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BudgetFriend is a simple web application designed to help users track personal expenses and analyze spending patterns. The application is built using React with Tailwind CSS for styling on the frontend and Python Flask on the backend. It allows users to input expense data via a .csv file, and visualizes this data through interactive charts.



Follow these steps to set up and run BudgetFriend on your local machine:


  • Python 3.8+
  • Node.js 12.0+
  • npm

Setting Up the Project

  1. Clone the GitHub repository:

    git clone
    cd BudgetFriend
  2. Set up the Python virtual environment: Navigate to the server directory if not already there and create virtual environment

    cd server
    python -m venv venv

Activate virtual environment Windows


macOS or Linux

source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install backend dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Set up and run the Flask server:

  3. Install frontend dependencies and run the React app: Open a new terminal window/tab

    cd ui
    npm install
    npm start

Feature Description

BudgetFriend is primarily a local application, ensuring user data privacy and security by processing and storing all data locally. Key features include:

Image Download: You may right click on graph to ‘Save image as’ to save to local machine

CSV File Upload: Users can upload their expense data in CSV format.

Expense Visualization: Interactive charts built with Chart.js display spending patterns over time and by category.

Local Data Processing: All data is processed on the user's machine to ensure privacy.

Additional tools: A Jupyter notebook (server/charttesting.ipynb) was used for initial data exploration using Plotly.


Upon uploading the .csv file in React frontend, the FileUpload component calls the /upload-csv POST function in Flask to upload the csv file into /uploads folder. If successful, it will call the /linechart and /barchart GET functions in Flask for the json data, for it to be passed to the LineChart and StackedBarChart react-chartjs-2 components, which would then render on the main page.

  1. File Upload Initiation: Users select a .csv file to upload via the React frontend's FileUpload component. This component includes input validation to ensure that the file format is correct before it is sent to the backend.

  2. File Transmission to Backend: The selected file is sent to the backend Flask server by making a POST request to the /upload-csv endpoint in Flask This endpoint is responsible for handling incoming file uploads.

  3. Server-Side File Handling: Upon receiving the file, the Flask application verifies its type and integrity. If the file is not a valid .csv, an error response is generated and sent back to the frontend. Valid files are saved to the /uploads folder on the server. The server then responds with a success status if the file has been successfully saved.

  4. Data Processing and Visualization: Once the file is successfully uploaded, the frontend makes two GET requests to /linechart and /barchart endpoints in Flask to fetch the processed data for visualization. The Flask backend processes the uploaded file with the help of functions in to generate the data needed for the charts:

  • The /linechart endpoint processes the data to extract time-series information suitable for the line chart.
  • The /barchart endpoint aggregates the data by categories and months, formatting it for the stacked bar chart. Each endpoint returns JSON data that encapsulates the chart-ready information.
  1. Rendering Charts: Upon receiving the JSON data from each respective GET request, the frontend uses this data to render the LineChart and StackedBarChart components using react-chartjs-2. These charts are then displayed on the main page, allowing users to visually analyze their expense patterns over time and by category.


Possible Improvements

  1. Support for Excel Files: Extend file upload capabilities to include .xlsx files by modifying the ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS in the Flask application.
  2. Date Range Filtering: Implement a calendar date picker on the frontend for selecting specific date ranges, and adjust the backend pandas datetime to filter data accordingly.


  1. File upload drag and drop: Allow for more convenience and quality of life
  2. Identify and catch more errors: Eg. Incorrect column names, Invalid column dtypes
  3. Proper handling of endpoints: Change localhost to { API_ENDPOINT } from "$env/static/private in FileUpload to allow for variable endpoints and security purposes
  4. Delete stored data files: Automatically delete stored .csv files after a certain period, or after app is closed
  5. Security: If this application is adapted for medical purposes involving sensitive data, it should be hosted locally or on an internal server, rather than on a remote server or cloud. This precaution helps prevent unauthorized access to or caching of sensitive information.


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