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File metadata and controls

300 lines (212 loc) · 8.49 KB


Userena comes with a few settings that enables you to tweak the user experience for you users. There are also a few Django settings that are relevant for Userena.

Userena settings


Default False (integer)

Boolean that defines if a user should be logged in after a successful sign up.

If True, USERENA_ACTIVATION_REQUIRED must be False for the sign-in to happen.

Note that USERENA_SIGNIN_REDIRECT_URL will not be respected for the automatic sign-in. The user will be redirect to the value of 'success_url' in userena.views.signup.

You can override 'success_url' in your See the "How do I add extra fields to forms?" example in the FAQ, where the 'signup_form' variable is overridden.


Default /accounts/%(username)s/' (string)

A string which defines the URI where the user will be redirected to after signin.


Default: True (integer)

Boolean that defines if a activation is required when creating a new user.


Default: 7 (integer)

A integer which stands for the amount of days a user has to activate their account. The user will be deleted when they still haven't activated their account after these amount of days by running the cleanexpired :ref:`command <commands>`.


Default: True (boolean)

A boolean that turns on/off the sending of a notification when USERENA_ACTIVATION_NOTIFY_DAYS away the activation of the user will expire and the user will be deleted.


Default: 2 (integer)

The amount of days, before the expiration of an account, that a notification get's send out. Warning the user of his coming demise.


Default: ALREADY_ACTIVATED (string)

String that defines the value that the activation_key will be set to after a successful signup.


Default: (gettext('a month'), 30)) (tuple)

A tuple containing a string and an integer which stand for the amount of days a user can choose to be remembered by your project. The string is the human readable version that gets displayed in the form. The integer stands for the amount of days that this string represents.


Default: ('signup', 'signout', 'signin', 'activate', 'me', 'password') (tuple)

A tuple containing the names which cannot be used as username in the signup form.


Default: True (boolean)

A boolean defining if mugshots should fallback to Gravatar service when no mugshot is uploaded by the user.


Default: USERENA_USE_HTTPS (boolean)

A boolean defining if the secure URI of Gravatar is used. Defaults to the same value as USERENA_USE_HTTPS.


Default: identicon (string)

A string for the default image used when no mugshot is found. This can be either a URI to an image or if :ref:`userena-mugshot-gravatar` is True one of the following options:

Do not load any image if none is associated with the email hash, instead return an HTTP 404 (File Not Found) response.
Mystery-man, a simple, cartoon-style silhouetted outline of a person (does not vary by email hash).
A geometric pattern based on an email hash.
A generated 'monster' with different colors, faces, etc.
Generated faces with differing features and backgrounds


Default: 80 (int)

Integer defining the size (in pixels) of the sides of the mugshot image.


Default: mugshots/ (string)

The default path that the mugshots will be saved to. Is appended to the MEDIA_PATH in your Django settings.

You can use the following options as arguments (f.ex. mugshots/%(username)s/):

Current date


Default: False (boolean)

Boolean that defines if you have a secure version of your website. If so, userena will redirect sensitive URI's to the secure protocol.


Default: registered (string)

Defines the default privacy value for a newly registered user. There are three options:

Only the owner of the profile can view their profile.
All registered users can view their profile.
All users (registered and anonymous) can view their profile.


Default: userena/profile_detail.html (string)

Template to use for rendering user profiles. This allows you to specify a template in your own project which extends userena/profile_detail.html.


Default: userena/profile_list.html (string)

Template to use for rendering users list. This allows you to specify a template in your own project which extends userena/profile_list.html.


Default: False (boolean)

Boolean value that defines if the profile_list view is enabled within the project. If so, users can view a list of different profiles.


Default: False (boolean)

Boolean value that defines if signups are disabled within the project. If so, users trying to sign up will be denied.


Default: True (boolean)

Boolean value that defines if userena should use the django messages framework to notify the user of any changes.


Default: language (string)

The language field that is used in the custom profile to define the preferred language of the user.


Default: False (boolean)

Defines if usernames are used within userena. Currently it's often for the users convenience that only an email is used for identification. With this setting you get just that.


Default: False (boolean)

Prevents email addresses from being displayed to other users if set to True.


Default: False (boolean)

If True multipart emails are generated using html templates.


Default: True (boolean)

Uses a text template for plain text part (when USERENA_HTML_EMAIL = True). When USERENA_HTML_EMAIL = False, plain text templates are always used for emails even if USERENA_USE_PLAIN_TEMPLATE = False.


Default: True (boolean)

If True userena will register the profile model with Django Admin for you. It uses a GuardedModelAdmin when registering. This allows per user object permissions to be set via the admin. If False you will have to regiter the profile with the Django Admin yourself.


Default: True (boolean)

If True userena will first unregister the user model with the admin and then reregister the user model using a GuardedModelAdmin. This allows you to set per user object permissons. If False and you want to you set per user object permissions on the user model via the admin you will have to unregister and reregiter the user model with the Django Admin yourself.

Django settings


Default: /accounts/login/ (string)

The URL where requests are redirected for login, especially when using the login_required() decorator.

In userena this URI normally would be /accounts/signin/.


Default: /accounts/logout/ (string) LOGIN_URL counterpart.

In userena this URI normally would be /accounts/signout/.


Default: /accounts/profile/

In userena this URI should point to the profile of the user. Thus a string of /accounts/%(username)s/ is best.


Default: not defined

This should point to the model that is your custom made profile.