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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 1, 2021. It is now read-only.


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May 2021 Update:

I've decided to suspend work on a Rails-specific integration for Bridgetown until further notice. Bridgetown does currently have an outstanding PR for switching to Puma/Rack/Roda for essential routes, and you absolutely can mount a Rails API right onto that however you wish. But in light of recent events, I will not personally be working on a Rails integration solution.

bridgetown-plugin-nano (WIP)

One-step commands to install and configure a Rails-based Nano API backend for Bridgetown


Run this command to add this plugin to your site's Gemfile:

$ bundle add bridgetown-plugin-nano -g bridgetown_plugins


$ bundle exec bridgetown nano new

To deploy to production you'll need a SECRET_KEY_BASE env var. You can generate one with this command:

$ bundle exec bridgetown nano exec secret


  • Run bundle exec rake to run the test suite
  • Or run script/cibuild to validate with Rubocop and test together.


  1. Fork it (
  2. Clone the fork using git clone to your local development machine.
  3. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request


One-step commands to install and configure a Rails-based Nano API backend for Bridgetown






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