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Azure Active Directory Proxy for SMART on FHIR

Azure Active Directory supports OAuth2 authorization flow, however, some of the query parameter naming conventions are not compatible with SMART on FHIR authorization.

Specifically SMART on FHIR expects to initiate the authorization with something like:

GET https://auth-server/authorize?aud=https://fhir-server&client_id=XXX&scope=patient/*.read&...

Azure Active Directory offers two version of the OAuth endpoint. Version 1 expects the aud (audience) parameter to be supplied as resource and in version 2, the audience is included in the fully qualified scope specifications. Specifically, if aud=https://fhir-server and scope=patient/*.read, the version 2 endpoint would expect no aud or resource parameter but the scope be fully qualified as https://fhir-server/patient/*.read. Moreover, the version 2 endpoint does not accept scopes with / (slash) in the name of the scope. All of these small differences makes it challenging to use Azure Active Directory in SMART on FHIR applications.

This repository contains a small ASP.NET Core app that will act as a proxy in front of Azure Active Directory and translate the parameter specifications provided by a SMART on FHIR application into something that Azure Active directory can accept.

You can deploy this app in an Azure Web App, or run it locally if you have .NET Core 2.1 installed. Run it locally with:

dotnet run

If you then initiate an autorization flow with:

GET http://localhost:5000/{TENANT-ID}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?aud=https://fhir-server&client_id=XXX&scope=patient/*.read&...

It will effectively get translated into:


Notice that the scope has been renamed with a hyphen and is now fully qualified. The app also supports the version 1 endpoint, in which case a request like:

GET http://localhost:5000/{TENANT-ID}/oauth2/authorize?aud=https://fhir-server&client_id=XXX&scope=patient/*.read&...

Would get translated to:


The version 1 endpoint ignores scopes, they must be statically set when configuring the client application.

Tokens can be obtained from the token endpoint (e.g. http://localhost:5000/{TENANT-ID}/oauth2/v2.0/token). The proxy performs a redirect when using the authorize endpoint, but since the token request is a POST operation, the app acts as a proxy for the request.


Azure Active Directory Proxy for SMART on FHIR








  • C# 98.9%
  • HTML 1.1%