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Environment Setup

Bart Middag edited this page May 16, 2016 · 3 revisions

Preconfigured Datalab VM

A VM has also been created with the (not up-to-date) code on it. The username of this VM is: amma, and the password is: bda. To make the VM up-to-date and to run Datatonic's Datalab execute following commands:

# Pull Git repo, and authenticate with Google
cd ~/amma-bda/datalab/
git pull
gcloud auth login
# "propane-bearing-124123" can be changed to your project-id 
gcloud config set project propane-bearing-124123
gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-b

sudo ln -s ~/amma-bda/datalab /usr/share/datalab

# Deploy localy (+ build sources)
./ --build

Setting up the environment elsewhere

To run locally, the deployment steps are the same as the original Datalab project. These are the commands that should be executed:

# Linux
# Use

# Node.js
mkdir -p ~/tools/node
wget -O node.tar.gz
tar xzf node.tar.gz -C ~/tools/node --strip-components=1
rm node.tar.gz

# add the following line to ~/.bashrc
export PATH=~/tools/node/bin:$PATH

# install typescript
sudo npm install -g typescript

# Install gcloud - [more info](
curl | bash

# Setup gcloud (once usually suffices, unless you need to change projects)
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project <your cloud project>
gcloud config set compute/zone <zone name - make sure to choose US-based zone, eg. us-central1-a>

# install docker
# Use this guide:

# checkout out repository
sudo ln -s <repository_directory>/datalab /usr/share/datalab

# Deploy localy (+ build sources)
cd <repository_directory>/datalab
./ --build