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Library to communicate with responders and staff when action is required.


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Library to communicate with responders and staff when action is required.

How to deploy a new version

On your local machine, in the brave-alert-lib repository:

  1. Pull the latest code for release: git checkout main && git pull origin main

  2. Decide on an appropriate version number for the new version

  3. Update by moving everything in Unreleased to a section for the new version

  4. Update the version in package.json and package-lock.json

  5. Make a new commit directly on main with those updates

  6. Tag the new commit - for example, if the version number is v1.0.0 use git tag v1.0.0

  7. Push the new version to GitHub: git push origin main --tags


  1. Must have a .env file containing following environment variables:
    • TWILIO_SID: The Twilio SID to use in production
    • TWILIO_SID_TEST: The Twilio SID to use in testing
    • TWILIO_MESSAGING_SERVICE_SID: The Twilio Messaging Service SID to use in production
    • TWILIO_MESSAGING_SERVICE_SID_TEST: The Twilio Messaging Service SID to use in testing
    • TWILIO_TOKEN: The Twilio token to use in production
    • TWILIO_TOKEN_TEST: The Twilio token to use in testing
    • DOMAIN: The domain name pointing to this server in production
    • DOMAIN_TEST: The domain name pointing to this server in testing
    • IS_DB_LOGGING: Whether (true) or not (false) we are printing DB debug logs to the console
    • PA_CLIENT_ID: The client ID of PA. Can be found under the Brave PA Sign-In resource in Google Cloud.
    • PA_CLIENT_ID_TEST: The client ID of PA. Can be found under the Brave PA Sign-In resource in Google Cloud.
    • PA_CLIENT_SECRET: The client secret of PA. Can be found under the Brave PA Sign-In resource in Google Cloud.
    • PA_CLIENT_SECRET_TEST: The client secret of PA. Can be found under the Brave PA Sign-In resource in Google Cloud.

How to setup a local dev environment

  1. clone this repository

  2. Copy .env.example to .env and fill out variables appropriately for your local environment

  3. run npm install to install the dependencies

  4. run npm run lint to run the linter

  5. run npm test to run the tests

How to add or change an encrypted Github Actions environment variable


  1. Go to the GitHub repo in your web browser

  2. Go to the settings page

  3. Under the Security section, click on Secrets and variables, then click Actions

  4. Under Repository secrets, click New repository secret or edit an existing one with the pen symbol

How to use this library in another code base

  1. if you are upgrading from a previous version of brave-alert-lib, run npm uninstall brave-alert-lib to remove it from package.json and package-lock.json

  2. in the package.json file of the other code base, add the following where VERSION is the tag that you've chosen (for example v0.1.0):

    "dependencies": {
        "brave-alert-lib": "<VERSION>",
  3. Run npm install to download the library and include it in package-lock.json


BraveAlerter class

The main class of this library. It is used to send single alerts or to start alert sessions with the responders.

constructor(getAlertSession, getAlertSessionByPhoneNumbers, alertSessionChangedCallback, getReturnMessageToRespondedByPhoneNumber, getReturnMessageToOtherResponderPhoneNumbers, getClientMessageForRequestToReset)

getAlertSession (async function(sessionId)): function that returns the AlertSession object with the given sessionId

getAlertSessionByPhoneNumbers (async function(devicePhoneNumber, responderPhoneNumber)): function that returns the AlertSession object for the most recent unfinished session for the device with the given devicePhoneNumber and client with the given responderPhoneNumber

alertSessionChangedCallback (async function(alertSession)): function that will be called whenever an alertSession's values change; should be used to update the session in the DB. Will return an object containing the fields: respondedByPhoneNumber, replacementReturnMessageToRespondedByPhoneNumber, replacementReturnMessageToOtherResponderPhoneNumbers. The two replacement fields should be left as undefined to use messages determined through the below two functions, null to send no message at all, or other for a custom message.

getReturnMessageToRespondedByPhoneNumber (function(language, fromAlertState, toAlertState, validIncidentCategories)): function that returns the message to send to the RespondedByPhoneNumber when there is a transition from fromAlertState to toAlertState (note that fromAlertState and toAlertState will have the same value for cases where a transition doesn't change the alert state). Sometimes this message needs to know the validIncidentCategories for the particular session.

getReturnMessageToOtherResponderPhoneNumbers (function(language, fromAlertState, toAlertState, selectedIncidentCategory)): function that returns the message to send to all the other Responder Phone Numbers (i.e. not the RespondedByPhoneNumber) when there is a transition from fromAlertState to toAlertState (note that fromAlertState and toAlertState will have the same value for cases where a transition doesn't change the alert state). Sometimes this message needs to know which incidentCategory was chosen by the respondedByPhoneNumber for the particular session.

getClientMessageForRequestToReset (function(language)): function that returns the message that is considered a request to reset. This is checked against a message received from the client, while the chatbot is in the STARTED or WAITING_FOR_REPLY states. If the client message equals the return value of this function, then the client has performed a request to reset, and the alert state machine will transition to the RESET state. If this function returns null, then the alert state machine will not transition from STARTED or WAITING_FOR_REPLY to the RESET state, and all messages will transition into the WAITING_FOR_CATEGORY state.


The BraveAlerter's Express Router contains the route

  • POST /alert/sms

    Generally, a call to the POST /alert/sms endpoint results in a call to the BraveAlerter's alertSessionChangedCallback with an AlertSession object as a parameter. The AlertSession.sessionId field will always be present. Other fields will only be present if they have updated. This parameter should be used to update the session's DB.

which can be added to an existing Express app by:

const BraveAlerter = require('brave-alert-lib')
let express = require('express')
const braveAlerter = new BraveAlerter(...)

Returns: The BraveAlerter's Express Router

sendSingleAlert(toPhoneNumber, fromPhoneNumber, message)

Sends the given message to the toPhoneNumber from the fromPhoneNumber.

toPhoneNumber (string): Phone number to send the message to

fromPhoneNumber (string): Phone number to send the message from

message (string): The message to send

Returns: A promise that is resolved when the message is sent.

sendAlertSessionUpdate(sessionId, toPhoneNumbers, fromPhoneNumber, textMessage)

Updates an ongoing alert session.

sessionId (GUID): Unique identifier for the alert session that was updated; this should match the session ID in the DB

toPhoneNumbers (array of strings): The phone numbers to send text message alerts to.

fromPhoneNumber (string): The phone number to send text message alerts from.

textMessage (string): Message containing the update to be sent over SMS.


Starts a full alert session configured with the given alertInfo object.

alertInfo.sessionId (GUID): Unique identifier for the session; this should match the session ID in the DB

alertInfo.toPhoneNumbers (string): The phone numbers to send text message alerts to.

alertInfo.fromPhoneNumber (string): The phone number to send text message alerts from.

alertInfo.message (string): First message to send as part of this session

alertInfo.deviceName (string): The display name of the device that intiated the alert. This is often the unit number of the room.

alertInfo.alertType (ALERT_TYPE): The Alert Type.

alertInfo.reminderTimeoutMillis (int): How long to wait after initial alert before sending a reminder message; if falsy or not positive, will not send a reminder message

alertInfo.fallbackTimeoutMillis (int): How long to wait after initial alert before sending the fallback message; if falsy or not positive, will not send a fallback message

alertInfo.reminderMessage (string): Message for the reminder

alertInfo.fallbackMessage (string): Message for the fallback

alertInfo.fallbackToPhoneNumbers (array of strings): The phone numbers to send fallback text messages to

alertInfo.fallbackFromPhoneNumber (string): The phone number to send fallback text messages from

Returns: A promise that is resolved when the first message is sent, the reminder is scheduled, and the fallback is scheduled.

AlertSession class

An object representing an alert session. Contains the following fields:

sessionId (GUID): Unique identifier for the alert session; should be the session ID from the DB

alertState (CHATBOT_STATE): Thc current alert state of the alert session

incidentCategoryKey (string): The string representing the incident category associated with the alert session

respondedByPhoneNumber (string): The phone number of the Responded Phone who first responded to the sessions and that will be the only one to continue progressing the chatbot

responderPhoneNumbers (array of string): The phone numbers of the Responder Phones associated with the alert session

validIncidentCategories (array of strings): The valid incident cateogries for this session. These are the values that will be stored in the DB. For example:

['Accidental', 'Safer Use', 'Overdose', 'Other']

Note that these line up one-to-one with the validIncidentCategoryKeys. So for any i, validIncidentCategories[i] is the human-readable DB value for the validIncidentCategoryKeys[i] value given by the Responder in a text message.

validIncidentCategoryKeys (array of strings): The valid incident cateogry keys for this session. These are the values that the responder will use to select an incident category through text message. For example:

['1', '2', '3', '4']

Note that these line up one-to-one with the validIncidentCategoryKeys. So for any i, validIncidentCategories[i] is the human-readable DB value for the validIncidentCategoryKeys[i] value given by the Responder in a text message.

language (string): The language code in which client-facing messages should be sent.

Client class

An object representing a client. Contains the following fields:

id (GUID): Unique identifier for the client; should be the database value

displayName (string): Client name is a displayable format; should be the database value client.display_name

responderPhoneNumbers (array of string): Client's responder phone numbers in the form +133344455555; should be the database value client.responder_phone_numbers

reminderTimeout (int): Number of seconds after the initial alert before a reminder is sent; should be the database value client.reminder_timeout

fallbackPhoneNumbers (array of strings): Array of the Client's fallback phone numbers in the form '["+12223334444","+19998887777"]'; should be the database value client.fallback_phone_numbers

fromPhoneNumber (string): Twilio phone number that is used to send fallback and vitals messages in the form +12223334444; should be the database value client.from_phone_number

fallbackTimeout (int): Number of seconds after the initial alert before a fallback message is sent; should be the database value client.fallback_timeout

heartbeatPhoneNumbers (array of strings): Array of phone numbers to receive vitals/heartbeat messages about this Client, in the form '["+12223334444","+19998887777"]'; should be the database value client.heartbeat_phone_numbers

incidentCategories (array of strings): Array of incident categories the Client's responder will be asked to choose from for each alert; should be the database value client.incident_categories

isDisplayed (boolean): If this Client is displayed on the dashboard by default; should be the database value client.is_displayed

isSendingAlerts (boolean): If this Client should send alert messages; should be the database value client.is_sending_alerts

isSendingVitals (boolean): If this Client is should send vitals messages; should be the database value client.is_sending_vitals

createdAt (Date): When the Client was created in the database; should be the database value client.created_at

updatedAt (Date): When the Client was last updated in the database; should be the database value client.updated_at

Session class

An object representing a session. Contains the following fields:

id (GUID): Unique identifier of the session; should be the database value

chatbotState (CHATBOT_STATE enum): The chatbot state of the session; should be the database value session.chatbot_state

alertType (ALERT_TYPE enum): The alert type of the session; should be the database value session.alert_type

numberOfAlerts (int): The number of alerts sent during the session; should be the database value session.number_of_alerts

createdAt (Date): When the Session was created in the database; should be the database value session.created_at

updatedAt (Date): When the Session was last updated in the database; should be the database value session.updated_at

incidentCategory (string): The chosen incident category of the session; should be the database value session.incident_category

respondedAt (Date): When the Session was responded to; should be the database value session.responded_at

respondedByPhoneNumber (string): The phone number of the responder that replied to the alert this session describes; should be the database value session.responded_by_phone_number

device (object): The device which this session belongs to. Note: button, and location represent the same object as device.

isResettable (boolean): Whether or not this device can be reset by the client. This should be set to true if the device is acting strange.


An enum of the possible types of alert that can be triggered.


An enum of the possible states the Alert Session could be in at any given time.

twilioHelpers functions

Small collection of functions that handle the interaction with the Twilio client.

buyAndConfigureTwilioPhoneNumber(areaCode, friendlyName)

Buys and configures a Twilio Phone number for use with the current server (i.e. using the Buttons project, webhook, and messaging service if deployed on Buttons, and using the Sensor project, webhook, and messaging service if deployed on Sensor).

** areaCode (string):** the three-digit US or Canadian area code of the phone number to buy and configure

** friendlyName (string):** the friendly name to assign to the phone number within Twilio

** Returns:** if successful, an object with message: 'success' and other key/values of interest; if not successful, an object with message explaining the error and other key/values of interest

helpers functions

A collection of functions that are useful across the Brave NodeJS applications.


Format the given date into English and Pacific Time

** date (Date):** the JS Date object to format

** Returns:** a string with the given date formatted into English and Pacific Time


A function that can be sent as an argument to the Express Validation formatWith function ( It takes an Express error object and returns a consistent, readable string to be used for error logs and sending in error HTTP messages.

getAlertTypeDisplayName(alertType, language, t)

Get a human-readable display name for the given alertType in the given language.

alertType (ALERT_TYPE): the alert type whose display name to get

language (String): the language the return value would be in

t (function): the i18Next function that handles the translation

Returns: the display name corresponding to the given alertType in the given language


In the test environment, returns the test version of the environment variable with the given name. Otherwise, returns the production version of the environment variable with the given name.

name (string): the name of the environment variable

Returns: the correct environment variable for the situation.

generateCalculatedTimeDifferenceString(timeToCompare, db)

Returns an English string containing the time difference between the given timeToCompare and now according to an async function db.getCurrentTime().

timeToCompare (Date): the date to compare to

db (object): object containing an async function getCurrentTime() that resolves to a Date respresenting the current time

Returns: the English string containing the time difference between the given timeToCompare and the date returned by db.getCurrentTime


Controls whether the program should output DB debug logs.

Returns: true if the program should output DB debug logs. false otherwise. Under normal circumstances, this should be false.


Determines whether we are executing in a test environment (i.e. with the value of NODE_ENV === 'test').

Returns: true if the current execution is in a test environment. false otherwise.

isValidRequest(req, properties)

Determines whether the given Express request is valid if the given set of properties are required.

req (Express Request object): the request to validate

properties (Array of strings): the body parameters that must be given in the request in order for it to be valid.

Returns: true if the given request's body contains all of the given properties. false otherwise.


Logs the given string to stderr as appropriate for the situation. Also forwards the error to Sentry.

logString (string): The string to log

Returns: nothing


Logs the given string to stdout as appropriate for the situation.

logString (string): The string to log

Returns: nothing


Logs the given string to stdout as appropriate for the situation. Also forwards the string to Sentry.

logString (string): The string to log

Returns: nothing

runQuery(functionName, queryString, queryParams, pool, clientParam)

Runs a database query with correct transaction- and error-handling if required.

functionName (string): The name of the function that called runQuery. Used to make good error messages.

queryString (string): The pg-style query string to run in the database.

queryParams (array): The pg-style query parameters to be used in the queryString.

pool (pg.Pool): The pool of pg database connections.

clientParam (pg.PoolClient): The database connection client to be used if the query should be part of an ongoing transactions. Undefined if the query should not be part of an ongoing transaction.


Sleep for the given number of milliseconds. Must use await when calling this function, so much be called from an async function. Reference:

millis (int): The number of milliseconds to sleep for

Returns: a promise that will resolve after the given number of milliseconds

setupSentry(app, dsn, environment, release)

Set up Sentry for tracking errors and outages. NOTE: this needs to be called after all other app.use() calls

app (express()): The express instance that you want to track errors in

dsnString (string): The Sentry data source name you'd like to connect to

env (string): The environment you are tracking errors in

releaseName (string): The name of the release you are tracking errors for

Returns: nothing

factories functions

A collection of functions that are used to create valid, customizable model objects or insert models into the database

clientDBFactory(db, overrides = {})

Insert a row into the clients table in the given db with valid default values unless they are overridden by values in the given overrides array.

db (Buttons or Sensors db object): The database that contains a createClient function usable to insert a row into the clients table

overrides (object): Any custom values to use for the new client row other than the defaults

clientFactory(overrides = {})

Create a new Client object with valid default values unless they are overridden by the values in the given overries array

overrides (object): Any custom values to use for the new Client object other than the defaults

googleHelpers functions

A collection of functions providing authentication for PA.


Gets payload contained in a given Google ID token. If the Google ID token is invalid, this will throw an Error.

An ID token is deemed valid if:

  • It isn't expired
  • It was created for PA
  • It was signed by Google
  • It is for a Brave Google account
  • It contains email and name fields

googleIdToken (string): ID token as given from Google. Should be retrieved using paGetTokens.

Returns: Payload information contained in the provided ID token. More information can be read in this Google documentation.


Gets tokens (Google access token and Google ID token) from Google using an authorization code. If the authorization code is invalid, then this function will throw a GaxiosError.

googleAuthCode (string): Authorization code from Google retrieved in the frontend application (PA).

Returns: Object containing access token (googleAccessToken) and ID token (googleIdToken).

paAuthorize(req, res, next)

Express middleware function to authorize a request to a PA API call. Attempts to authorize the request using a submitted Google ID token in the Authorization header or body of the request. The criteria for a valid Google ID token is defined under the paGetPayload function.

req (Request): The Express Request object. Should contain googleIdToken in the Authorization header or body of the request.

res (Response): The Express Response object.

next (function): The next function to run if this request is authorized.


Library to communicate with responders and staff when action is required.







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