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Gather real time clustering

The Low-Down

Recently, people close to me have observed some clustering issues with the TTC Busses. There exist high-demand routes where busses are supposed to arrive within ten minutes. However being the periphery of the TTC, and the traffic on this road being particularly bad, the busses have a tendency to cluster instead, leaving service gaps of up to 40-minutes from stories.

This app is being developed to prove the hypothesis that "TTC Busses on the 60 route have a tendency to cluster and cause service disruption at a systematic level".

I intend the stack to be Node with Express, PostGres with PostGIS. Pages to be rendered will be with Vue. Mapping to be done with leaflet, for now.

My current roadblocks

  • I'm pretty awful with Pug and CSS. I'm currently attempting to get the homepage looking nice.
  • I'm still working with Timed Cron Jobs for Node. They aren't all running as intended.
  • Initial disovery with PSQL + PostGIS
  • Transfer of PostGIS commands to ORM
  • Geospatial analysis using turf.js
  • Front-end visualization (in progress)
  • Timed CRON Jobs
  • Fully-featured UI
  • Server setup and deployment


I'm usually a rails dev, so making this happen will be tricky for me. It will be new. I'm always happy to get assistance where I can, but I may get cranky based on whatever technical problem I'm trying to solve.


This setup assumes that you understand at least a little about NodeJS, and have NPM and PostGRES 9.4 or later installed.

To get where I currently am with this, do the following from a terminal in Linux or OS X:

  1. git clone
  2. cd ttc-clustering && npm i
  3. yarn add -g sequelize-cli
  4. sequelize db:migrate
  5. Finally you're set up: npm start

Once here, you're going to be at the same stage where I am at the tip of the master branch.

Lessons Learned, so far


There is a lovely documement that explains the process available to run all the REST queries for the Toronto Transit Commission's Next Vehicle Arrival System (NVAS). This is what I got:

First request for a bus:

Subsequent requests for the same bus:

The difference between the two is that subsequent requests want you to place in the last time a request was made.

API Reply:

The following is an excerpt of the reply, around a single vehicle.

{ id: '1226',
  lon: '-79.467018',
  routeTag: '60',
  predictable: 'true',
  dirTag: '60_1_60B',
  heading: '256',
  lat: '43.787998',
  secsSinceReport: '9' }

Sample Queries and Schema

The following are queries that are parameterized in this app.

Create Table Command

CREATE TABLE cluster_points(
  id SERIAL,
  route TEXT,
  direction_tag TEXT,
  heading INT,
  is_clustered BOOLEAN,
  location geography(POINT, 4326)

Insert Into Table Command

INSERT INTO cluster_points(route, direction_tag, heading, time, is_clustered, location)
VALUES('60', 'up', 0, current_timestamp, false, ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-79.526535 43.774467)', 4326));


SELECT (id, route, direction_tag, heading, time,is_clustered, ST_AsGeoJSON(location)) FROM cluster_points;


SELECT (id, route, direction_tag, heading, time, is_clustered, ST_AsGeoJSON(location)) FROM cluster_points
WHERE route='60'
AND extract(month from time) = '4'
AND extract(day from time) = '15'

UPDATE into record by ID

UPDATE cluster_points
SET is_clustered = true
WHERE id=2;

Select One

SELECT (id, route, direction_tag, heading, time,is_clustered, ST_AsGeoJSON(location)) FROM cluster_points
  WHERE id=2;

Select within 1000 meters

SELECT (id, route, direction_tag, heading, time,is_clustered, ST_AsGeoJSON(location)) FROM cluster_points
  WHERE ST_DWithin(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-79.526535 43.774467)'), location, 1000);

Select within 1000m as JSON (not working)

SELECT row_to_json(id, route, direction_tag, heading, time,is_clustered, ST_AsGeoJSON(location)) FROM cluster_points
  WHERE ST_DWithin(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-79.526535 43.774467)'), location, 1000);


Table: ttc_cluster_points

Column Name Data Type Notes
id int *
location geography Point, EPSG 4326
route string
direction_tag string
heading integer
time time
is_clustered boolean


Something I'm noticing, at least with route 60 is that there is little correlation between the route tag parameters from an API call and their associated heading - something I hoped would be clearer.

bus tag heading
D 74
C 73
D 272
C 274

On further inspection, it appears that the bus tag has three position. For 60_1_60C, if you split it by underscore foo.split('_') => [60,1,60c]


An Express app which seeks to illustrate snags in the TTC during heavy traffic






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