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ShotPut Maven

What is this?

This is a maven plugin connected to ShotPut. It allows you to generate documentation as a maven task.

How To Use

This plugin can be easily added to a pom.xml file. Just add the following to your pom.xml file.


The system offers a number of options you can configure for the resulting output. To do so, change the pom.xml with the following options. Each configuration option has a default value specified.

    <srcDir>src</srcDir> <!-- Default: src/main/java/-->
    <outDir>apidocs</outDir> <!-- Default: docs-->
    <generateExcel>true</generateExcel> <!-- Default: false-->
    <generateHTML>true</generateHTML> <!-- Default: false-->
    <generateOpenAPI>true</generateOpenAPI> <!-- Default: false-->
    <languages>  <!-- Default: []-->
    <title>My Docs</title> <!-- Default: Documentation -->
    <intro>Intro Text</intro> <!-- Default: '' -->
    <baseURL></baseURL> <!-- Default: http://localhost:3000 -->
    <description>Doc Description</description> <!-- Default: '' -->
    <interactive>false</interactive> <!-- Default: true -->
    <disableMethodParsing>true</disableMethodParsing> <!-- Default: false -->
    <logo>src/main/resources/img.png</log> <!-- Default: '' -->


See the ShotPut Documentation on how to document your endpoints