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Rainbow DQN for Open AI Gym Atari

MIT License

PyTorch implementation of Rainbow DQN. Implements DQN, DoubleDQN, Dueling Networks, Prioritized Replay, N-Step Returns, Noisy Networks, and Distributional DQNs.


To install necessary environment using CONDA:

conda env create --name rainbow_dqn --file=environment.yml

Or look at environment.yml for necessary packages and versions.

Code Structure

Composed of the following five modules/scripts: loads environment, memory module, and agent, and trains model per set arguments. loads environment, memory module, agent, and saved model, and evaluates model per set arguments. loads and prepares gym environment. Has method get_env, which can be extended for other environments and is typed to show expected return class. loads and prepares memory. Has method get_module and informal interface class MemoryInterface, which shows all required class methods typed for easy extension to new memory classes. loads and prepares reinforcement agent. Has method get_agent and informal interface class AgentInterface, which shows all required class methods typed for easy extension to new agent classes.

Ideally the modular nature allows for easy plug and play testing of different agents, memory modules, and/or environments. The DQN methods here are written all in PyTorch, however the agent interface makes no assumption of model type, allowing it to be TensorFlow, Sklearn, etc.


To train Rainbow DQN for Atari environments run:

python -v -at DistributionalDQN -mt PrioritizedReplay -en ENV_NAME

Where ENV_NAME can be any Atari environment specified in See options for training DQN, DoubleDQN, and turning on and off Dueling Networks, which can all be run independently. However if NoisyDQN or DistributionalDQN is passed, DoubleDQN and Dueling Networks are automatically used regardless of other passed arguments. In any setting, both -mt StandardMemory and -mt PrioritizedReplay can be used to set the type of memory. Additionally, -num_steps N can be used to set the N-step training independently with any other setting (default is N=3). For all other setting descriptions use:

python --help

All results and models are logged in the runs directory, both as Tensorboard files and pickled dictionaries.


To evaluate any model, use the same arguments in to set up the agent, pass the full path to the saved model, and then set the flag -r to render the environment:

python -v -r -at DistributionalDQN -en ENV_NAME --model_path /path/to/model/model.pth

For all other setting descriptions use:

python --help

Again, the results are saved in the runs directory.

Pre-trained Models

The full Rainbow DQN setting has been used to train models for Pong, Boxing, and Breakout. The pre-trained models can be downloaded at these links:

All three can be directly run by using command in the Evaluation section -- just paste in appropriate environment name and path.


PongNoFrameskip-v4 Boxing-v4 Breakout-v4
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I consulted the following repositories for my implementation:




In particular, I directly used the environment wrappers provided by [1] and re-implemented the code, but heavily relied on both [2] and [3] for the Prioritized Replay, Noisy Networks and Distributional DQNs.


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