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Brasil Sincero - API

Codeship Status for brasilsincero/brasilsincero-api

Getting Start

  • Clone project
  • Setup the database
$ bin/rails db:setup
  • Install Embulk - instructions here
  • Install Embulk dependencies
$ cd lib/embulk/embulk_bundle && embulk bundle install

Creating the infrastructure

$ bin/rails bolsa_familia:infrastructure

Downloading payments files

$ bin/rails "bolsa_familia:download[month, year]"

Downloading all payments files

$ bin/rails "bolsa_familia:download_all"

Importing 'Bolsa Fam�lia' records

$ bin/rails "bolsa_familia:import[month, year]"

Downloading and Importing payments files

$ bin/rails "bolsa_familia:download_and_import[month, year]"


  • Install the httrack
  • Run the command
$ httrack --list public/crawler_urls.txt --depth=0 --max-time=600000000 --sockets=1 --timeout=600000000 --retries=1


Top 50 "bolsa familia" payments in the current year


Top 50 "bolsa familia" payments in the current year and state


Top 50 "bolsa familia" payments in the informed year


Top 50 "bolsa familia" payments in the informed year and state


Top "bolsa familia" payments grouped by state in the current year


Top "bolsa familia" payments grouped by state in the informed year



It is generated by Jekyll after each server initialization. The source is in site folder and the generated files are created in public/site folder, so the site is available in http://brasil-sincero-url/site.