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 * License handler for EDD
 * This class should simplify the process of adding license information
 * to new EDD extensions.
 * @author  Daniel J Griffiths

// Exit if accessed directly
if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;

if ( !class_exists( 'EDD_License' ) ) {

	class EDD_License {
		private $file;
		private $license;
		private $item_name;
		private $item_shortname;
		private $version;
		private $author;

		 * Class constructor
		 * @global  array $edd_options
		 * @param string  $_file
		 * @param string  $_item_name
		 * @param string  $_version
		 * @param string  $_author
		 * @return  void
		function __construct( $_file, $_item_name, $_version, $_author ) {
			global $edd_options;

			$this->file           = $_file;
			$this->item_name      = $_item_name;
			$this->item_shortname = 'edd_' . preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\s]/', '', str_replace( ' ', '_', strtolower( $this->item_name ) ) );
			$this->version        = $_version;
			$this->license        = isset( $edd_options[$this->item_shortname . '_license_key'] ) ? trim( $edd_options[$this->item_shortname . '_license_key'] ) : '';
			$this->author         = $_author;

			// Setup hooks

		 * Include the updater class
		 * @access  private
		 * @return  void
		private function includes() {
			if ( !class_exists( 'EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater' ) )
				require_once 'EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php';

		 * Setup hooks
		 * @access  private
		 * @return  void
		private function hook() {
			// Register settings
			add_filter( 'edd_settings_licenses', array( $this, 'settings' ), 1 );

			// Activate license key on settings save
			add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'activate_license' ) );

			// Deactivate license key
			add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'deactivate_license' ) );

		 * Auto updater
		 * @access  private
		 * @global  array $edd_options
		 * @return  void
		private function auto_updater() {
			// Setup the updater
			$edd_updater = new EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater( '', $this->file, array(
					'version'   => $this->version,
					'license'   => $this->license,
					'item_name' => $this->item_name,
					'author'    => $this->author

		 * Add license field to settings
		 * @access  public
		 * @param array   $settings
		 * @return  array
		public function settings( $settings ) {
			$edd_license_settings = array(
					'id'      => $this->item_shortname . '_license_key',
					'name'    => sprintf( __( '%1$s License Key', 'edd' ), $this->item_name ),
					'desc'    => '',
					'type'    => 'license_key',
					'options' => array( 'is_valid_license_option' => $this->item_shortname . '_license_active' ),
					'size'    => 'regular'

			return array_merge( $settings, $edd_license_settings );

		 * Activate the license key
		 * @access  public
		 * @return  void
		public function activate_license() {
			global $edd_options;

			if ( !isset( $_POST['edd_settings_licenses'] ) ) return;
			if ( !isset( $_POST['edd_settings_licenses'][$this->item_shortname . '_license_key'] ) ) return;

			if ( get_option( $this->item_shortname . '_license_active' ) == 'valid' ) return;

			$license = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['edd_settings_licenses'][$this->item_shortname . '_license_key'] ) ;

			// Data to send to the API
			$api_params = array(
				'edd_action' => 'activate_license',
				'license'  => $license,
				'item_name'  => urlencode( $this->item_name )

			// Call the API
			$response = wp_remote_get( add_query_arg( $api_params, '' ), array( 'timeout' => 15, 'body' => $api_params, 'sslverify' => false ) );

			// Make sure there are no errors
			if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) return false;

			// Decode license data
			$license_data = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ) );

			update_option( $this->item_shortname . '_license_active', $license_data->license );

		 * Deactivate the license key
		 * @access  public
		 * @return  void
		public function deactivate_license() {
			global $edd_options;

			if ( !isset( $_POST['edd_settings_licenses'] ) ) return;
			if ( !isset( $_POST['edd_settings_licenses'][$this->item_shortname . '_license_key'] ) ) return;

			// Run on deactivate button press
			if ( isset( $_POST[$this->item_shortname . '_license_key_deactivate'] ) ) {
				// Run a quick security check
				if ( !check_admin_referer( $this->item_shortname . '_license_key_nonce', $this->item_shortname . '_license_key_nonce' ) ) return;

				// Data to send to the API
				$api_params = array(
					'edd_action' => 'deactivate_license',
					'license'  => $this->license,
					'item_name'  => urlencode( $this->item_name )

				// Call the API
				$response = wp_remote_get( add_query_arg( $api_params, '' ), array( 'timeout' => 15, 'sslverify' => false ) );

				// Make sure there are no errors
				if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) return false;

				// Decode the license data
				$license_data = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ) );

				if ( $license_data->license == 'deactivated' )
					delete_option( $this->item_shortname . '_license_active' );

 * Register the new license field type
 * This has been included in core, but is maintained for backwards compatibility
 * @return  void
if ( !function_exists( 'edd_license_key_callback' ) ) {
	function edd_license_key_callback( $args ) {
		global $edd_options;

		if ( isset( $edd_options[ $args['id'] ] ) ) { $value = $edd_options[ $args['id'] ]; } else { $value = isset( $args['std'] ) ? $args['std'] : ''; }
		$size = isset( $args['size'] ) && !is_null( $args['size'] ) ? $args['size'] : 'regular';
		$html = '<input type="text" class="' . $args['size'] . '-text" id="edd_settings_' . $args['section'] . '[' . $args['id'] . ']" name="edd_settings_' . $args['section'] . '[' . $args['id'] . ']" value="' . esc_attr( $value ) . '"/>';

		if ( 'valid' == get_option( $args['options']['is_valid_license_option'] ) ) {
			$html .= wp_nonce_field( $args['id'] . '_nonce', $args['id'] . '_nonce', false );
			$html .= '<input type="submit" class="button-secondary" name="' . $args['id'] . '_deactivate" value="' . __( 'Deactivate License',  'edd-recurring' ) . '"/>';
		$html .= '<label for="edd_settings_' . $args['section'] . '[' . $args['id'] . ']"> '  . $args['desc'] . '</label>';

		echo $html;


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