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Stuff in French

François Briatte edited this page Jun 29, 2023 · 8 revisions

This course was not designed with a Francophone audience in mind, but there is a vibrant community of French-speaking useRs, and some packages, such as FactoMineR or some cartography packages, have excellent French documentation.

Below is a short list of the most useful resources that I have stumbled upon in that language. Much more are available if needed: for an overview, go to the Rzine website, and filter by language.


The first part of the book covers Weeks 1-8 of the course quite well.

Online tutorials

I recommend going through all of the above, in the listed order.

"Le projet utilitR vise à produire une documentation collaborative et open source sur R, destinée en premier lieu aux agents de l’Insee."


I haven't had time to watch those, but I'm sure that they can help, at least with essential manipulations.


The Going with Python page also has a few links to Python courses in French.