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Initial import of MiniCache.php
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brianhaveri committed Feb 10, 2010
1 parent 35a6547 commit 6e2da81
Showing 1 changed file with 347 additions and 0 deletions.
347 changes: 347 additions & 0 deletions MiniCache.php
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@

* ------------------------------------------------------
* MiniCache
* A small, lightweight cache system for PHP5 or newer
* @author Brian Haveri
* @link
* @license MIT License
* ------------------------------------------------------
class MiniCache {

* ------------------------------------------------------
* Configuration variables
* You can change these (optional)
* ------------------------------------------------------
private $_defaultDuration = 3600; // Seconds
private $_path = '/cache/'; // Path MUST exist, be writeable, and include trailing slash
private $_fext = '.cache'; // Cache file extension including dot

* ------------------------------------------------------
* Array keys used throughout class
* You probably won't change these (but still optional)
* ------------------------------------------------------
const CACHEDATA = 'data';
const CACHEINFO = 'info';
const CACHEDURATION = 'duration';
const CACHEAGE = 'age';

* ------------------------------------------------------
* Do not change these
* ------------------------------------------------------
private static $_instance; // Singleton instance
private $_loaded = array(); // Intermediate storage of loaded cache items

* ------------------------------------------------------
* Returns a singleton
* This is the instantiation method
* @return object
* ------------------------------------------------------
static function getInstance() {
if( ! isset(self::$_instance)) {
$c = __CLASS__;
self::$_instance = new $c;
return self::$_instance;

* ------------------------------------------------------
* Nothing actually happens in the constructor, but we
* need to declare it with private visibility to
* force instantiation through getInstance().
* If you try to instantiate through the constructor,
* you will receive a PHP error.
* ------------------------------------------------------
private function __construct() {}

* ------------------------------------------------------
* Returns data for a cache item.
* Return datatype will match datatype saved using set()
* Returns FALSE if an error occurred
* @param string $id
* @return mixed|bool
* ------------------------------------------------------
function get($id) {
$data = $this->_get($id);
if(is_array($data) && array_key_exists(self::CACHEDATA, $data)) {
return $data[self::CACHEDATA];
return FALSE;

* ------------------------------------------------------
* Returns metadata for a cache item
* Returns FALSE if an error occurred
* @param string $id
* @return array|bool
* ------------------------------------------------------
function getInfo($id) {
$data = $this->_get($id);
if(is_array($data) && array_key_exists(self::CACHEINFO, $data)) {

// Age isn't directly stored in the cache file, so calculate it
$data[self::CACHEINFO][self::CACHEAGE] = $this->_getAge($id);
return $data[self::CACHEINFO];
return FALSE;

* ------------------------------------------------------
* Saves a cache item to disk
* The data provided may be of any datatype including
* object, array, string, etc.
* The saved data and corresponding metadata is
* saved to disk as a serialized PHP multidimensional array.
* @param string $id
* @param mixed $data
* @param integer $duration
* @return bool
* ------------------------------------------------------
function set($id, $data, $duration = NULL) {
$info = array(self::CACHEDURATION=>$this->_defaultDuration);
if(is_int($duration)) {
$info[self::CACHEDURATION] = $duration;

$file = array(self::CACHEDATA=>$data,
return file_put_contents($this->_fpath($id), serialize($file));

* ------------------------------------------------------
* Deletes a cache item
* @param string $id
* @return bool
* ------------------------------------------------------
function delete($id) {

// Delete from instance vars
$id = $this->_sanitizeID($id);
if(is_array($this->_loaded) && array_key_exists($id, $this->_loaded)) {

// Delete from disk
$fpath = $this->_fpath($id);
if(file_exists($fpath)) {
return unlink($fpath);

return FALSE;

* ------------------------------------------------------
* Deletes all cache items
* Returns number of items deleted
* @return integer
* ------------------------------------------------------
function deleteAll() {
$numDeleted = 0;
$files = $this->listAll();
if(is_array($files)) {
foreach($files as $id) {
$numDeleted += (int) $this->delete($id);
return $numDeleted;

* ------------------------------------------------------
* Deletes only expired cache items
* Returns number of items deleted
* @return integer
* ------------------------------------------------------
function deleteExpired() {
$numDeleted = 0;
$files = $this->listAll();
if(is_array($files)) {
foreach($files as $id) {
$info = $this->getInfo($id);
if(is_array($info)) {
if($this->_isExpired($info[self::CACHEAGE], $info[self::CACHEDURATION])) {
$this->numDeleted += (int) $this->delete($id);
return $numDeleted;

* ------------------------------------------------------
* Returns IDs for all cache items
* Returns FALSE if an error occurred
* @return array|bool
* ------------------------------------------------------
function listAll() {
$files = scandir($this->_path);
if($files && count($files) > 0) {
foreach($files as $k=>$fname) {

// Remove '.', '..', and any other subdirectories of _path
$fpath = $this->_path.$fname;
if(is_dir($fpath)) {

// We want the return array to contain IDs, not filenames
// So replace filename with ID
$files[$k] = $this->_extractID($fname);

// Sorting resets the array keys, which otherwise would be
// offset by the previously existing subdirectories ('.', '..', etc.)

return $files;
return FALSE;

* ------------------------------------------------------
* Returns all data (regular and metadata) for a cache item
* Returns FALSE if an error occurred
* @param string $id
* @return array
* ------------------------------------------------------
private function _get($id) {

// _get() is called by multiple methods
// so we intermediately store and read the data using _loaded
// to minimize disk reads

// Use data in _loaded if possible
$id = $this->_sanitizeID($id);
if(is_array($this->_loaded) && array_key_exists($id, $this->_loaded)) {
return $this->_loaded[$id];

// Data wasn't in _loaded, so let's read from disk
$fpath = $this->_fpath($id);
if(file_exists($fpath)) {
$data = unserialize(file_get_contents($fpath));
if(is_array($data)) {
$this->_loaded[$id] = $data;
return $this->_loaded[$id];
return FALSE;

* ------------------------------------------------------
* Returns a full path for a cache item
* @param string $id
* @return string
* ------------------------------------------------------
private function _fpath($id) {
return join('', array($this->_path,

* ------------------------------------------------------
* Has the cache file expired?
* @param integer $age
* @param integer $duration
* @return bool
* ------------------------------------------------------
private function _isExpired($age, $duration) {
return $age > $duration;

* ------------------------------------------------------
* Sanitizes an ID string
* @param string $id
* @return string
* ------------------------------------------------------
private function _sanitizeID($id) {
$replaceChars = array('/', '\\', ' ', '.');
return str_replace($replaceChars, '-', strtolower($id));

* ------------------------------------------------------
* Extracts an ID from the cache filename
* Ex: _extractID('my-saved-file.cache') => 'my-saved-file'
* @param string $fname
* @return string
* ------------------------------------------------------
private function _extractID($fname) {
return preg_replace("/$this->_fext$/", '', $fname);

* ------------------------------------------------------
* Returns age of cache file (seconds)
* Returns FALSE if an error occurred
* @param string $id
* @return integer|bool
* ------------------------------------------------------
private function _getAge($id) {
$fpath = $this->_fpath($id);
if(file_exists($fpath)) {
return time() - filemtime($fpath);
return FALSE;


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