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Any-DB is intended to serve as suitable abstraction layer over any SQL database driver. It does this by adapting individual driver implementations to a single uniform interface. Given that different drivers have differing abilities, any-db necessarily supports a lowest-common-denominator API. That said, this API should still full-featured enough to get useful work done, or build more powerful abstractions on top of in the future.

The long-term goal of this project is to serve as a testing ground for finding a suitable bare-minimum interface, then (hopefully) convincing driver implementors to support it natively. In short, any-db hopes to prove it's usefulness well enough that the adapter portions can be obviated by the drivers themselves.

Exported API

  • exports.createConnection(dbUrl, callback) create a new ConnectionAdapter and return it immediately. If given, callback(err, adapter) will be called after the connection is established (or an error occurs).

  • exports.createPool(dbUrl, poolOpts) create a new ConnectionPool and return it immediately. (See ConnectionPool below for a description of poolOpts).


The components of AnyDB can be divided into two categories: those that are driver-specific, and those that aren't.


Each driver requires a connection adapter to create and wrap database connections in an object that provides a minimal interface (defined below).


The other components of Any-DB either don't talk to the database, or only use the adapter interfaces:

  • Query adapters wrap query parameters and are used by connection adapters to emit events when the query is executed.
  • Connection pools manage a set of connection adapters and provide query execution without having to manually acquire and release connections.
  • Transaction objects act like a connection, but guarantee that all queries are performed within a single database transaction.
  • Result sets are objects containing an array of rows (plain java script objects) and a row count.

All of these objects (except result sets) are event emitters.

Connection Adapters

Responsibility: Create and wrap driver-specific connection objects in an object that implements (at minimum) the following interface.


Constructor Methods

  • Adapter.create(parsedURL, callback) - This factory method must create and connect a new connection using the underlying driver. After a connection has been established callback must be called (in standard node style) with any errors or an adapter instance wrapping the connection.

Instance Methods

  • query(statement, [params], [callback]) - Execute statement (with params if they are given) and return a QueryAdapter for the in-progress query. If callback is given it will be called with any errors or the query ResultSet.
  • reset(callback) optional - Set the connection back to a pristine state for the next user e.g. by rolling back any open transactions. (Also see poolOpts.reset for in the ConnectionPool section).
  • close() - Close the underlying connection and put this adapter in an unusable state. Calls to query made after close() has been called should construct a new Error instance and asynchronously either emit an error event or call callback(error) if a callback is given.


  • 'error', err - Emitted when query is called on a closed adapter, or there is an error in the underlying connection. In the latter case err.orig must be the driver-specific error emitted by the underlying connection.
  • 'close' - Emitted when the underlying driver connection has been closed.

Query Adapters

Responsibility: Act as a container for delayed execution of a query, and provide an interface for application code to interact with the query during execution.


Instance Methods

  • buffer([boolean]) - Get or set the boolean value that determines whether rows returned by this query should be buffered in the result set for the 'end' event. If an argument is given, returns the QueryAdapter for method chaining. If no argument is given, returns the current 'buffer' value.
  • cancel() PLANNED - Cancel the underlying query if the driver supports it. A 'cancel' event will be emitted, and no events other than 'error' may be emitted after a call to cancel(), even if the driver does not actually support cancelling queries.


  • 'row', row - Emitted for each row of the result set. row must be a plain javascript object whose keys are the column names of the result. This event must be emitted regardless of whether buffering is enabled.

  • 'end', result - Emitted when all rows have been retrieved from the driver. result must be a ResultSet object (detailed below).

  • 'cancel' - Emitted when cancel() is called, indicates that there will be no more 'row' or 'end' events emitted by this QueryAdapter object.

  • 'error', err - Only emitted when no callback is given. Can be emitted for both query errors (such as SQL syntax errors) and, in the case of executing a query against a connection pool, errors acquiring a connection.


Responsibility: Present results from a driver-specific query with a consistent interface. ResultSet is a plain object with the following properties:

  • rowCount - The driver reported number of rows returned/inserted/updated.
  • rows - An array of rows (plain objects) returned by the query. May be empty even when rows were returned if query.buffer(false) was called.


Responsibility: Transparently manage multiple connections using the same connection URL. Provides "anonymous" query execution for queries that do not need to share a session with other queries.


Singleton Methods

  • ConnectionPool.create(url[, poolOpts]) - Create and return a new pool instance using url and poolOpts. url should be a string useable by parameters for ConnectionAdapter.create. The specific ConnectionAdapter to use will be determined by the url protocol.

    poolOpts can be an object with any of the following keys (defaults shown).

       name: "Unique Name",
       min: 2,
       max: 10,
       afterConnect: function (conn, done) {
         // Called immediately after a connection is first established.
         // Use this to do one time setup of new connections.
         done(null, conn);
       reset: function (conn, done) {
         // Called each time the connection is returned to the pool.
         // Make sure to either call the driver adapters reset method or
         // perform the same actions in your own handler if you over-ride
         // this.
       beforeDestroy: function (conn, destroy) {
         // Called immediately before a connection is closed. The destroy
     				// callback takes no arguments and will call `conn.end()`

Singleton Attributes

  • ConnectionPool.pools[url|name] - An object mapping urls or names to existing pools.

Instance Methods

  • query(statement[, params][, callback]) - The same as ConnectionAdapter.query, but the query is executed against the first available connection from the pool.
  • begin([callback]) - Return a new Transaction object. If callback is given it will be called after a connection has been established or with an error if one arises.
  • acquire(callback) - If you really need a connection to hang on to outside of any transaction, this will give it to you, but you are responsible for returning the connection manually!
  • release(conn) - Give back a previously acquired connection.
  • destroy(conn) - Give back a connection, telling the pool that it should no longer be used.


  • 'created', conn - Emitted when a new connection has been created.


Responsibility: Wrap a ConnectionAdapter and so that all queries take place within a single database transaction. Unhandled query errors will be emitted by the transaction object itself and cause an automatic rollback.



  • query(statement[, params][, callback]) - The same as ConnectionAdapter.query except queries are guaranteed to be performed within the transaction. If the transaction has been committed or rolled back calls to query will fail.
  • commit([callback]) - Issue a COMMIT statement to the database. If callback is given it will be called with any errors (or null) after the COMMIT statement executes. The transaction object will be unusable after calling commit().
  • rollback([callback]) - The same as commit() but rolling back the transaction. Again, the transaction will be unusable after calling this method.


  • 'committed' - Emitted after the transaction has successfully committed.
  • 'rolled back' - Emitted after the transaction has rolled back.
  • 'error', err - Emitted under three conditions:
    1. There was an error acquiring a connection.
    2. Any query performed in this transaction emits an error that would otherwise go unhandled.
    3. Any of query, commit, or rollback are called after the connection has already been committed or rolled back.