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Releases: bridge-core/editor

v2.3.0 - "Elytra"

18 Aug 11:35
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bridge. v2.3.0 - "Elytra" marks another milestone release for our team. For this update, we focused on making nearly every aspect of bridge. significantly faster and more reliable. Together with v2.3.0, we also ship new documentation for our webpage with updated guides and articles on using bridge.

Thanks to everyone who helped make this release possible!

You can try out bridge. v2.3.0 here.


Instant Data Loading

Data updates are now applied instantly. Downloading a data update now only takes marginally longer than our normal data loading procedure.

Instant Development Environments

We spent weeks of work making bridge. start a lot faster. This work includes delaying permission prompts until they are necessary and heavy optimizations on every aspect of the work we do before bridge. can be used.

New Setup Experience

bridge. no longer requires setup before using it. We have therefore removed the old "initial setup dialog" and now instead display recommended actions within the pack explorer.

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New Welcome Screen

We have simplified the welcome screen to only include the command bar and bridge.'s logo.

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Command Bar

The new command bar can be found on bridge.'s new welcome screen and it also replaces the old file picker which opened when pressing "Ctrl + P". You can use the command bar to open any file within your project or to trigger quick actions such as creating a new file.

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New Directory Viewer (#477)

For bridge. v2.3.0, we built a new directory viewer which now powers the default pack explorer and which can be easily reused across our user interfaces.

  • Displaying directories is now notably faster
  • Copy & Paste is now supported (with keybindings)
  • Support for keyboard navigation with tab
  • Support for inline renaming
  • Improved file/folder duplication
  • Added option to download any file or folder
  • Support for creating global files and folders (#321)
  • Support for dragging files and folders into the pack explorer (b2898ab)
  • "Open With ..." to choose the way you want to open a file (1868507)

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View Folder (08e189a)

You can now use bridge. to open arbitrary folders and edit the files within them. Any folder opened with bridge. will appear within a new sidebar tab and makes use of our new directory viewer.

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Open Project Folder (d317f73)

You can now use the new "Open Project Folder" action to open the whole project folder within the "View Folder" sidebar.

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File Sharing (7bc6631)

bridge. now supports sharing files with other users.

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Tab Loading (1d26797, 1d26797)

bridge. now has a new tab loading indicator that is used to display progress connected to a specific tab. Additionally, the new indicator is now used instead of the loading window upon saving files.

Updated GameTest Support

We now support the "mojang-net" and "mojang-minecraft-server-admin" modules within bridge. In order to use them, set your project as a behavior pack that is intended to be run on the server within the "Create Project" window or directly within the project config.

HTML Previewer (4579a95)

You can now use bridge. to preview HTML files.

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Improved TypeScript/JavaScript Experience (#481)

bridge. now loads all JavaScript and TypeScript files from your project to provide you within import auto-completions and rich type imports where applicable.

"com.mojang" Projects (a5ae29d)

bridge. v2.3.0 can once again load projects directly from your "com.mojang" folder.

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Toggleable Experimental Gameplay (#404)

It is now possible to toggle experimental gameplay features within bridge.'s project chooser. Thanks to @pascal541 for working on this feature!

New Execute Support (#450)

bridge. now supports auto-completions for the new "/execute" command syntax.

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Updated Data

We have updated our JSON schemas to support the latest Minecraft Preview and stable Minecraft release.

Particle Improvements (39cd02a)

  • Support for dynamic particle event auto-completions
  • Better auto-completions for timeline events
  • Support for versioning particle files
  • Support for "bezier_chain" particle curve

Rich Deprecation Information (0fe55c9)

bridge. now shows rich deprecation information for renamed and removed components.

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Generator Scripts (#132)

You can now use JavaScript and TypeScript files to generate any file within your project. You can learn more about them here.


Extensions become even more powerful on bridge. v2.3.0 - "Elytra":

  • Added new "Import Folder" API (3e63d47)
  • Exposed SidebarAction and SelectableSidebarAction classes
  • Exposed DirectoryViewer component
  • It is now possible to link to extensions inside of bridge.'s extension store (595270c)
  • Extensions can once again link to a README file (c78e3d8)
  • API to import a file with bridge.'s default import handlers (7777113)
  • New API for persistently storing data (6a9b5df)
  • API to add new actions to the command bar (04710fb)
  • API to open files (5f6300a)
  • Extensions not matching specified app versions no longer execute
  • The extension store now always shows the data of the most recent extension version (in case of a local <> online mismatch; 2e1e70e)
  • Exposed "fflate" to extensions (f7e6baa)
  • "onFileChanged" API (e340846)
  • API to add new "Open With ..." handlers to directory viewer (e879579)


  • Tweaks to how bridge. displays preset requirements for disabled presets
  • Better developer actions
  • Dramatically improved app start-up times
  • Started work on further minifying JSON schemas (f45fd9d)
  • GameTest scripts are now created within the "scripts/" folder by default (previously was "scripts/gametest/"; 054f8ed)
  • New menu design (6acafac)
  • New design for tabs and the sidebar (300195c)
  • Themes now load faster
  • We have reduced the initial JavaScript payload of our website from ~2200KiB down to ~500KiB. We aim to further reduce this number with future updates.
  • Optimized project pack & icon loading (cf30f68, e7bee96)
  • Watch Mode is now disabled by default on mobile (#480)
  • There is now a toolbar item for opening a folder (#380)
  • Better handling of virtual files (92e861b)
  • Removed "theWildUpdate" experimental gameplay toggle (da9042d)
  • Made search inputs lazy by default (4ee39fe)
  • Improved recipe file detection
  • Support for submenus within context menus
  • bridge. now creates a "deno.json" file upon creating your project. It is used to easily run the standalone version of our built-in compiler Dash.
  • Added a new "View" toolbar item (3b28a03)
  • Sidebar: Support for grouping elements (411ee4b)
  • Improved ZipDirectory performance (c90c835)
  • bridge. now correctly caches entity tags and scoreboard objectives from JSON files
  • Updated Japanese translations (#516; Thanks to @toka7290)
  • Updated Dutch translations (255ecfa; Thanks to @pascal541)
  • Improved performance of preset window (#515, 7938af0)
  • ".bbmodel" imports now support animations (#171; Thanks to @pascal541)
  • ...
Read more


21 Jun 11:09
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  • Tree Editor: Added support for "not" and "doNotSuggest" schema properties
  • Loading file definitions is now significantly faster
  • Loading JSON schemas is now significantly faster
  • Loading lightning cache files is now significantly faster
  • Improved file system migration process and prompt criteria
  • Bone name auto-completions within part_visibility (#468)


  • Updated game test types to latest 1.19.0 release
  • Cache event references from new 1.19.0 components
  • Initial Setup: Some browsers will now only show one permission prompt per selected folder (instead of previously two for read & write permissions)
  • Added "onProjectChanged(...)" extension API
  • Updated geode and ore feature schemas (Thanks to @KekeCreations; bridge-core/editor-packages#25)
  • Updated data to latest Minecraft Preview


  • Fixed component data not being cached from entity permutations
  • Fixed entity permutations using incorrect component auto-completions
  • Fixed tree editor not handling escaped characters correctly (#465)
  • Fixed sidebar icons within tasks not scrolling correctly
  • Fixed WelcomeScreen top margin for logo without alert


13 Jun 11:17
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  • Tree Editor: Auto-completions for the "Edit" input (#453)
  • Tree Editor: Now filters out already used property names from auto-completions correctly
  • MoLang: Support for omitting leading zeros
  • MoLang: Improved "MoLang.resolveStatic(...)"
  • MoLang: Optimized loops with 0 repetitions
  • Custom components: New "lootTable(...)", "tradeTable(...)", "spawnRule(...)" and "recipe(...)" generator functions
  • Added title and default fields for block components
  • Added a new toggle for "generated_with" metadata (#455)


  • Changed wording on deprecation messages within JSON schemas
  • Removed audio manager for now
  • Changed "Browser Unsupported" message (#429)
  • Updated schemas to latest Minecraft Preview
  • Swapped dimension and biome icons (#22; Thanks to @Chikorita-Lover)
  • Changed "copyFileHandle(...)" method to use "write(...)" method internally
  • Added missing molang auto-completions in item and block conditions
  • Added missing parameters to 1.19.0+ "minecraft:behavior.pickup_items"
  • File/folder name now shows before deleting (#461)
  • Updated monaco-editor to the latest version


  • Fixed "placement_filter" component schema
  • Removed invalid fields from "minecraft:breedable" schema
  • Fixed block and item event auto-completions not working when another event is invalid
  • Fixed "minecraft:ignore_automatic_features" biome component
  • Fixed block identifiers not showing within recipe auto-completions (bridge-core/editor-packages#23)
  • Fixed custom components not resetting correctly
  • Fixed error upon deleting file outside of bridge. (#458)
  • Fixed recipe preset not being opened with tree editor correctly (#442)
  • Fixed tree feature schema (bridge-core/editor-packages#24; Thanks to @KekeCreations)


28 May 14:33
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  • bridge. now supports the various different block collision components from Minecraft v1.16.100 to v1.19.10 and only renders collision box previews for components that match the specified format version


  • Fixed contrast of new alert UI in light mode
  • Fixed file type guessing not working correctly
  • Fixed file error caused by schema scripts and virtual compiler files
  • Fixed lightning cache failing to process empty JSON files
  • Fixed block component previews
  • Fixed edit path input not focusing automatically
  • Fixed validation error within FilePathWindow
  • Fixed file imports being broken


27 May 14:54
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  • Updated data to latest Minecraft Preview
  • Dynamic auto-completions for sound events across entities
  • Support for remote alerts on bridge.'s welcome screen


  • Default project target version is now the latest stable Minecraft release instead of the latest Minecraft Preview version
  • Updated app launch handler
  • Updated biome tags (Thanks to @Chikorita-Lover)


  • Fixed error upon compiling custom command
  • Fixed MoLang locations of client animations
  • Fixed generation of invalid "base_game_version" within manifests


03 May 20:51
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  • Updated data to latest Minecraft preview
  • Local extension installations now properly overwrite global installations (#434)



  • Fixed error upon opening project chooser
  • Fixed particle texture path go to definition
  • Fixed some format versions breaking items
  • Fixed bridge. no longer properly working on Opera (#426)
  • Fixed presets not properly reloading upon switching projects (#432)


25 Apr 18:48
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Asset Preview (#130)

We have updated bridge.'s asset preview to add new features, such as hiding individual bones, choosing a texture before export and adding a watermark to your preview. All of these options can be configured in the new "Asset Preview" window.

asset preview window

  • Added support for "else" schema field in the tree editor (#408)
  • Support for .mcpack file imports (#123)
  • Added a new built-in compiler plugin "formatVersionCorrection" which maps format versions into ones that work inside of Minecraft, e.g. "1.18.30" is unsupported in blocks and will be mapped to "1.18.0" in the compiler output (#386)


  • Added new molang locations for 1.19.0 entity components
  • Added more syntax highlighting to JSON files which were missing it before
  • A link to bridge.'s Twitter account can now be found under the "Help" toolbar menu
  • Included 1.19.0 Molang queries in embedded Molang schema
  • Better file detection when importing animation files to differentiate between client and server animations (#83)
  • Bumped various dependencies


  • Fogs are now created in the RP rather than the BP
  • Fixed import file saving without a file extension (#420)
  • Fixed validation error in fog schema
  • Fixed zip imports (#412)
  • Browsers such as Brave and Opera will now use the FS API polyfill as they do not support the FileSystem API (#371, #343)


23 Apr 12:29
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  • Added types for "mojang-minecraft-ui" module
  • Simplified the file import process by unifying folder selection and file renaming window (#406)


  • Updated Chinese translations (Thanks to @MiemieMethod)
  • Improved "config.json" schema
  • bridge. now falls back to oldest schema if no "format_version" is set
  • Added file icon for "tick.json" file
  • Updated GameTest types
  • Updated data to latest 1.19 Minecraft Preview
  • Improved entity schema
  • Blocks: Added descriptions for "material_instances" > "render_method" values
  • Removed support for the old scripting API (#322)
  • Bumped various dependencies (Three, Wintersky, MoLang, bridge-model-viewer, mc-project-core)


  • Fixed validation error in geometry schema when "minecraft:geometry" is an array
  • Fixed scatter feature validation error
  • Removed reference to old GameTest module
  • Fixed incorrect validation in render controller schemas
  • Fixed boolean values converting to integer in tree editor edit input (#410)
  • Fixed file moving not updating in file system (#405)
  • "~" is no longer allowed within project names
  • Fixed certain characters within project name breaking text editor auto-completions (#411)
  • Fixed rename file action on windows (#413)
  • Tree Editor: Infer value type from available suggestions if possible (#385)


01 Apr 16:03
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  • Added a new toggle to show all presets
  • Drastically improved performance of custom component schema generation
  • Updated data to latest Minecraft beta
  • Added a new setting to control whether bridge. should automatically increment your add-on's version upon export
  • Added "numeric" preset field validation option (#387)


  • Files now get deleted faster
  • Big improvements to the client animation schema
  • Updated Japanese and Dutch translations (Thanks to @toka7290 & @pascal541)
  • bridge. now only stores the most recent app version within the manifest's "generated_with" field
  • Added "set_block_at_pos" block event auto-completions (#391)
  • Allow file name to be changed on import (#392)
  • Improved priority auto-completions within entity behaviors
  • Tree Editor: partial support for "default" schema property
  • Presets: "expandFile" now replaces preset variables before merging
  • Improved "minecraft:buoyant" validation
  • Improved public variable declaration validation inside of client entities
  • MoLang: Support more queries by default (query.in_range, query.any, query.all, query.count and query.self; #399)
  • MoLang: Support "" for strings within .molang files
  • MoLang Functions: Support for scoped structs
  • MoLang: Throw error if function expression isn't followed by semicolon


  • Fixed bridge. Predictions: Correct type inference for unknown values (#344)
  • Dash: Fixed "compileFiles" API being able to write files
  • Fixed "fileSave.any" event not firing correctly
  • CompilerService: Fixed error upon starting bridge.
  • Fixed ghast preset error
  • Fixed negative notification batch (#384)
  • Fixed block previews (#382)
  • Fixed particle previews
  • Fixed armor preset
  • Fixed description of "mojang-minecraft-ui" module inside of manifests
  • Fixed GameTest preset referencing TypeScript files
  • "max_stack_size" component now proposes integers
  • Fixed functions with uppercase letters not working
  • Fixed MoLang's context switch operator not supporting callable queries


04 Mar 12:36
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New Compiler Window (#182, #350)

We have added a new compiler window that supports configuring bridge.'s watch mode, seeing the latest logs from bridge.'s compiler and choosing a build profile. We are also working on integrating support for multiple output directories to this window to properly support the new Minecraft Preview program but this work isn't quite ready just yet.

Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-04 um 13 35 17

Better Texture Auto-Completions (#363)

bridge. now proposes all images it can find within your resource pack wherever an image path is valid. Previously, the proposed values where restricted to subfolders, e.g. "textures/blocks/" for blocks or "textures/items/" for items.


  • Added "pickup_only" property to "minecraft:sahreables"
  • Updated item groups (Thanks to @Chikorita-Lover)
  • Updated data to v1.18.20.27
  • Support for min/max values within targetVersion matcher
  • Improved display of app title
  • ProjectChooser input now automatically receives focus
  • Allow more characters within project name (#284, #273)
  • Extensions can now define a min/max version of bridge. required to run the extension (#241)
  • Renamed "Restart Dev Server" to "Restart Watch Mode"


  • Fixed error upon invalid pack path within config
  • "specific_enchants" loot table function now also supports a single integer value
  • Fixed error upon creating asset preview
  • Fixed addition of a file not triggering compilation (#347)
  • Properly select filter matches without sidebar category
  • Fixed ref error within attachable schema