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H5BP/Jade/Bower/Sass Best Practices/gulp-starter

What is this?

This combines html5boilerplate, jade-gulp mostly for templating, Bower and Sass linting from All a top of the wonderous gulp-starter from someone called greypants. Pretty much... it takes the best of everything.

tldr or just tell me how to get going with this damn thing.

alright already.

    git clone
    cd jade-bower-h5bp-scss-linter-gulp-starter

That bash script keeps you from having type all these.

    cd .. 
    mv jade-bower-h5bp-scss-linter-gulp-starter $sitename
    divshot init // followed by 5 divshot prompts
    name: (my-app-name)                                 
    root directory: (current) public
    clean urls: (y/n) y
    error page: (error.html)
    Would you like to create a app from this app?: (y/n) y
    rm -rf .git
    git init
    git add -A
    git commit -m "Initial commit for $sitename"
    npm install
    cd src/sass
    bower install
    cd src/js
    bower install
    subl .

brett’s rationale for creating this

I wanted something minimal and something that allowed me to use partials. I thought about a static site generator like Jekyll but in the end it was way more than I wanted. I just wanted partials. So I ended up settling on Jade for that purpose.


Branch Guide

sass-i-mean-scss-linting: This is the branch where I’m trying to add in scss linting per I have stashed changes with the scss-lint npm package installed and inserted into sass.js for gulp but it keeps erroring out. Don’t know why. Do git stash apply to retreive changes.

gulp-starter readme

Starter Gulp + Browserify project with examples of how to accomplish some common tasks and workflows. Read the blog post for more context, and check out the Wiki for some good background knowledge.

Includes the following tools, tasks, and workflows:

If you've never used Node or npm before, you'll need to install Node. If you use homebrew, do:

brew install node

Otherwise, you can download and install from here.

Install npm dependencies

npm install

This runs through all dependencies listed in package.json and downloads them to a node_modules folder in your project directory.

The gulp command

To run the version of gulp installed local to the project, in the root of your this project, you'd run


WAT. Why can't I just run gulp? Well, you could install gulp globally with npm install -g gulp, which will add the gulp script to your global bin folder, but it's always better to use the version that's specified in your project's package.json. My solution to this is to simply alias ./node_modules/.bin/gulp to gulp. Open up ~/.zshrc or ~./bashrc and add the following line:

alias gulp='node_modules/.bin/gulp'

Now, running gulp in the project directory will use the version specified and installed from the package.json file.

Run gulp and be amazed.


This will run the default gulp task defined in gulp/tasks/default.js, which has the following task dependencies: ['sass', 'images', 'markup', 'watch']

  • The sass task compiles your css files.
  • images moves images copies images from a source folder, performs optimizations, the outputs them into the build folder
  • markup doesn't do anything but copy an html file over from src to build, but here is where you could do additional templating work.
  • watch has watchify as a dependency, which will run the browserifyTask with a devMode flag that enables sourcemaps and watchify, a browserify add-on that enables caching for super fast recompiling. The task itself starts watching source files and will re-run the appropriate tasks when those files change.

Icon Fonts

gulp iconFont

Generating and re-generating icon fonts is an every once and a while task, so it's not included in tasks/default.js. Run the task separately any time you add an svg to your icons folder. This task has a couple of parts.

The task

The task calls gulp-iconfont and passes the options we've configured in gulp/config.js. Then it listens for a codepoints that triggers the generation of the sass file you'll be importing into your stylesheets. gulp/iconFont/generateIconSass passes the icon data to a template, then outputs the resulting file to your sass directory. See the gulp-iconFont docs for more config details. You may reconfigure the template to output whatever you'd like. The way it's currently set up will make icons usable as both class names and mixins.

  +icon--twitter // (@include in .scss syntax)


<span class="icon -twitter"></span>

gulp production

There is also a production task you can run with gulp production, which will re-build optimized, compressed css and js files to the build folder, as well as output their file sizes to the console. It's a shortcut for running the following tasks: ['images', 'minifyCss', 'uglifyJs'].


All paths and plugin settings have been abstracted into a centralized config object in gulp/config.js. Adapt the paths and settings to the structure and needs of your project.


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