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brettryan edited this page Jul 10, 2012 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the confluence-attachment-tools-plugin wiki!

Attachment tools has been initially designed to solve the problem of a growing number of prior attachment revisions on pages where updates are frequently made. In a collaboration environment where users were storing power-point presentations saw a rapid increase of a 3Mb file taking 200Mb in a couple of days.

The plugin works by first registering a scheduled task with an initial cron run of midnight every day, this can be altered.


Configuration is provided through the plugin in both the plugin configuration screen aswell as a configuration at the space level to allow space administrators to either:

  1. Turn off processing of the given space entirely
  2. Use global settings provided by the confluence administration screens (the default), or;
  3. To allow the space to provide its own custom settings.


Rules are provided to allow prior versions to be determined to be deleted, these rules can be switched together or independently of one-another. These rules are listed as follows:

  • Maximum days old: Enable to purge attachments which are greater than a set days old limit.
  • Version Limit: Enable to purge attachments who exceed a given version limit.
  • Maximum Size: Enable to purge attachments which have a size greater than a given value.


Reporting of what occurred can be enabled by providing an email address of the user that should receive a log of what occurred. This can be provided at the space level or globally. Email addresses that may appear on more than one space will be consolidated into a single email.

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