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StackExchange.Metrics Release Notes



  • @hamvocke - Resiliency fixes for StatsdMetricHandler in #49




Released for .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Core 3.1

Support for .NET Core 3.1

By explicitly targeting .NET Core 3.1 we are able to add support for configuring the MetricsCollector using the standard startup mechanisms in .NET Core.

Changing how metrics are consumed

We have changed how metrics are created to disconnect them from a MetricsCollector. Applications should now use MetricSource for creating custom metrics, which can be consumed without having a MetricsCollector instantiated.

There are also some built-in metric source implementations:

  • ProcessMetricSource - provides CPU time, paged memory, virtual memory and thread counts for the current process
  • GarbageCollectionMetricSource - provides GC gen0, gen1 and gen2 collection metrics in .NET full framework
  • AspNetMetricSource - provides request metrics for ASP.NET Core
  • RuntimeMetricSource - provides CPU, memory, GC and thread pool metrics in .NET Core

Metric sources can be configured using MetricsCollectorOptions.Sources in .NET full framework or the AddSource method on the IMetricsCollectorBuilder exposed by AddMetricsCollector on an IServiceCollection.

Breaking Changes

  • Removal of MetricGroup and sealing all built-in metrics. Tagged metrics can be created by using the relelvant Add* methods on a MetricSource.
  • Removal of CreateMetricWithoutPrefix and GetMetricWithoutPrefix methods ; override MetricSource.Add to have a single place to apply prefixes
  • Removal of ctor with the exception handler parameter from MetricsCollectorOptions - in order to support the options framework in .NET Core there is now just a default ctor. Use the UseExceptionHandler on the IMetricsCollectorBuilder or assign the ExceptionHandler property directly

BosunReporter 4.0.0 => StackExchange.Metrics 1.0.0

Released for .NET Standard 2.0

Project Rename

Rename of project from BosunReporter to StackExchange.Metrics. Rename of namespaces and anything Bosun to just Metric or Metrics.

Multiple metric handlers

We now support reporting metrics to several handlers via an extensible mechanism. In the box we include handlers for Bosun, SignalFx and DataDog. As a result of this, some configuration options have been moved to the handler rather than to the collector itself.


Released for .NET Standard 2.0, and .NET Framework 4.5.

Exception Handling

Many BosunReporter tasks run on background threads, where an uncaught exception will crash the process. BosunReporter previously allowed you to subscribe to an "OnBackgroundException" event to handle exceptions, but if you didn't, exceptions would be thrown and take down your process.

The exception handler is now required. Instead of an event, it's an Action<Exception> parameter on the BosunOptions constructor. If null, an exception is thrown.

var options = new BosunOptions(ex => LogException(ex)) { ... };
var collector = new MetricsCollector(options);

Snapshot Schedule

BosunOptions.ReportingInterval was renamed to SnapshotInterval to better reflect what it does (it controls how frequently metrics are snapshotted - which isn't necessarily when they are reported to Bosun). Its type was also changed from int (seconds) to TimeSpan.

Metadata Schedule

BosunOptions.MetaDataReportingInterval was removed. Metadata is now generated and sent to Bosun anytime new metrics have been created since the last snapshot. Metadata is also regenerated and sent approximately every 24 hours when no new metrics are being created. Metadata is sent during shutdown, if new metrics were created since the last snapshot.

Minor Changes

  • An Access Token can be provided via BosunOptions.AccessToken or BosunOptions.GetAccessToken. If not null or empty, this will be added as an X-Access-Token header on all API requests.
  • MetricGroup<T, TMetric>.PopulateFromEnum() now has an optional includeObsolete parameter (defaults to true). If false, obsolete enum values will not be used to populated the metric group.
  • AggregateGauge:
    • Is now abstract. You must inherit from it in order to use it.
    • If a child class does not specify aggregators of its own (via [GaugeAggregator]), it will inherit its parent's aggregators. If a child class does specify at least one aggregator, then it will not inherit any of its parent's aggregators.
  • SnapshotCounter and SnapshotGauge:
    • No longer have default protected constructors
    • The Func<T> argument is always required
    • The Func<T> field is now private
    • GetValue is now public
  • Counter:
    • Value is now a read-only property instead of a field. Inheriting classes can still write to the protected _value field, if necessary.
  • Removed all metric interfaces (IDoubleGauge, ILongGauge, IIntGauge, IDoubleCounter, ILongCounter, IIntCounter). They really weren't all that useful. You should generally know what you're recording on explicitly. Using an interface probably represents an anti-pattern. If you really need an interface, you can define your own interface and metric types which implement them.
  • Removed MetricsCollector.BosunUrl and GetBosunUrl properties. They were confusing since it wasn't obvious what the source of truth was. Use the TryGetBosunUrl and SetBosunUrl methods if you need to get or update the Bosun endpoint URL after the MetricsCollector is created.
  • AfterSerializationInfo and AfterPostInfo:
    • MillisecondsDuration properties were changed to Duration of type TimeSpan.
    • Constructors are internal. They were never intended to be instantiated outside of BosunReporter.
    • Removed MetricsCollector.LastPostInfo and LastSerializationInfo properties. Use AfterPost and AfterSerialization events instead.
  • BosunPostException.StatusCode is now nullable, since not all POST errors will have an HTTP status code returned.
  • Removed the Jil dependency (there are no other NuGet dependencies).
  • Added XML documentation for all public types and methods.
  • Fix floating-point formatting in certain cultures.
  • Turned all BosunOptions fields into properties.
  • Fixed MetricsCollector.TotalMetricsPosted property.
  • Wait 10 seconds to retry failed POSTs, instead of 5 seconds. This may eventually be configurable or use a more sophisticated back-off.


  • Stop metric serialization when the queue is full so that we only throw the queue-full exception once per serialization interval.
  • BosunOptions.ThrowOnPostFail now only applies to 5xx response codes. So, if a 4xx is received, an exception will still be thrown since that probably indicates a problem with the library rather than Bosun being down.
  • Increased the default BosunOptions.MaxPendingPayloads from 120 to 240.


There are several changes in version 3.0, including some new features and minor breaking changes.

Metric Batching Options

The way BosunReporter batches metrics to Bosun has changed substantially. Instead of having a batch size specified in metrics, the maximum batch size is now specified in bytes, which gives you better control over network traffic. However, this means that some BosunOptions had to change.

  • BatchSize (unit: metrics), has been replaced with MaxPayloadSize (unit: bytes). The default is 8000 bytes.
  • MaxQueueLength (unit: metrics) has been replaced with MaxPendingPayloads (unit: payloads) which is the maximum number of payloads (each with a max size of MaxPayloadSize) to queue for sending. Payloads are re-added to the queue when sending to Bosun fails, unless the queue is full. The default is 120 payloads.

Ignoring Default Tags

[IgnoreDefaultBosunTags], which could be applied to a metric class in order to not inherit the default tags, has been removed and replaced by [ExcludeDefaultTags].

The new attribute can be used to either ignore all, or only some, of the default tags.

public class Metric1 : BosunMetric
    // all default tags are excluded

[ExcludeDefaultTags("host", "tier")]
public class Metric2 : BosunMetric
    // default tags "host" and "tier" are specifically excluded

Keep in mind that all metrics (except external counters) must have at least one tag. So, if you exclude all default tags, you will need to add at least one of your own.

There is also a complementary attribute [RestoreDefaultTags] which can be used to restore some, or all, of the default tags. This can be useful if you inherit from a class which excludes default tags.

public class Metric3 : Metric1
    // "host" tag will now be included, even though Metric1 excludes default tags

External Counters

This feature requires you to be using tsdbrelay as an intermediary between your app and Bosun. You'll need to run tsdbrelay with -redis=REDIS_SERVER_NAME and setup an scollector instance to scrape it with:

Server = "localhost:6379" 
Database = 2

External counters are intended to solve the problem of counting low-volume events.

The nature of a low-volume counter is that its per-second rate is going to be zero most of the time. For example:

If you could simply see the start and end values for a given time interval, you would have a better sense of how frequent the events are. But, unfortunately, a normal Bosun counter resets every time the application restarts, so you end up with a graph that might look something like this when viewed as a gauge:

To solve this problem, external counters are persistent (the value doesn't reset every time the app restarts). Tsdbrelay stores the value of the counter in Redis, and BosunReporter sends it increments when an event happens. Tsdbrelay then periodically reports the metric to Bosun.

This means that when you graph the metric as a gauge, it will always be going up, and you can easily see start and end values for any time interval.

Remember, these are for LOW VOLUME events. If you expect more than one event per minute across all instances of your app, you should use a normal counter.

You can enable/disable sending external counter increments using BosunOptions.EnableExternalCounters during initialization, or by changing MetricsCollector.EnableExternalCounters at runtime.


The usage of ExternalCounter is exactly the same as Counter except that you can only increment by 1.

var counter = collector.CreateMetric<ExternalCounter>("ext_counter", "units", "description");

You can also inherit from ExternalCounter in order to add tags (like any other metric type).

tsdbrelay will automatically add the "host" tag. This means that metrics which inherit from ExternalCounter are not required to have any tags. ExternalCounter excludes the "host" tag by default for the same reason.

Custom Metrics

Custom metric classes are classes which inherit directly from BosunMetric. If you only inherit from the built-in metric types (e.g. Counter, AggregateGauge, etc.) then you don't need to do anything.

There are some breaking changes in how custom metric classes are implemented.


The signature of BosunMetric.Serialize has changed from IEnumerable<string> (string unixTimestamp) to void (MetricWriter writer, DateTime now). Instead of returning an enumeration of strings representing the serialized metrics, you call a protected method WriteValue() for each metric you want to serialize.

For example:

protected override void Serialize(MetricWriter writer, DateTime now)
    WriteValue(writer, Value, now);

WriteValue takes an optional fourth parameter which is the suffix index (defaults to zero). See "Suffixes" below for more information on the meaning of the index.

WriteValue must only be called from inside the Serialize method, and should should not store a reference to the MetricWriter.


The Serialize method should not be used to perform computationally expensive work because it is called in serial with all other metrics. Instead, expensive work should be performed in PreSerialize, which is called in parallel with other metrics that implement it.

For example, AggregateGauge uses PreSerialize to perform sorting and aggregation operations, and then it stores a snapshot which the Serialize method reads from.

protected override void PreSerialize()
    // computationally expensive stuff here

BosunReporter has always supported multiple suffixes per metric. This is what allows AggregateGauge to serialize into several metrics. However, the implementation has changed slightly.

IEnumerable<string> GetSuffixes() has been replaced with string[] GetImmutableSuffixesArray(). As the name implies, the suffixes must be immutable for the lifetime of the metric.

Also, instead of passing around the string representation of the suffix, indexes into the suffix array are used (such as in the WriteValue() and GetDescription() methods).


As described above, the GetDescription() method now takes int suffixIndex instead of string suffix. This is an index into the array returned by GetImmutableSuffixesArray().