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Torch Utilities

This repo contains some utility functions that I constantly reuse when writing experiment code using PyTorch.

Feel free to contribute your helper functions which you could not live without!

Utility Functions

The following functions are available:

  • time_delta_now: Create a human readable time string of the time passed until now, given a timestamp.
  • ensure_dir: Ensure that a directory exists.
  • count_params: Count the number of learnable parameters in an nn.Module object.
  • generate_run_base_dir: Generate a base directory for experiment runs.
  • setup_logging: Setup python logging with the logging module. Starts logging to a file and stdout
  • set_seed: Set the seed for python, numpy and torch.
  • set_cuda_device: Set the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable.
  • make_multi_gpu: Convert a nn.Module to a multi-gpu module.
  • load_args: Load stored commandline arguments from the argparse module.
  • save_args: Store commandline arguments from argparse in a file.
  • clone_args: Clone an arguments object from argparse.
  • plot_samples: Plot (x, y) samples in a grid.

qdaq: Cuda Experiment Queue

qdaq makes running multiple PyTorch or Tensorflow experiments on more than one GPU easy. The typical use case is e.g. a gridsearch over hyperparameters for the same experiment with a bunch of GPUs available. Usually it would be necessary to manually split the hyperparameter space and start the experiments on different GPUs. This has multiple drawbacks:

  • It's tedious to split experiment setups and start them on the appropriate GPU device by hand.
  • If 10 experiments are sequentially started on GPU0 and 10 on GPU1 it might happen that GPU0 finishes way earlier while GPU1 is still running with a queue of experiments. This results in unused GPU time on GPU0 (bad load balancing).

The main function is to provide a multiprocessing queue with available cuda devices. The idea is to define a Job, e.g. your experiment, create a bunch of jobs with different settings, specify a list of available cuda devices and let the internals handle the rest. In the background each job is put into a queue and grabs a cuda device as soon as it is available.

Quick Start

The following is a quick example on how to use qdaq:

import torch
from utils.qdaq import Job, start

# Create a job class that implements `run`
class Foo(Job):
    def __init__(self, q):
        # Save some job parameters
        self.q = q

    def run(self, cuda_device_id):
        # Get cuda device
        device = torch.device(f"cuda:{cuda_device_id}")

        # Send data to device
        x = torch.arange(1, 3).to(device)

        # Compute stuff
        y = x.pow(self.q)
        print(f"Cuda device {cuda_device_id}, Exponent {self.q}, Result {y}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    exps = [Foo(i) for i in range(9)]
    start(exps, [1, 3])

# Output:
# Cuda device 3, Exponent 1, Result tensor([1, 2], device='cuda:3')
# Cuda device 1, Exponent 0, Result tensor([1, 1], device='cuda:1')
# Cuda device 3, Exponent 2, Result tensor([1, 4], device='cuda:3')
# Cuda device 1, Exponent 3, Result tensor([1, 8], device='cuda:1')
# Cuda device 1, Exponent 5, Result tensor([ 1, 32], device='cuda:1')
# Cuda device 3, Exponent 4, Result tensor([ 1, 16], device='cuda:3')
# Cuda device 1, Exponent 6, Result tensor([ 1, 64], device='cuda:1')
# Cuda device 3, Exponent 8, Result tensor([  1, 256], device='cuda:3')
# Cuda device 1, Exponent 7, Result tensor([  1, 128], device='cuda:1')


Utility functions that reoccur in my PyTorch experiments.








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