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This repository contains Reusable GitHub Actions Workflows that can be called by other GitHub Actions Workflows to reduce duplication, effort, and risk.

These reusable actions are primarily designed to be used in another repository's Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) where the image is the deployable artifact.

These reusable actions support multi-platform images.

See GitHub's Documentation on Reusable Actions and the gist The Basics of GitHub Actions Reusable Workflows.

Intent of the Workflows

These workflows were designed to be simple cohesive building blocks called within the using repository's own customized workflows where the high-level logic is.

Using These Reusable Workflows

⚠️ the .github/workflows/on_*_checks.yml workflows are not reusable.

You can directly use the reusable workflows in this public repository per The GitHub Actions Access to Reusable Workflows Documentation

Examples of using and calling the reusable workflows in this repository can be found in the Checks for this repository. See...

Intended CI/CD Flow

These workflows were developed specifically for a CI/CD flow where a commit image is considered the release candidate image. If the image passes all automated CI checks and tests, then it is promoted as a release candidate.

Deployment of the release candidate image to production is considered a separate event allowing for canary or blue-green deploys. If the candidate image deployment is successful, then a webhook from that deployment system triggers the merge in the code repository which does the official image promotion to the production image and could also trigger the (re)deployment of this production-named image to production.

The image names in this intended CI are tagged with the commit and can be based upon the PR branch. While this branch and commit information is easily available in GitHub PR Actions, it is not so available in the Push (i.e. merge) Actions.

👀 To ensure that the branch-based image names are valid and meet Docker's image name restrictions, use the image_names.yml reusable workflow. If the image names are not valid, the images will not build and the CI/CD will fail.

With this intended CI/CD, there are two basic GitHub Actions workflows...

  • On Pull Request...

    1. Build and push unvetted potential release candidate image from commit using:
    2. Pull and perform vetting (e.g. linting, security scans, unit tests, end-to-end tests etc) on pushed unvetted potential release candidate image
    3. If all vetting checks passed, promote the unvetted potential release candidate image to an actual release candidate image using:
  • On Push to main (merge)...

    1. Get the merged branch and the last commit of it to determine the release candidate image name using:
    2. Promote the release candidate image to production using:
    3. Optionally tag the just promoted production image as latest using:

For more on image-based CI/CD, see the gist An Image-Based Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment Model.


When modifying/developing workflows in this repository, changes should be on a branch in this repository and tested (especially merge/on push related workflows) using another test bed repository to call these workflows.


Reusable GitHub Actions Workflows for Image-Based CI/CD





