal Checkout and scopes.
  • Change @import to #import (#124).
  • Add accessibility label to BTUICTAControl.


  • Replace mSDK with One Touch Core
    • This replaces PayPal in-app login with browser switch for future payments consent
    • This adds the capability to perform checkout (single payments) with One Touch

3.9.3 (2015-08-31)

  • Xcode 7 support
  • Improved Swift interface with nullability annotations and lightweight generics
  • Update PayPal mSDK to 2.11.4-bt1
    • Remove checking via canOpenURL:
  • Bug fix for BTPaymentButton edge case where it choose the wrong payment option when the option availability changes after UI setup.

3.9.2 (2015-07-08)

  • 🚨 This version requires Xcode 6.3+ (otherwise you'll get duplicate symbol errors)
  • 🚨 New: Accelerate.framework must be linked to your project (CocoaPods should do this automatically)
  • Remove Coinbase CocoaPods library as an external dependency
    • Integrating Coinbase SDK is no longer a prerequisite for manual integrations
    • No change to Braintree Coinbase support; existing integrations remain unaffected
    • Braintree iOS SDK now vendors Coinbase SDK
  • Add session ID to analytics tracking data
  • Add BTPayPalScopeAddress
  • Update PayPal mSDK to 2.11.1-bt1
    • Requires Xcode 6.3+
    • Fix an iPad display issue
    • Improve mSDK screen blurring when app is backgrounded. NOTE: This change requires that you add Accelerate.framework to your project
    • Bug fixes

3.9.1 (2015-06-12)

  • Add support for additional scopes during PayPal authorization
    • Specifically supporting the address scope
    • BTPayPalPaymentMethod now has a billingAddress property that is set when an address is present. This property is of type BTPostalAddress.

3.8.2 (2015-06-04)

  • Fix bug in Demo app
    • Menu button now works correctly
  • Fix bug with PayPal app switching
    • The bug occurred when installing a new app after the Braintree SDK had been initialized. When attempting to authorize with PayPal in this scenario, the SDK would switch to the wallet and launch the in-app authorization.

3.8.1 (2015-05-22)

  • 3D Secure only: 🚨 Breaking API Changes for 3D Secure 🚨
    • Fix a bug in native mobile 3D Secure that, in some cases, prevented access to the new nonce.
    • Your delegate will now receive -paymentMethodCreator:didCreatePaymentMethod: even when liability shift is not possible and/or liability was not shifted.
    • You must check threeDSecureInfo to determine whether liability shift is possible and liability was shifted. This property is now of type BTThreeDSecureInfo. Example:
- (void)paymentMethodCreator:(__unused id)sender didCreatePaymentMethod:(BTPaymentMethod *)paymentMethod {

    if ([paymentMethod isKindOfClass:[BTCardPaymentMethod class]]) {
        BTCardPaymentMethod *cardPaymentMethod = (BTCardPaymentMethod *)paymentMethod;
        if (cardPaymentMethod.threeDSecureInfo.liabilityShiftPossible &&
            cardPaymentMethod.threeDSecureInfo.liabilityShifted) {

            NSLog(@"liability shift possible and liability shifted");

        } else {

            NSLog(@"3D Secure authentication was attempted but liability shift is not possible");

  • Important: Since cardPaymentMethod.threeDSecureInfo.liabilityShiftPossible and cardPaymentMethod.threeDSecureInfo.liabilityShifted are client-side values, they should be used for UI flow only. They should not be trusted for your server-side risk assessment. To require 3D Secure in cases where the buyer's card is enrolled for 3D Secure, set the required option to true in your server integration. See our 3D Secure docs for more details.

3.8.0 (2015-05-21)

  • Work around iOS 8.0-8.2 bug in UITextField
    • Fix subtle bug in Drop-in and BTUICardFormView float label behavior
  • It is now possible to set number, expiry, cvv and postal code field values programmatically in BTUICardFormView
    • This is useful for making the card form compatible with

3.8.0-rc3 (2015-05-11)

  • Upgrade PayPal mSDK to 2.10.1
  • Revamp Demo app
  • Merge with 3.7.x changes

3.8.0-rc2 (2015-04-20)

  • Coinbase improvements
    • Resolved: Drop-in will now automatically save Coinbase accounts in the vault
    • Coinbase accounts now appear correctly in Drop-in
    • Expose method to disable Coinbase in Drop-in
  • Demo app: Look sharp on iPhone 6 hi-res displays
  • Modified BTUIPayPalWordmarkVectorArtView, BTUIVenmoWordmarkVectorArtView slightly to help logo alignment in BTPaymentButton and your payment buttons

3.8.0-rc1 (2015-04-03)

  • Coinbase integration - beta release
    • Coinbase is now available in closed beta. See the Coinbase page on our website to join the beta.
    • Coinbase UI is integrated with Drop-in and BTPaymentButton
    • Known issue: Drop-in vaulting behavior for Coinbase accounts
  • [Internal only] Introduced a new asynchronous initializer for creating the Braintree object

3.7.2 (2015-04-23)

  • Bugfixes
    • Fix recognition of Discover, JCB, Maestro and Diners Club in certain cases (Thanks, @RyPoints!)
    • Fix a bug in Drop-in that prevented Venmo from appearing if PayPal was disabled
    • Revise text for certain Venmo One Touch errors in Drop-in
    • Fix compile error that could occur when 'No Common Blocks' is Yes
  • Demo app
    • Look sharp on iPhone 6 hi-res displays
    • Improve direct Apple Pay integration: use recommended tokenization method and handle Cancel gracefully
  • Update tooling for Xcode 6.3
  • Improve Apple Pay error handling
  • Localization helpers now fall-back to [NSBundle mainBundle] if the expected i18n bundle resource is not found

3.7.1 (2015-03-27)

  • Update PayPal Mobile SDK to new version (PayPal-iOS-SDK 2.8.5-bt1)
    • Change "Send Payment" button to simply "Pay"
    • Minor fixes
  • Remove en_UK from Braintree-Demo-Info.plist (while keeping en_GB)
  • Fix for Venmo button in BTPaymentButton #103
  • Fix issue with wrapping text in Drop-in (thanks nirinchev)
  • Update manual integration doc

3.7.0 (2015-03-02)

  • Refactor and improve SSL Pinning code
  • Update PayPal Mobile SDK to new version (PayPal-iOS-SDK 2.8.4-bt1) that does not include
    • 🚨 Please note! 🚨

      This change breaks builds that depend on a workaround introduced in 3.4.0 that added headers to fix duplicate symbol issues.

      Since is not officially part of the Braintree API, and since the headers were only included as part of a workaround for use by a small group of developers, this potentially-breaking change is not accompanied by a major version release.

      If your build breaks due to this change, you can re-add to your project's Podfile:

        pod 'CardIO', '~> 4.0'

      And adjust your imports to:

        #import <CardIO/CardIO.h>

3.6.1 (2015-02-24)

  • Fixes

3.6.0 (2015-02-20)

  • Features
  • Enhancements
    • Minor updates to UK localization
    • Expose a new status property on BTPaymentProvider, which exposes the current status of payment method creation (Thanks, @Reflejo!)
  • Bug fixes
    • Fix swift build by making BTClient_Metadata.h private (#84 and #85)
    • Drop-in - Auto-correction and auto-capitalization improvements for postal code field in BTUICardFormView
    • Remove private header BTClient_Metadata.h from public headers
  • Internal changes
    • Simplifications to API response parsing logic

3.5.0 (2014-12-03)

  • Add localizations to UI and Drop-in subspecs:
    • Danish (da)
    • German (de)
    • Additional English locales (en_AU, en_CA, en_UK, en_GB)
    • Spanish (es and es_ES)
    • French (fr, fr_CA, fr_FR)
    • Hebrew (he)
    • Italian (it)
    • Norwegian (nb)
    • Dutch (nl)
    • Polish (pl)
    • Portugese (pt)
    • Russian (ru)
    • Swedish (sv)
    • Turkish (tr)
    • Chinese (zh-Hans)
  • Add newlines to all files to support GCC_WARN_ABOUT_MISSING_NEWLINE

3.4.2 (2014-11-19)

  • Upgrade PayPal Mobile SDK to version 2.7.1
    • Fixes symbol conflicts with 1Password
    • Upgrades embedded library to version 3.10.1

3.4.1 (2014-11-05)

  • Bug fixes
    • Remove duplicate symbols with 1Password SDK by upgrading internal PayPal SDK

3.4.0 (2014-10-27)

  • Features

    • Stable Apple Pay support
      • New method in Braintree for tokenizing a PKPayment into a nonce
        • This is useful for merchants who integrate with Apple Pay using PassKit, rather than BTPaymentProvider
      • BTPaymentProvider support for Apple Pay
      • BTApplePayPaymentMethod with nonce and address information
    • BTData now includes PayPal application correlation ID in device data blob
    • Card.IO headers are now included in SDK
    • In-App PayPal login now supports 1Password
  • API Changes and Deprecations

    • -[Braintree tokenizeCard:completion:] and -[BTClient saveCardWithRequest:success:failure:] now take an extensible "request" object as an argument to pass the various raw card details:
      • The previous signatures that accepted raw details in the arguments are now deprecated.
      • These will be removed in the next major version (4.0.0).
  • Integration

    • This SDK now officially supports integration without CocoaPods
      • Please see docs/Manual
      • Report bugs with these new integration instructions via Github
    • Project Organization
      • All library code is now located under /Braintree
  • Bug fixes

    • Fix a number of minor static analysis recommendations
    • Avoid potential nil-block crasher
    • Fix iOS 8 CoreLocation deprecation in BTData
    • Fix double-dismisal bug in presentation of in-app PayPal login in Drop-in
  • New minimum requirements

    • Xcode 6+
    • Base SDK iOS 8+ (still compatible with iOS 7+ deployment target)

3.3.1 (2014-09-16)

  • Enhancements
    • Update Kount library to 2.5.3, which removes use of IDFA
    • Use @import for system frameworks
  • Fixes
    • Crasher in Drop-in that treats BTPaymentButton like a UIControl
    • Xcode 6 and iOS 8 deprecations
    • Bug in BTPaymentButton intrinsic size height calculation
    • Autolayout ambiguity in demo app

3.3.0 (2014-09-08)

  • Features

    • App switch based payments for Venmo and PayPal ("One Touch")
      • New methods for registering a URL Scheme: +[Braintree setReturnURLScheme:] and +[Braintree handleOpenURL:]
        • PayPal continues to have a view controller option for in-app login
        • Both providers can be enabled via the Control Panel and client-side overrides
      • See the docs for full upgrade instructions
    • Unified Payment Button (BTPaymentButton) for Venmo and/or PayPal payments
      • New UI and API designs for PayPal button
      • All new Venmo button
    • Unified mechanism for custom (headless) multi-provider payments (BTPaymentProvider)
  • Enhancements

    • Minor fixes
    • Test improvements
    • Internal API tweaks
    • Update PayPal implementation to always support PayPal display email/phone across client and server
      • Your PayPal app (client ID) must now have the email scope capability. This is default for Braintree-provisioned PayPal apps.
    • Improved Braintree-Demo app that demonstrates many integration styles
    • Upgraded underlying PayPal Mobile SDK
  • Deprecations (For each item: deprecated functionality -> suggested replacement)

    • BTPayPalButton -> BTPaymentButton
    • -[Braintree payPalButtonWithDelegate:] -> -[Braintree paymentButtonWithDelegate:]
    • BTPayPalButtonDelegate -> BTPaymentCreationDelegate
  • Known Issues

    • Crasher when app switching to Venmo and CFBundleDisplayName is unavailable.
      • Workaround: add a value for CFBundleDisplayName in your Info.plist

3.2.0 (2014-09-02)

  • Update BTData (fraud) API to match Braintree-Data.js
    • New method collectDeviceData provides a device data format that is identical to the JSON generated by Braintree-Data.js
  • Minor improvements to developer demo app (Braintree Demo)

3.1.3 (2014-08-22)

  • Fix another PayPal payment method display issue in Drop-in UI

3.1.2 (2014-08-21)

  • Fixes
    • Minor internationalization issue
    • PayPal payment method display issue in Drop-in UI

3.1.1 (2014-08-17)

  • Enhancements
    • Accept four digit years in expiry field
    • Internationalize
    • Support iOS 8 SDK
  • Integration changes
    • Merge api and API directory content
    • Deprecate savePaypalPaymentMethodWithAuthCode:correlationId:success:failure in favor of savePaypalPaymentMethodWithAuthCode:applicationCorrelationID:success:failure

3.1.0 (2014-07-22)

  • Integration Change:
    • Braintree/data is no longer a default subspec. If you are currently using BTData, please add pod "Braintree/data" to your Podfile.

3.0.1 (2014-07-21)

3.0.0 (2014-07-09)

Initial release of 3.0.0

  • Enhancements since rc8
    • Added details to
    • Updated demo app to not use removed card properties
    • Updated PayPal acceptance tests


  • Breaking Change
    • Renamed a method in BTDropInViewControllerDelegate to send cancelation messages to user. All errors within Drop-in are now handled internally with user interaction.
    • Removed completion block interface on BTDropInViewController
    • Removed crufty BTMerchantIntegrationErrorUnknown which was unused
  • Enhancements
    • Added basic analytics instrumentation
    • Improved Drop-in's error handling
    • BTPayPalPaymentMethod now implements NSMutableCopying


  • Breaking Change

    • Based on feedback from our beta developers, we have removed the block-based interfaces from Braintree and BTPayPalButton.
      • If you were previously relying on the completion block for receiving a payment method nonce, you should replace that code with a delegate method implementation which reads the nonce from the BTPaymentMethod object it receives.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fix Braintree/PayPal subspec build


  • Bug fixes:

    • Fix issue with incorrect nesting of credit-card params in API requests, which caused incorrect behavior while validating credit cards in custom and Drop-in.
    • Bugfixes and improvements to demo app
    • Fix crasher in demo app when PayPal is not enabled
    • Demo App now points to a publicly accessible merchant server
  • Enhancements:

    • Drop-in now supports server-side validation, including CVV/AVS verification failure
    • Drop-in's customer-facing error handling is now consistent and allows for retry
    • Increased robustness of API layer
  • Features:

    • πŸ†• BTData - Advanced fraud solution based on Kount SDK


  • 🚨 Remove dependency on AFNetworking!
  • 🚨 Rename BTPayPalControl -> BTPayPalButton.
  • Security - Enforce SSL Pinning against a set of vendored SSL certificates
  • Drop-in
    • Improve visual customizability and respect tint color
    • UI and Layout improvements
    • Detailing and polish
  • UI
    • Float labels on credit card form fields
    • Vibration upon critical validation errors πŸ“³

Thanks for the feedback so far. Keep it coming!


  • UX/UI improvements in card form and Drop-in
    • PayPal button and payment method view are full width
    • Vibration on invalid entry
    • Improved spinners and loading states
    • Detailing and polish
  • Add support for v2 client tokens, which are base64 encoded
    • Reverse compatibility with v1 client tokens is still supported
  • Clean up documentation


  • Fix crashes when adding PayPal an additional payment method, when displaying PayPal as a payment method, and in offline mode
  • Add dropInViewControllerWillComplete delegate method.
  • Add transitions, activity indicators, and streamline some parts of UI.
  • Simplify implementation of BTPayPalButton.
  • 🚨 Remove BTDropInViewController shouldDisplayPaymentMethodsOnFile property.


  • 🚨 Breaking API Changes 🚨
    • Reduce BTPayPalButton API
    • Rename a number of classes, methods, and files, e.g. BTCard -> BTCardPaymentMethod.


  • First release candidate of the 3.0.0 version of the iOS SDK.
  • Known issues:
    • Pre-release public APIs
    • SSL pinning not yet added
    • Incomplete / unpolished UI
      • Minor UX card validation issues in the card form
      • Drop-in UX flow issues and unaddressed edge cases