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23 lines (22 loc) · 3.75 KB

File metadata and controls

23 lines (22 loc) · 3.75 KB


JSON description
"name": "load_ifc",
"save": "out/AC20-FZK-Haus.json",
"ifc_file": "buildings/AC20-FZK-Haus.ifc"
loads an ifc_file and create its JSON-representation in the save location
"name": "mesh_remove",
"mesh_name": "Cube"
Blender helper-function to remove the mesh with mesh_name. Useful to remove the starting cube
"name": "import",
"ifc_file": "buildings/AC20-FZK-Haus.ifc"
Imports an IFC-file into blender using IfcOpenShell
"name": "load",
"filepath": "buildings/AC20-FZK-Haus.blend"
load a .blend file that has been imported using IfcOpenShell (useful when the import takes long and you like to import manually on another machine)
"name": "show",
"ifc_type": "space"
sets all objects with the given IFC-type to visible (in this case all IfcSpaces)
"name": "remove_site" removes the mesh for the IfcSite
"name": "blacklist",
"ifc_type": "IfcBuildingElementProxy",
"regex": "ABZUGSK.*"
removes all objects of type ifc_type ("IfcBuildingElementProxy") with the name matching the regex (everything starting with "ABZUGSK")
"name": "remove_hidden" removes all invisible/disabled elements (you might to use this after "show")
"name": "replace",
"copy_dimensions": false,
,"regex": "Chair.*",
"blend_file": "lowpoly/simple_chair,
"ifc_type": "IfcFurnishingElement",
"object_name": "chair"
replaces every object with the type ifc_type that matches the given regex (starts with Chair) with the object object_name (chair) from the Blender file blend_file. Useful to replace elements from the IFC file with other elements that have a lower or higher level of detail. Either to enhance for VR-Environments or to lower the poly count on mobile devices
"name": "create_group",
"ifc_type": "storey"
creates a new group based on the ifc_type. Useful to create groups that can be exported later on in single .blend files and exported as single FBX/OBJ
"name": "add_group",
"ifc_type_group": "storey",
add aditional objects to a group that has been created with add_group. In this example all spaces of a storey will also be added to their storey-group
"name": "group_children_by_regex",
"ifc_target_groups": "storey",
"target_regex": ".* (?P-?[0-9]\d*)",
"source_regex": ".\.(?P-?[0-9]\d)\..*",
add all elements of the group that matches the source_regex to the ifc_target_group type matching the target_regex regex
"name": "group_unlink",
"regex": "^GROUP."
removes all objects from a group where the name mathes the regex
"name": "mesh_reposition",
"regex": "^GROUP."
recalculate the vertice center position of all objects matching the group name. Useful in combination with group_by_elevation
"name": "group_by_elevation" add all elements to the group for their story. (reads story-height from IFC)
"name": "mesh_split",
"regex": "^LOGO."
"split_z": 1.2
cuts the object in two objects, after given split_z value (in meters)
"name": "export",
"filepath": "out/House"
"filetype": ["obj", "fbx"]
export the building (in this case as fbx which works quite well in Unity3D and obj which is great for WebGL/THREE.js)
"name": "save",
"filepath": "out/House"
save as .blend file
"name": "group_split",
"ifc_type": "storey",
"outpath": "out",
"blend_file": "out/House",
"export": ["obj", "fbx"]
loads the given blend-file for every entry in the "ifc_type" (e.g. each storey) delete everything else and export it. Useful to get single files for each storey. WARNING because this needs to load the .blend-file make sure you save the building with save and do this as the last step!