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Go Hexagonal Boilerplate


This project provides an API with access to a PostgreSQL. It has JWT integration in one of the endpoints.

Available routes:

method endpoint description headers
GET /health checks healthiness and readiness
POST /auth returns jwt token

Architecture Diagram


Project Structure

    |_ cmd
    |_ pkg
        |_ application
            |_ containers
            |_ controllers
            |_ dtos
        |_ domain
            |_ interfaces
            |_ schemas
            |_ services
        |_ infrastructure
            |_ adapters
            |_ config
            |_ http
            |_ repositories
            |_ services       
        |_ presentation
            |_ routers

Getting started

  1. You need to have go, Docker, docker-compose, minikube, helm, helm secrets and skaffold installed
  2. Clone the repository by running git clone into your terminal
  3. Create a .env file with the following content:
Name Description Example
HTTP_PORT HTTP Port allocated for service 3000
JWT_SECRET Secret Key injected inside the JWT Token foobar
DATABASE_HOST PostgreSQL database host location localhost
DATABASE_PORT PostgreSQL database port number 5432
DATABASE_USER PostgreSQL database username foo
DATABASE_PASS PostgreSQL database password bar
DATABASE_NAME PostgreSQL database name anycoloryoulike
  1. Run docker-compose up in your terminal

How to deploy on Kubernetes locally

  1. First we need to worry about creating the secrets, which will be used as environment variables encrypted. To achieve this we need to have a GPG key created in our system. Once its created obtain it with the following command gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG

  2. Replace the current GPG key in k8s/.sops.yaml file with the one in your clipboard

  3. Modify the k8s/secrets.yaml file with the following environment variables:

    HTTP_PORT: "8080"
    DATABASE_HOST: app-postgresql
    DATABASE_PORT: "5432"
    DATABASE_USER: postgres
    DATABASE_PASS: "123123"
    DATABASE_NAME: testdb
    postgresql-password: "123123"
  1. Run the following command: make encrypt-secrets

  2. Run minikube start to start the Kubernetes service on Docker

  3. Run make skaffold-debug in your terminal.

  4. Enjoy!


I want to thank for the support in this project to my GlobalLogic Team, @barbaraimperatori and @MaxiSanchez600 You are really awesome! :-D