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Back end

This repository provides a news website server written in Haskell.


Functional requirements

  • Most functional requirements are described here.

OpenAPI 3



We provide user authorization via JWT.


In a database, we store user passwords encrypted via password.




Haskell modules from back/src are logically grouped into the following units.

  • Persist - provides operations with a database.
  • Service - provides services on top of Persist.
  • API - describes API.
  • Controller - provides operations for API endpoints on top of Service.
  • Server - binds API endpoints and Controller operations to produce a server.


  1. Nix prerequisites

    See these for additional info:

  2. Install Nix - see how.

  3. Install the following programs.

    • pulumi
    • microk8s
  4. Start a devShell.

    nix develop
  5. (Optionally) Write settings.json and start VSCodium.

    nix run .#writeSettings
    nix run .#codium .
  6. (Optionally) Open a .hs file and hover over a function. Shortly, Haskell Language Server should start giving the type info.

  7. See the following sections. They assume dev environment.

    • There are configurations for the prod environment.

Run the application


Run a database, a server, and tests in a Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Create a cluster.

    # prepare the environment
    # start a microk8s vm
    microk8s start
  2. The pods configuration is in

  3. Prepare pulumi.

    # go to pulumi directory
    cd pulumi
    # install node packages
    npm i
    # select dev stack
    pulumi stack select dev
  4. Create pods in the cluster.

    # create all resources
    pulumi up
    # select `yes`
    # check that all pods are ready
    kubectl get po -n breaking-news-dev


  1. Follow the steps from Cluster until pod creation.

  2. Run a database in the cluster.

    # create postgres-related resources
    pulumi up -t **postgres*
    # select `yes`
    kubectl get po -n breaking-news-dev
  3. The app configuration is in the local directory. See

  4. Run the server using cabal-install. The server will connect to the database in the cluster.

    cabal run back:exe:back


Build Docker images, push to Docker Hub and pin image digests for app and test.

  1. Create secrets.env file from secrets.example.env.

  2. source environment files.

    1. Manually

      source secrets.env
      source .env
    2. Via direnv

      direnv allow
  3. Push images to Docker Hub.

    nix run .#backPushToDockerHub
    nix run .#testPushToDockerHub
  4. Write image digests.

    nix run .#writeDigests

Expose the server

  1. The server IP address (let's call it <IP>) is localhost.

  2. Get the port (let's call it <port>) of the server.

    • For the server in the cluster, see dev:back.service.nodePort in
    • For the server run via cabal-install, see web.port in
  3. Expose the server to the world via localtunnel.

    lt -l <IP> -p <port> -s <subdomain>
    # or, in case of a cluster
    lt -l localhost -p 30003 -s breaking-news-fun
  4. Copy the address (let's call it <address>) obtained from localtunnel.


View the API, make requests to it.

  1. Access the Swagger UI at <address>/api1/index.html.


View the API, make requests to it.

  1. Import the API into Postman as a Postman Collection.

  2. In that collection, set the variable baseUrl to <address>.

    1. Click on the collection -> Variables -> Current Value.
    2. Save.
  3. Send a request to /api1/user/register.

    1. Set the values in the request Body.
    2. You'll get a refresh token (refreshToken) and an access token (accessToken).
  4. Send a request to /api1/user/rotate-refresh-token.

    1. Copy refreshToken to Authorization -> BearerToken -> Token.
    2. You'll get a renewed pair of a refresh token and an access token.
  5. Send the request again with the old refreshToken.

    1. You'll get a message that the session has a newer token.
    2. This is due to refresh token reuse detection (see Authorization).
  6. Send a request to /api1/user/login.

    1. Copy the values from the request to /api1/user/register into Body.
    2. You'll get a renewed pair of a refresh token and an access token.
  7. Send a request to api1/news/create.

    1. Copy the last accessToken to your Collection -> Variables -> {{bearerToken}}.
    2. Edit the value in the request Body.
    3. You'll get nothing in the response body.
  8. Send a request to api1/news/get.

    1. Remove all query parameters.
    2. You'll get a list of news in the response body.


  1. Check the database.

    # connect to the database
    psql postgresql://admin:admin_password@localhost:30002/postgresdb
    # check records
    select * from users;


  1. The cluster provides pod monitoring via loki-stack.

  2. Monitoring is configured in at dev:monitoring.

  3. Grafana should be available at http://localhost:30005.

    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin_password
  4. In Explore -> Log browser, type {app="back-deployment"}


Manage resources in a running cluster via pulumi (see Cluster).

  1. Go to pulumi.

    cd pulumi
  2. Get urns.

    pulumi stack --show-urns
  3. Try deleting a resource.

    pulumi state delete <urn>
  4. If you delete a resource via kubectl, refresh pulumi. Usually, pulumi will notice the changes.

    # delete some pod
    kubectl delete po ...
    # after deleting resources, run
    pulumi refresh
    # update resources
    pulumi up
  5. Destroy all resources.

    pulumi destroy

