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Releases: brandid/hello-pro

3.0.7 - (MAY 18, 2021)

18 May 19:13
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  • FIX: Updated the One-Click Theme Setup demo content and removed all instances of Atomic Blocks.
  • FIX: Removed the GravityForms shortcodes from the One-Click Theme Setup demo content.
  • FIX: Fixes alignment when "center align" is set on Buttons blocks after 5.7 update.

Release 3.0.6

10 Nov 01:15
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3.0.6 - (Nov 9, 2020)

  • FIXED: Genesis Blocks update! Now the theme uses Genesis Blocks in place of the Atomic Blocks plugin used previously. If you use the One-Click Theme Setup feature, your Demo pages will now be built with Genesis Blocks. We've also migrated our custom Atomic Blocks styles over to the Genesis Blocks plugin.
  • FIXED: Forces layout to obey the Customizer setting for "Blog Grid Columns" when the Blog is set to be the Homepage